Do I feel like Jesus loves me?
How do I give this a neutral answer? What does or should a non-existent persons(Not here to interact with me in person) feelings about me make me feel? Words are empty without feeling and action. My dad or mom may say they love me, but if they never spend time with me or show me in any way that what they say has any weight it makes the words meaningless. Making promises without having been proven honest, makes those promises as valuable as the air they were expelled with or the paper and ink they were written on. It's cheap.
MikeH106 wrote:
The question is, why do I feel this way?
My dad believed in Jesus. He'd often say he felt like God hated him.
The feelings we have are caused by chemical reactions in our bodies, but that doesn't really explain why.
There are three mystic answers I could give:
1. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
Maybe the answer lies in the bible, before the corruption of Zoroastrianism into Judaism that attributed evil to an opposing force. Perhaps God is being a big meanie today, tomorrow He might be a big sweetie. You just never know.
2. Maybe God's testing you. By having the Devil implant bad thoughts into your head.
3. Or maybe it's all the Devil's fault
So take a wild guess.
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