I like a good role-playing game. Right now, I'm involved in a campaign in Vampire: the Requiem; the campaign is on hold for the next four months, because my cohusband, a crucial member of our coterie, is in Iraq right now. (Reasonably enough, his character is Brujah, and a bit of a gunbunny; mine is a Mekhet hacker who's on the run from the Prince of New Orleans. Hey, it's not really his fault - his sire neglected to tell him that the offshore account he was draining belonged to the Prince - but the fiefdom of New Orleans is not a good place for him to be, these nights...)
Card games like Munchkin and Apples To Apples are fun, too!
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.