Jonny wrote:
Is there a specific app for guitar tabs/chords or are you just using txt files? Is the DS mic good enough for a tuner?
There's two or more apps specifically for guitar tabs, but I don't use tabs anymore, just chords, so opening a TXT file in variable width font with DSOrganize is just fine. Works best with "blah blah [Cmaj7] words" style formatting, but folk charting works pretty well sometimes too.
Apparently the tuner program is just a test right now, to see if it's possible to do a tuner. Says he's trying to make sure the timing is good enough to get accurate results, and currently it can only tune sine waves, and actual instrument support will come later. I use a program called AP Tuner for PC, but it would be nice to have something on the go, just in case.
Good call on DSLibris, BTW =) Took me quite a while to figure out how to format the XML so it wouldn't drop lines or entire pages though >_< But now it's working pretty well...just wish R and L didn't turn pages, I keep pressing them on accident.
What do you use to format them? I've been using a hex editor to replace: <br>(return)<br>(return) with: (return)</p>(return,return)<p>(return) and doing all the rest in WordPad. I don't mind using the hex editor, since it only takes a quick second, but I was thinking there must be a non-hex solution out there for the less tech-savvy.
Think I might try converting a few guitar chords to XML and seeing how I feel about it
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...