On the note of these, I'd just like to point something out: The upcoming "Appocalypse" on iOS.
In short, a huge number of games are going to outright stop working, permanently, when the next version of the operating system is released. Some developers have come around and updated their games to prevent this, but a great many devs, who have moved on to other projects, do not update their older games (even if they're not that old).
There is only one solution to this: Never update. Ever.
Yeah, it's a bit extreme, but there's no other option. I've heard that many players will be refusing the updates, whereas others are resigned to it. It's up to what you use the device for; note that OS updates are not truly necessary for a device's basic functionality. Your phone isnt going to die if it doesnt get the latest stupid update.
In my case, I have *alot* of games that would get forever ruined, so my iPad is not receiving the update, period. At some point, maybe around Christmas, I'll buy another one. That one can be updated and use new stuff that might not be compatible with the old versions, while my current iPad can stick around and be awesome.
Anyway, on topic: I have too many such games to count. I dont use my phone for it though, the thing is too small and I'm nearsighted. I use my iPad. I have a ton of bullet-hell games on there and other funky things.