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If you own a PSP, what type do you own?
PSP-1000 (PSP Phat) 14%  14%  [ 3 ]
PSP-2000 (PSP Slim-non-TA088v3) 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
PSP-2000 (PSP Slim-TA088v3) 14%  14%  [ 3 ]
PSP-3000 (PSP Brite) 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
PSP Go 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I don't have a PSP 64%  64%  [ 14 ]
Total votes : 22


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24 Jul 2009, 10:43 am

I really love to hate my PSP. My dad bought it for me as a graduation gift, but he got the latest PSP (PSP 2003, with the cursed TA-088v3 MoBo), and I happened to be stupid to update it via wireless to version 5.50, therefore decreasing any further chance of being installed with any custom firmware.

Dammit, I can't play ISO games that I really love, plus I hate to buy UMDs--not worth the price!

Anyone of you who experienced having the same scenario as I did? And is there anything workaround for this? Because frankly, I don't wanna limit my PSP to just a portable audio/video player. Sigh...

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Jul 2009, 5:31 pm

Ehh? A piece of hardware that wirelessly auto-updates? That sounds like something I should stay away from.

Blue Jay
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24 Jul 2009, 7:10 pm

Ha ha, I notice a lot of people don't have PSPs.


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24 Jul 2009, 11:14 pm

t55 wrote:
Ehh? A piece of hardware that wirelessly auto-updates? That sounds like something I should stay away from.

Not exactly... I updated it manually... out of sheer ignorance... not knowing that the update would lock up my PSP... T_T

Ha ha, I notice a lot of people don't have PSPs.

Yeah. So did I.


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15 Aug 2009, 1:04 am

i own a psp i haven't and will never hack it for fear of bricking it. i love it to much to see it die at my hands. my ds however was fair game.

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15 Aug 2009, 5:38 am

my friend has a unhackable one, he was well annoyed as he sold all the ones he hacked :lol:


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20 Aug 2009, 4:21 pm

I had this problem. I found out about custom firmware the day after I updated to V4.05. While there may be two ways for me to still get custom update to play emulators on the go, it's just too risky. The Pandora's battery seems very complicated and downgrading could brick my PSP. Oh well.

I use my PSP to listen to music since I don't have an mp3 player or fancy stuff like iPod. I also use it to watch videos I download from youtube to watch later "on the go" or in bed since I would get caught not being in bed when I should be. Gaming videos on the psp ftw. However, I couldn't find my psp charger recently. :(

Snowy Owl
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20 Sep 2009, 12:51 pm

I got mine second hand and it turned out to be pre hacked :) I love it so much I'm not sure what I'll do when it dies and getting a replacement becomes difficult. The emulators, easily loading loads of films and tv shows, better battery life as a music player just turn it into an awesome system.

Blue Jay
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15 Oct 2009, 3:29 pm

I love my PSP and will never hack it. I love having the actual UMDs of the games I like, so that's no problem.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Oct 2009, 11:33 pm

PSP is great, i like it a lot better than the Nintendo Ds that is for sure!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Oct 2009, 11:34 pm

I wish they would start making more games for the PSP, the new releases are limited in the USA. Over in Japan they always have a ton.