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26 Oct 2016, 7:32 pm

So after going back and forth on the game lately, I've come to the ultimate, and hopefully final conclusion, that I do not enjoy the game anymore.

Random groups are more annoying than useful. Guild groups are hard to come by (everyone has different times they can do things). A lot of it is grindy and elitist now (only one optimal path for many activities).

Worse still, it's very shameful how much I've spent on the game since I first bought it until this very moment. Funds better spend towards higher goals like another long holiday and/or maybe moving out of the parents' house.

Cinematics are still interesting, and there is YouTube for that. I just feel very disappointed with myself that I let my obsession with the game get this far.


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26 Oct 2016, 11:51 pm

I'm tellin' ya, it's a form of addiction. These specific types of games will do that to you, and WoW is the biggest offender. You'll only get away from this cycle of disappointment and irritation if you force yourself to do something else for awhile and not touch this one. But you have to stick to it.

Look around for a few other games. When you feel the urge to play WoW, fire up one of those instead. The problems you have with WoW are never going to change or get better, so breaking away from it is a good move.


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28 Oct 2016, 5:27 am

The problems come and go, possibly depending on how I'm feeling at the time (in general I mean, nothing to do with games).

One of them is the high potential for irritation from players in random groups. Those who pull too many enemies, those who stand in danger zones, and especially those who disobey proven strategies for boss fights. Sometimes I can bear it, but other times it is rage-inducing.


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31 Oct 2016, 12:17 am

Update: Even though I've been playing in recent days, I've found little to no "connection" with the game now. I've tried a few classes via class trials, and yet none of them got my attention like they may have previously. Not even the new Demon Hunter is grabbing my interest like in times past.

Perhaps it's finally happening! :D


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15 Nov 2016, 2:07 am

Getting the bug again. So far ignoring it.

One problem in the past, among the others, was being overly-dependent on a "rotation bot". Those ones auto-manage your rotation depending on your configuration of it; in other words it reduces what you have to monitor. However Blizzard deeply hates those bots as much as the resource-farming ones. So another WoW license I had got banned as a result. I didn't worry about this because of my aforementioned waning interest.

Another was that I "saw myself" in many classes/specs. Communion with elements (Shaman), a righteous hero (Paladin), an anti-hero badass (Demon Hunter), a carer of animals (Hunter). And more. If I was asked right now what I'd choose, I'd pick the Shaman; elemental powers and it was my first choice when I first heard of the game.


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15 Nov 2016, 11:47 pm

I'll be honest, didnt understand a bit of that one.

If it was Everquest or something I'd know what you were talking about, but WoW bored me to death (too simplistic, too much of "the REAL fun begins at level 60! :D :D :D" when I'd rather have the REAL fun begin at level 1...), so I played it for a very short time and never touched it again. Just... bleh. Always wish it had never released. Pretty much single-handedly murdered my interest in the genre.


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17 Nov 2016, 7:18 am

I meant that I like a lot of the classes, but sadly can't play them all at once, if that makes more sense. Blasting bad guys with all kinds of magic while tanking them and having a small army of minions help me out. Hey, we can all dream.

Still getting an urge to play WoW. So far I've not given in. Whenever I get close to wanting to play, memories of why I don't play come back. So the "cool factor" (I used quotes on purpose) gets pushed back after remembering the grindiness, the RNG, and the unfortunately-high probability of other players being incompetent.

You're right though; the fun should be immediate and not gated behind tons of leveling. Sure have a small learning tutorial at first, but then let the fun begin right after it (also have an option to skip said tutorial). You're given appropriate gear and pretty much sent on your way; call it non-linear if you like. Thoughts?


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17 Nov 2016, 9:32 am

My thoughts are that if a game is designed right, it doesnt need to skip anything (other than the tutorial) to get going and still be fun. As in, no need to skip to high-end equipment.

Best example of this was City of Heroes, which was my favorite MMO (now shut down). The devs entire design philosophy was that idea of "fun right from level 1, wether solo or grouping", and they made sure this was the case. None of this "only the endgame is fun" business. In fact, the game had hardly any raiding whatsoever. The devs decided that rather than go the raiding route (meaning that tons and TONS of dev time has to be focused on JUST that) they just gave everything equal attention. The game simply had no boring points, and the combat system itself was fun... your abilities worked nothing like they do in a "traditional" MMO like WoW, and if you simply tried to do the same chains over and over, you'd be really dead really fast. Had to actually think. And that's against NORMAL foes (and a typical encounter, for solo players, was around 6-7 enemies at once, each having different traits)... it got even more complicated when dealing with bosses (of which there were a great many at all levels, you'd always fight one at the end of a mission, and this included solo missions). Basically, they made sure that the absolute core of the gameplay was just constantly entertaining... so that it didnt matter what level you were or how far you'd gone, it was still fun.

With WoW though, it's just a dull (and easy) slog until you hit the "real" stuff, which has always just seemed stupid to me. What's the point of bothering? So much time lost. So I've never seen the point of choosing WoW over games that do it in the "fun all the time" way. It's like choosing moldy bread over a candy bar or something. Just doesnt make sense to me.


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18 Nov 2016, 2:20 am

What's also sad, in a way, is that I found an app to do my rotation for me, and I got so used to it that I couldn't play properly without it. But Blizzard is really clamping down on those now, so there is really no point in playing the game anymore.


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21 Nov 2016, 2:25 am

Misery wrote:
I'll be honest, didnt understand a bit of that one.

If it was Everquest or something I'd know what you were talking about, but WoW bored me to death (too simplistic, too much of "the REAL fun begins at level 60! :D :D :D" when I'd rather have the REAL fun begin at level 1...), so I played it for a very short time and never touched it again. Just... bleh. Always wish it had never released. Pretty much single-handedly murdered my interest in the genre.

That would of been different in vanilla WoW, when the whole game was 1-60. Maybe Blizzard should offer legacy servers at some point.


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21 Nov 2016, 6:09 am

I still "hate" myself for wanting to play WoW sometimes. Recently I installed it twice then uninstalled it after a few hours because of boredom/shame/the grind. Never had this problem before with any other hobbies.


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21 Nov 2016, 6:56 am

dan_aspie wrote:
I still "hate" myself for wanting to play WoW sometimes. Recently I installed it twice then uninstalled it after a few hours because of boredom/shame/the grind. Never had this problem before with any other hobbies.

Are you not part of a guild or anything? What about the questing? I can see why grinding can get boring but most of the new content should be in the questing and having new dungeons to explore.


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21 Nov 2016, 4:51 pm

Jono wrote:
Are you not part of a guild or anything? What about the questing? I can see why grinding can get boring but most of the new content should be in the questing and having new dungeons to explore.

The last character I've used is not part of a guild at this time. Questing is mostly fine. I guess I also get a bit overwhelmed by the scope of the content. As in, the time one has to put into it to get somewhere significant.

The same could be said for most things in life; you get out what you put in (or something similar).


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24 Nov 2016, 2:13 pm

The story, the quests and the dungeons are really cool in the game, it's just a shame that a lot of mean players ruin the experience.

That has been my issue with the game, that a bunch of people are out to make the game worse for others and not even want to play it.