Orwell wrote:
qaliqo wrote:
Polyandry is the only viable alternative, whether culturally acceptable or not.
The issue isn't just one of cultural acceptance, but of uncertain descent. It is better for various reasons if people know who their father is.
Reasons such as...? Patrilineal inheritance is better, good, or even acceptable because...? What does it matter which child belongs to which, unless one is a eugenicist, trying to stop certain individuals from reproducing because of "undesirable" genes.
What about just not having marriage as an institution at all? How about raising children in a communal creche, so it doesn't matter who is the biological father so much?
I don't see that as being a viable alternative to the nuclear family.[/quote]
There is much evidence suggesting that the nuclear family is no longer a viable alternative. Why wouldn't communal parenting be superior to an arbitrary preference to the biological parent, and indeed any blood relative. If there is an argument not tied to property rights, would like to see it.
How about doing away with the whole institution of biological inheritance?
Biological inheritance isn't a societal institution we can choose to do away with- as much as Stalin and T. Lysenko attempted to. It simply is, whether we choose to believe it or not.[/quote]
Neither of those people had the foggiest f--- of an idea what they were up to. Obviously a rephrasing is necessary. It is the institution, not the biological inheritance, that is being questioned. Of course genes pass from parent to child, that is science. That property and privilege of a child should be determined primarily by biology, and only secondarily by sociology, threatens the viability of a global human civilization. Why should the wealth of parents be handed to the child?