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08 Nov 2007, 8:39 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Everything has to have a beginning

so who created god, then? your model falls apart from the first point.

Maybe He's too big for your mind to grasp?

maybe your mind is too small to grasp the infinite nature of the universe and that eventually the odds do come up for the complexity to work.

edit: and considering you're worshipping an invisible non-existent being...i'd guess that you can't truly grasp infinity and therefore can't comprehend it.


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08 Nov 2007, 8:48 pm

skafather84 wrote:
maybe your mind is too small to grasp the infinite nature of the universe and that eventually the odds do come up for the complexity to work.

edit: and considering you're worshipping an invisible non-existent being...i'd guess that you can't truly grasp infinity and therefore can't comprehend it.

Cosmology ain't that complicated bro.


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08 Nov 2007, 8:52 pm

Joybob wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
maybe your mind is too small to grasp the infinite nature of the universe and that eventually the odds do come up for the complexity to work.

edit: and considering you're worshipping an invisible non-existent being...i'd guess that you can't truly grasp infinity and therefore can't comprehend it.

Cosmology ain't that complicated bro.

did i say it was? if i'm not mistaken, i just said that it's simply odds and numbers and a matter of time before things occur. pretty simplistic, actually.


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08 Nov 2007, 9:01 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
I can only know in part. Specifically that part which He has revealed of Himself to us both in nature (although corrupted by sin still proclaims Him) and His providentially kept inspired Word (which is a more accurate witness.) Nature itself doesn't lead to Christ, (I have one friend who read Darwin's Black Box (which I have too) and she realized that these highly complex molecular machines don't occur by chance, but she didn't accept God for who He is but choose (more or less arbitrarily) Norse gods.) Only the accounts and prophecy that God Himself gave will lead to correct specifics about Him. But that which He has revealed about Himself, although in partial knowledge only of the infinite, is, by His very nature, Truth.

If these things all had to be created by God, then why do the most religious have the most wrong concepts about how things work? The Catholic church only accepted that the Earth revolved around the sun about 100 years ago. Prior to that by every indication in their religious philosophies the sun had to revolve around the Earth. And that's something you can prove false from your own backyard.


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08 Nov 2007, 9:02 pm

skafather84 wrote:
Joybob wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
maybe your mind is too small to grasp the infinite nature of the universe and that eventually the odds do come up for the complexity to work.

edit: and considering you're worshipping an invisible non-existent being...i'd guess that you can't truly grasp infinity and therefore can't comprehend it.

Cosmology ain't that complicated bro.

did i say it was? if i'm not mistaken, i just said that it's simply odds and numbers and a matter of time before things occur. pretty simplistic, actually.

Yes indeed. You said iamnotaparakeet was too dumb to understand cosmology; which is kind of bending over to Christian claims that the universe is some complicated and mysterious thing that science cannot grasp. It's the same thing when people say Christians just don't understand how evolution works because it's too complicated. The reality is that evolution is damn simple; it's not that people can't understand it, it's that people CAN and DO understand it yet refuse to accept it.


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08 Nov 2007, 9:05 pm

The reality is that evolution is damn simple; it's not that people can't understand it, it's that people CAN and DO understand it yet refuse to accept it.

Two Words for anyone doesn't accept evolution: Anolis Lizards

I brought them up to a professor who was of the "No eveolution" camp. The best defence she came up with was that I couldn't use them because some people could look at what happened and say, "I don't believe that." :lol:


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08 Nov 2007, 9:28 pm

Well I believe in God personally, but I cannot prove nor disprove whether or not he/she/it exists. I very much doubt the Christian version of God exists though. I'm an agnostic theist.

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09 Nov 2007, 12:15 am

Joybob wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
Joybob wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
maybe your mind is too small to grasp the infinite nature of the universe and that eventually the odds do come up for the complexity to work.

edit: and considering you're worshipping an invisible non-existent being...i'd guess that you can't truly grasp infinity and therefore can't comprehend it.

Cosmology ain't that complicated bro.

did i say it was? if i'm not mistaken, i just said that it's simply odds and numbers and a matter of time before things occur. pretty simplistic, actually.

Yes indeed. You said iamnotaparakeet was too dumb to understand cosmology; which is kind of bending over to Christian claims that the universe is some complicated and mysterious thing that science cannot grasp. It's the same thing when people say Christians just don't understand how evolution works because it's too complicated. The reality is that evolution is damn simple; it's not that people can't understand it, it's that people CAN and DO understand it yet refuse to accept it.

good points. but i was more pointing to the lazy observation that everything has a beginning and an end so therefore the universe can't be infinite but that's just that...a lazy observation. anyone who truly follows any cycle knows it's just that...a cycle that all feeds off of other events and contributes back to others in other ways. pretty simple but anyone who just says you're born then you die and is too lazy to observe beyond that will say that everything has to be created and destroyed or some similar paradigm where creation is a must. i'm drawing from a different paradigm saying that there is no beginning but rather merely a sequence of events that eventually end up occurring due to the odds coming up (one in one trillion will hit eventually given enough know?).

and some people can't get past the lazy and simplistic paradigm of birth then death....which could quite possibly be an ego who can't see beyond their own birth and death and therefore views that everything should act in such a way. but that's over analyzing it.

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09 Nov 2007, 10:15 am

God's existence cannot be proven, but neither can it be disproven. What this results in is a crisis of faith.

If, for instance, you do not believe in God or any other supreme deity, then you believe the universe was spontaneously generated by itself (Big Bang maybe, or some other method). This is just as difficult to prove as the existence of God.

Thus, atheism is itself a matter of faith. You have to have faith that there is no God, and hope that you are correct. Obviously if you are wrong, then it is not so good for you.

Now one might say: "Okay, assuming there is a God, how do you know it is THE God of the Abrahamic religions?" That's a little easier to support, as well over half of the human race follows an Abrahamic religion and believes in that particular God. With the notable exception of Hinduism, most other major competing "religions" are structured more as belief systems than religions per se (e.g. Buddhism and Shintoism), and many of these belief systems are not incompatible with Abrahamic religions in principle.

While simply having a majority of humanity behind an idea doesn't itself make it right or true, it does lend some weight in this argument. In other words, if there is a true God, would he not wish to be known by as many people as possible? We must of course allow for humanity's freedom of choice in denying God, believing in other Gods, or not believing in any God at all, which would keep such worship from ever encompassing the entire human race. Given that, the success of Abrahamic religions speaks volumes.

Note: By definitiion, Abrahamic religions encompass religions directly evolved from Judaism or profoundly influenced by it. This encompasses Christianity, Judaism, Islam and a number of smaller derivatives (Bahai, Druze, Samaritans, etc...). All of these religions profess to worship the same God, albeit in different ways.

Also: Evolution, The Big Bang, Quantum physics, etc... all of these things are not incompatible with Christianity in principle either. If one cares to notice the order of creation in Genesis, it is remarkably similar to the order of Evolution. Evolution does not explicitly deny the Bible, and neither does the Bible deny evolution, especially since it is structured in metaphors. And if a Big Bang created the universe, who is to say God did not create the Big Bang? Just because a house was built of wood, does not mean the house was built by a tree.


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09 Nov 2007, 11:30 am

Having looked over all the solid evidences and using all rational thought and objective observations as much as possible, there is no conclusion that may lead to God existing. Of course, I wouldn't say this in an absolute sense, but in a rather probabilistic sence, God most likely doesn't exist. It might be safe to go with the higher probability and live as if God didn't exist. That all makes sense to me, and to several other people.

But there are still several reasons why people still believe in God.

I commonly used to believe that people believed in God out of fear. They were afraid that if they didn't believe in God, they would go to hell after dying and continue into a horrible existence. In my personal opinion, that is both aparsimonious and they are assuming or taking the word of a book that might be not much better than fiction, considering some of its prophecies and things they proclaim to be fact (probably not much more than wishful thinking that it would be impossible to find out otherwise; thanks for underestimating the power of human comprehension!) ended up being contradictions, and so fear of hell is not really plausible.

However, after having a lengthy discussion with my friend about some other people's personalities (and it didn't have to do with religion!) I realized that maybe the other reason why people still believe in God is because they think it's easier to not think at all and say, God takes away all my problems. I don't understand why this is so, but then that must mean it's because of God. If I don't understand it, it's because the explanation is God. Simply by believing in God and using him to explain everything away, you are taking away the reasoning of "why" things happen or "how" and replacing it with something that may not necessarily be factual, but is easier to fall upon--you don't even need to do your homework, just say "God did it"--how easy is that? Scientific honesty would never admit such a fallacious statement, and saying "God did it" as a crutch for everything, as it evades any kind of rational thought or reasoning--in fact, you could say "God did it" and still make a contradiction, which could never be acceptable in any rational mind.

Another common one is that people were raised into that religion and could not escape it. The concept of God and religion is so ingrained into their minds that to think otherwise would make them feel really uncomfortable. It's still irrational to think that way, but there's no helping it.

There are probably still other reasons why people believe in God that I'm not aware of, but the above three are probably some common reasons. Even if I could tell people why they were irrational for believing these things, they may not prescribe to it. And I know why--there is no medicine for ignorance. I'd love to have this put in Latin so I could stick it in my sig, and will probably do so later. But the concept of God is simiply ridiculous in my eyes. God is like some character with OCPD. And I know why some people can't see that. Because they believe God to be more than a fictional character that cannot be judged (well, I just did!), or because they are so ignorant to the flaws in God's character, that they refuse to see it.

231st Anniversary Dedication to Carl Friedrich Gauss:

Arbitraris id veneficium quod te ludificat. Arbitror id formam quod intellego.

Ignorationi est non medicina.

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22 Nov 2007, 2:17 pm

I believe in God because I choose to. Thankfully, faith in its purest form does not require agreement, or the same ideology for it to thrive. I know what I believe is true for me, and, the day I feel I have to explain or defend it, it becomes religion, and religion often times is the enemy of Faith


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22 Nov 2007, 3:29 pm

To all who say that Dark Matter exists...

Can you give me some solid, concrete evidence that it exists?

Can you give me proof that aliens don't exist?

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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22 Nov 2007, 4:59 pm

How about proof that dinosaurs don't exist? Or that the Carolina Parakeet is totally extinct? Or that Bigfoot isn't walking through my yard at night?

Can you prove it?


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22 Nov 2007, 5:07 pm

How can I prove that you are not a parakeet? :P

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22 Nov 2007, 5:20 pm

Anubis wrote:
To all who say that Dark Matter exists...

Can you give me some solid, concrete evidence that it exists?

Hmmm, I really can't say about this, but, apparently, there have been observations that suggest a big possibility, and I think some scientists claim there are evidence, there have been observations from the hubble telescope about dark matter, which seems to be evidence.

I remember I read somewhere a while ago that by next year there will be a telescope specially designed to the study of dark matter.

Can you give me proof that aliens don't exist?

I believe we don't have proof of wether they exist or not.

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22 Nov 2007, 5:22 pm

greenblue wrote:
How can I prove that you are not a parakeet? :P

My ability to type?