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When playing a game, which do you find the most fun to play with, guns or melee weapons?
Guns 50%  50%  [ 13 ]
Melee weapons 50%  50%  [ 13 ]
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01 Oct 2016, 6:10 pm

if its guns, what kinda guns your favorite! mines a meaty shotgun haha, yeah im on the guns side, although the game for honor is AWESOME i will always love guns more then swords and such. but if your preference is melee weapons, what kinda melee weapon? oh and why. id just be interested to know what most people like in a game, mainly because im going into game design and such degree wise but mostly because i like collecting data

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01 Oct 2016, 8:53 pm

I tend to gravitate to games featuring either guns or unarmed brawling. Most games don't do melee weapons justice. I miss Bushido Blade.


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01 Oct 2016, 9:20 pm

I gravitate towards snipers, but tend to do best with whatever works the best from the hip, I've got good enough hand eye coordination to make those snap shots count.

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02 Oct 2016, 4:38 am

I'm of the gunner sort, if only because FPS games are my favorites. :P

When it comes to the type of weapon I mostly use, it's either a rapid-fire weapon or a shotgun - rapid-fire for long-range work, shotgun for close-quarters combat.

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06 Oct 2016, 7:22 am

Sniper rifle. Or bow & arrows, if it's a medieval kind of setting (Dragon Age etc). Either way, stand realllllly far away from the bad guy and kill him before he even knows you're there!


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06 Oct 2016, 7:35 am

Back when I played COD MW2, I would just run around knifing people. Start map, then relentless flank them from behind and knife them which campers absolutely hated but it was a lot funner game since people had to get up and move. Never stopped moving the whole game. Commando, marathon, lightweight! COD nerfed the hell out of knifing and I haven't played it since, they placate too much to campers and 'snipers' at the expense of the fun of the game in my opinion. I never cared about my K/D ratio so I'd jsut


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06 Oct 2016, 11:31 am

Depends pretty heavily on how each are designed. I grew up with Zelda but then there were also games like Goldeneye or Metroid Prime. There are many good and bad examples of each, both complex and simple.

As for bad, I'd say stuff like Skyrim is not very fun all around combat wise but melee is especially boring. For guns it's a little harder as there is not as much variance but I'd say stuff like CoD is pretty bland.

I liked Halo, particularly Reach, but also liked new stuff in 4. Unfortunately 5 has ruined everything. Games like Dark Souls or Bayonetta are very fun for melee stuff. Devil's Third gets a bad wrap but I felt it did it very well, Killer is Dead too though the gun there is used for more specific instances. I guess maybe Nier could kind of count since you can use bullet hell style projectiles.

I suppose if it's done right I have a bias towards melee. I like to shoot people into bloody chunks or feel like I'm precise but I prefer getting up close and dodging and stamina management, parries, etc.

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08 Oct 2016, 7:42 pm

I like an emphasis on both,

But the feels after a humiliation kill in Quake 3 is amazing so I can deal with them sucking some what for that kind of feels.

I also like the Silent Hill feel, where guns are easier but going melee has its on appeal and challenges.

Condemned Criminal Origins has a great balance between the two.


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09 Oct 2016, 6:56 am

Melee all the way.

Shooting games tend to be overdone, and that bit lost appeal to me a long time ago... not to mention that I dislike guns IRL too.

Also, I dont have the required patience to aim the damn things. Screw headshots. I'll just take this giant battleaxe, thanks.

Even in something like the old Doom games.... my favorite tactic did not involve a shotgun or anything. It involved grabbing the Berserk Pack (every level had one somewhere, and it lasted until the end of the level) and then PUNCHING EVERYTHING. Didnt matter what it was, it got punched. Unless it had a seriously stupid amount of HP (Hell Knights, Cyberdemon), which would take too long, so then I'd just use rockets instead. But other than that... punching.

That sort of trend carries over to most games I play. My typical tactic is something of a berserker rush. Doesnt matter what the situation is, I'm probably going to charge at something and hit it over the head with whatever.


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09 Oct 2016, 9:53 am

I'll take melee over shooting any day unless the melee function is pants

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09 Oct 2016, 10:18 am

Melee all the way! Bashing in skulls, knifing folks and knocking people over is just way too much fun, although headshots are also super satisfying.


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14 Oct 2016, 10:24 am

I'm a big fan of stealth, and melee weapons are good for that. Even in full-out combat, I'll still go for the punch, though with a shotgun as backup. Jump'n'punch or slide'n'knife is my favourite open combat tactic.

But sneaking up on someone, or jumping out at someone and that close up kill is more satisfying than emptying an MG42 in to someone.

When I played MW2 (and when I played, I played a lot), I went lightweight, commando, marathon, silenced vector, flashbangs. Throeing knives are a favourite. That, or silenced sniper.


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28 Sep 2017, 9:08 am

I really like machine guns and sub machine guns. That being said I also like knives, especially Victorinox. I already started to collect knives and when I'm old enough I'd like to start collecting guns too.

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28 Sep 2017, 9:40 am

My preference is guns, because melee weapons are a hella lot harder to use in games and it increases a lot of frustration.

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28 Sep 2017, 2:31 pm

I really have no preferences, I just react according to the game state at the moment. All I do is just find the best protection available to me! I know that if there is shields in the game I will usually hold that up in most situations.(so melee...? IDK.)

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29 Sep 2017, 7:58 am

It really depends on the game, for me.

In Wasteland, I got tired of running out of ammo, so I beefed up all of my characters on melee and pummeled everything with crowbars for the rest of the game. I did the same with Fallout 1 (POWER SLEDGE), but at least in that game using ranged weapons gives you an actual advantage.

In stealth games like Thief and Hitman, obviously using guns is going to ruin your chances of a perfect score.

On the other hand, I really like stealthing around with silenced weapons and/or sniper rifles in games like Goldeneye and STALKER. STALKER does let you sneak up and backstab enemies with your knife, but the programming is a little broken (in the first game, at least).

A lot of FPS games, melee weapons just don't feel right, or they're only there as an "out of ammo" option. System Shock 2 did a heck of a great job with melee, but most other games, it feels like you are basically firing a gun that only shoots a distance of a foot or two (which, technically, is how they are programmed).

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