RedMetal wrote:
I hope Nintendo release Super Mario RPG here via the Virtual Console. We're still waiting for it to be released in this country. And Chrono Trigger too. We didn't get the PlayStation release of that in the UK either.
unfortunately all those games are currently owned or co-owned by Square, so they'd have to give Square a portion of the profits if they were to do it which would mean a higher price on the download.
Square has shown they aren't exactly the best at re-releases. Final Fantasy VII is easily their most popular game ever and they've LONG let it go out of print...but man the floodgates would open if they worked out a deal, huh? the original Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VI for the Super Nintendo, Chrono Trigger, maybe even the Soul Blazer series! I'd cry tears of happiness if Illusion of Gaia was made available, and Terranigma could finally get a US release!
in the case of Mario RPG's, the original is still my favorite. i like the Paper Mario series though. Super Paper Mario isn't the best but i thought Chapter 3-4 (the Nerd chapter) was freaking hilarious.
OH GOODIE! - Three Chords in Three Panels
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