does anyone know how to....?
Does anyone know how to erase data cards(or whatever you call them....the memory chips that you put in a PS2 to save your stuff) on a PS2?
I bought it used from a friend back in January and am now hooking it up. thing is, I didn't ask him how to erase the data already on them. I'm one down with another PS2 one and a PS one. and these cost money to buy and I'm a college student.
who only gets paid once a month since he works for the school.
Anyhow. any help would be appreciated......short of using a magnet which is what I don't want to do. (that was a joke btw....)
I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.
I don't have a PS2, but google is your friehend
"ps2 erase data cards" gave lots of info like this:
Boot up the system without any game inside it. Select "Browser" with the X button. Highlight the graphic that looks like a memory card. Hit X. Use the directional pads to go between saved games and chose which you wish to delete. Hitting X and will highlight and ask if you want to save or copy a save file. Highlight "Delete" and hit X again. Hit circle to back out and wash, rinse repeat.
or this:
Simply turn on the PS2 with the data card in its slot but without a disk in the drive. You'll go into the system's utility section and one of the options is to erase files from the memory card. Each file will have a cute little animated icon to show you what game it is, and it will have the date and time of the last save. Simply use the controller to highlight the icon, press the button is says to use to delete the file - confirm the deletion - and poof - gone!
Be advised, there is no way to get this saved game data back. So be sure you want to erase what you're erasing. If you have a second memory card, one of the utilities lets you copy saves from one card to another. If you spent 40 hours getting to the final level on a game it's kind of hard to blow that away!
and this:
Easy, first don't put any game in the PS2, second go to "Browser" section, not the System Configuration, once in the Browser section, you'll see a memory card, click "X" and you'll see all your games that you saved, then delete a game or two, until you have enough space for both games, hope that helps!
google yourself for the other 28,900 results
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before (E.A.Poe)