Ticker wrote:
I might point out you can surf the Internet on the DS too. You have to buy a browser cartridge which is about $32 to do it and have a Wi-Fi connection or piggyback off someone else's but its doable.
Does anyone know if Wi-Fi is free in the US airports?
The included microbrowser in the PSP is more useful than the optional one for the DS. But they are both better than nothing.
In most US airports, they have free wifi, but keep in mind that you will not be able to sign into a subscription hotspot (like T-Mobile does) with a DS, it won't do secure network connections. And the SKYPE phone feature on the PSP is VERY cool.
If mobile browsing is going to be that important to you, stick with the PSP, or check out the iPod Touch, it's the best mobile browser of all!!
Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!