Doesn't even sound that workable, I have Windows XP, but could I run something like that? If I wish for my computer to come to a screeching halt, sure. 'Regardless of how powerful the computer' <sarcasam>So, my 10+/- year old Dell has a shot at running this?</sarcasm>. Good point about wanting to hold an actual copy of the game, and I have to worry about what kind of protection will be on those games. Not like anyone can simply run and download it, someone might reverse engineer it.
I would be rather sure that they can count shared connections and Wi-Fi out, the bandwidth strain would be crazy. Internet Video Compression is still being worked on, and most online videos don't look pretty. Heck, they only look semi legible. And the list of companies listed in the initial post worries me.
'Hey, Big Three Consoles. Don't worry about us for a good long while, we did not plan to work with every single variable, and having to work around that would kill the company from the start, so we will go and hit the window like a bird. Only loudly.'
I also like my games portable. If anything, down loadable pay license content and other downloads are still testing the waters with positive results. Streaming live/not live 3-D? Not so much.
'Your server bill has surpassed the U.S. Nation Debt. Congratulations.'
Enough shooting, this could work. In the future. Otherwise, my verdict is at the moment: Yeah right!
Yes? What is it? Ok. Now that is good.