Occasionally play 'ARMA', generally the mods, i like tactical play and the simulation ( not actually classed as a game) is relatively life like with huge maps and a lot of tactical play, i sometimes play as a team but prefer to go as a lone wolf and keep an eye out for team members from afar.
Also have to admit i sometimes play Team fortress... When my mind and anxiety is on a higher level i cant watch fims or TV, i need something that i can lose myself in.
At the moment im only using a laptop, so cant really play a whole heap of games ( even arma gets frustrating as i often only get 10fps, hence why i tend to Use the sniper character from afar, i start getting major screen lag in close combat, but am happy to observer from a distance, Often have long shot of well over 1.5km which irks people because they often have a very hard time finding me, even in game people are rather predictable, so will often set up traps and ambushes to draw them in and the disappear 
I never played starcraft but used to love Red Alert, is it similar?