Bunch of responses to slowmutant's stuff:
The worship of science and the material world leaves morality behind.
There is actually some truth to this; empirical truth cannot spawn moral truth. What is cannot spawn what ought to be. Of course, no person is logical. We don't adhere to a "true" morality. Even people who are literal interpretationists will cave when their psychological threshold is broken. "Morality" usually reduces to the amalgamation of self-interest (survival instinct) and empathy (protection of the species; also look up oxytocin). Of course, there is a way to make morality absent a large anthropic celestial male. Utilitarianism is one (my fav) example, as well as Kantian Duty, Platonic and Aristotle-based virtue. Also, are actions good because they please God or do the please God because they are good? (See Socrates)
No, the guardian of Christianity is Jesus Christ. The Devil is a liar, and loves to twist and distort. Satan is the father of lies, don't you know? Why don't we all go to a Christian forum and get some proper perspective? The one thing atheists seem to lack is a scripture of their own. All this can't stand up against faith, all this information and ideas. In the face of faith, information seems pathetically inadequate.
Are you saying that information pales in the face axiomatic belief? So if I believe that the whole world is composed of coffee beans and have faith in that, does that make it true in the face of empirical evidence to the contrary? Also, see the Judaic interpretation of Satan. It
greatly differs from the Christian concept of "The Devil". Satan is not the spiritual boogy-man.
Also, if you believe that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, but at the same time believe that not helping a starving child when you know that they need food and have food to give them is morally reprehensible, then you must acknowledge that God is (a) not able to help, (b) not informed about the situation, or (c) not willing to help, a.k.a. immoral. Unless you believe (like me) that God is a force of balance as opposed to a force of "moral good".
"Weia! Waga! Woge, du Welle,
walle zur Wiege! Wagalaweia!
wallala, weiala weia!"
I won't translate it because it doesn't mean anything.