This kind of thing is why I haven't bought a 360 in the first place. Who do microsoft think they are, releasing a console before they finished it? The Wii wouldn't have been even half as popular as it *was* if it wasn't finished before it was released, so why does everyone tolerate this crap from Microsoft? I don't have an answer to that question, but I do know that I won't even bother buying a borked console.
I considered getting one when I was flipping through the catalogue of lion-eating games that were planned for it, but then I realized that all of the games that were actually worth my time would be quickly ported to pc, so I thought, "Why bother? I can wait a few extra months to play the games on my superior $800 miracle machine."
Not trying to be an as*hole to the console gamers, but to be blunt, no console will ever surpass a machine that can access the internet forums, instant message 5 different friends on steam, play AC/DC for background music, and run your favorite video game all at once at a blistering 80 frames per second (with better graphics to boot.)
"What do you have to say for yourself?"
They were delicious.
"...this is a murder trial."
Well, they were.