I've never done a raid, I've done very few dungeons, and avoid teaming except against the Headless Horseman. I was once in a guild but I didn't properly understand the widely accepted purpose of the guild bank. I kinda figured if you put stuff in it, you didn't want it. Apparently selling a couple of green items is verboten. Hey, I only sold three, maybe, and they were converted to Runecloth to gain Undercity rep so I wouldn't have to ride a chicken. The guild leader was willing to let it go (now that I was clear on them not wanting people to do that, even though no one said so ever, anywhere, until I did it. Typical.) but I got the impression people were telling tales behind my back when someone came online one night and started insulting me, so I left. I don't need the stupidity. People are hard enough to deal with in person. I've gotten many guild invitations. I turn them down flat. Someone said once I'd go further with a guild. Go further where? It's light and shadow, a world that dies perhaps never to rise again at the press of a button, and you can only get to 80 as of now so who cares? If I start gathering what little is left to gain faster, I'll have less to do when I decide to play.
The sad truth is, it's a place where people can be just as abrasive as they want without all the usual consequences, and there are some who feel free to be even more obnoxious than I assume they are in life. It's a shame to think that it's people who ruin the fun.
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.