Maxrebo wrote:
I prefer the regenerartion because it ended years of have to do a level all over again because you had most of your health but used a medkit to bring you to full health then get into a gunfight and you lose alot of health and while you looking for health you get killed by a straggler that you forgot to kill then you have start the level all over again. Especially in no one lives forever on ps2 because their was no quicksave.
Yeah, it's really annoying when a game has few or no checkpoints and won't allow you to save. It's like, "Dammit, I shouldn't have to do all that sh** over for the millionth time just because of one lousy enemy." This is what I hated the most about MOH: European Assault, especially in the later levels... man, that game was disappointing...
twoshots wrote:
No one appreciates good, imersive level design that gives you something more than simply combat to look forward to, and I think the decline of the med-kit system has contributed to this by ditching the incentive to actually make the level more than a very elaborate corridor.
Apparently, the people who made Crysis had the incentive, and that game had regenerative health. But you're right, FPS's do tend to be more linear these days. However, I don't think the exclusion of health items was due to linearity, but due to making it so that players wouldn't feel compelled to go back to places they'd ALREADY BEEN to get healed. With numerous item caches, or portable medkits (like in F.E.A.R.), this can be eliminated somewhat, though not always. Nevertheless, even in games with regenerative health, I still find myself going back and forth just to get ammo, so it doesn't really work in my case. But I'm rather noncommittal about it. Besides, I don't like being rushed through a level too fast... I like having time to explore.