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Nist498 Veteran
Joined: 1 Dec 2015Age: 44Posts: 514Location: Arkansas
With the new expansion for WoW about to drop in a couple of weeks who else is coming back? You can find me on Dalaran. My main is a Horde Death Knight named Harok.
Fnord Veteran
Joined: 6 May 2008Gender: MalePosts: 60,939Location:
Not until they come up with a neutrally-aligned character race or class that can explore freely and engage in combat as necessary.
Misery Veteran
Joined: 21 Aug 2011Age: 43Gender: MalePosts: 3,163
Huh, this game is STILL going then, eh?Honestly just makes me miss Everquest. And certain other MMOs...
Considering EQ is still going even though Daybreak is run by idiots...
KyleTheGhost Veteran
Joined: 29 Jul 2008Age: 38Gender: FemalePosts: 70,218Location: Wisconsin
And so the old conflict between the Alliance and the Horde continues. . .I have never played WOW, but as a veteran of the first three games, I will be paying attention to the storyline.