Rynessa wrote:
jamesohgoodie - You mention you are Irish. What does this have to do with your feelings toward the Catholic church? "I'm Irish and I'm absolutely disgusted with them"
I'm well aware of Irish history, of course, but I don't know if that has anything to do with your reasoning, and I'm curious.
oh, uh, should've clarified. by "Irish" i meant "Irish Catholic", which my family is. it was a glib attempt of mine at establishing my Catholicism credentials.
actually, on my Irish ancestry, i also recent the church because of the interest in paganism i've developed as an adult. there's the old legend of how St. Patrick "banished the snakes from Ireland". really this was a metaphor for getting rid of the Druids and making way for rule under the Church of England (since St. Patrick was actually British in origin). but that's another argument altogether.
OH GOODIE! - Three Chords in Three Panels
NEVER NORMAL - Saving the World Between Sketchbooks