I don't play as much anymore, but I'm looking into modding

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

Joined: 8 Feb 2011
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 204
Location: In the Eye of the Paradox

10 May 2023, 5:16 am

Hey there, I'm in my 30's, don't play day and night anymore, but I have an interest in making
mods for my favorite games.

I was hoping someone here can help me get into the scene a bit more?

I have only made simple stuff, GTA3 player skins with a editor like paint.

Or a map for one of the early RTS games (Ended up breaking the map editor, the editor just froze up)

And lately I've meddled with some land/terrain editing in Morrowind, just in Seyda Neen to test the raise and lower terrain function. Then adding NPC's that are part of a custom faction/guild

Then lastly I've tried making my own AoE2 (Age of Empires 2 2013) map and I'm happy with it so far, but it may be unbalanced for player 2.

Anyways the games I've been looking to mod are, GTA3, Morrowind (GOTY) and possibly Fallout 3:GOTY edition.

It may be easier to start with a newer moddable game? as the engine may be more better with handling mods (such as script extenders etc; )

I reckon I'd like to start with these games as a balance between graphics and engine so then I can learn the fundamentals of modding.

I'd be great if I could become a Nexus Modder in my spare time maybe even work towards a patreon or something.

I just gotta remember to start small, with simple tweaks and fixes here and there, then hopefully move on to bigger projects.

So yeah, kinda looking for more people that think like I do to team up with the modder experience.

If you don't mind, It'd be great to hear how you started yourself and where you are at currently with modding.

You can be a beginner like me, just let me know.
