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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Apr 2008, 8:21 pm

I used to(and still do) play a lot of table-top roleplaying games. D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade/Requiem, Shadowrun, Cthulhu, and so on. However a lot of times I'd have difficult finding gaming groups or keeping one going on any kind of steady basis, so I started RP'ing online a lot.

There are some places online specifically for it, and other times it's just a group of people in a normal chat room. I've been doing it for a long time now and it's usually a lot of fun.

Basically, you write out what your character is doing. The people involved take turns, and usually just go with the flow and see how it works out. Sometimes they talk out-of-character beforehand or in private to guide the RP in a certain direction. Some people prefer to have faster-paced play with brief posts, but others(like me) like to write out much longer posts that really describe the situation/action...or tell a story in and of themselves.

For the most part, the play isn't governed by any rules or moderators. It's an unspoken rule that you don't Power-game/God-Mode/Damage-Call/Munchkin...all of which means that while you're writing, you can't take liberties with someone else's character.
i.e. I can say "Grim swung the sword with all his might, aiming it right for his opponent's throat"
But it would be wrong to say "Grim swung his sword mightily, shearing the blade cleanly through his opponent's throat"

Of course it's also bad form to never let your character be hurt.

Anyway, in general these things don't follow and pre-existing world but are completely free-form fantasy/sci-fi. Sometimes, though, you'll find specific RPs for something like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or so on. In other cases someone will base a character off one of those things, but throw it into the free-form world. It can be a little chaotic sometimes, but it can also be a hell of a lot of fun if you get a good group. I've RP'd with people who could definitely be writing #1 best-sellers if they wanted to.

Soooooo now that I've bored all of you, has anyone done anything like this? If so, where?
Or, is anyone interested in getting one started? I really miss this sort of thing.


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25 Apr 2008, 3:20 am

I used to RP a lot. I started on, with Lord of the Rings, and had a "group" on there that lasted for a year and a half or so, until the mods started getting to strict for us (we had a roleplay closed down because zombies aren't cannon. =____= ). I tried for a while, but never really got used to it.

I met my ex roleplaying online, and I used to do it with her over MSN, as dodgy as that sounds. XD But that was still fun as well, even if she only ever played Marty Stus or Mary Sues.

After a while, I ended up looking through the neopets chat boards, but you're really lucky if you find anything decent on there. I did, however, get linked to another, small, site, that I was obsessed with for a year. That was really fun, but because it was so small, it ended up collapsing. Plus, I got banned from smut when I started going out with my boyfriend (which is fair enough, and I don't have a problem with), but that's pretty much all the other people on the site wanted to play.

Every now and again I go through the neopets boards, but I don't really bother any more.

I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.


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25 Apr 2008, 8:00 am

I do both...table top and online. Right now though I'm in an online Days of our lives rpg. I was in a table top D&D game, but it ended around Xmas...LOL.


It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
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26 Apr 2008, 7:31 pm

I used to do a lot of message board roleplays. Story-based. But all my rp friends didn't have time anymore midway through high school. DX


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27 Apr 2008, 5:37 am

I used to roleplay on one small board, but sadly it sort of died a couple of years ago (though the faithful members still check in and make a post once a while, we have a hard time accepting that it's dead.)

I've tried to find other places for RPing, but wherever I go people makes long posts using all kind of advanced English vocabulary. I feel like if I joined I would be to those people what people who type things like:"ur mr gay rite lol" are to me. So because of my lack of stylish English language I haven’t done any more roleplaying.