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Do you believe in a God or follow any sort of religion?
yes (I'm aspie/autie) 41%  41%  [ 127 ]
no (I'm aspie/autie) 55%  55%  [ 170 ]
yes (I'm NT) 3%  3%  [ 8 ]
no (I'm NT) 2%  2%  [ 5 ]
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19 Sep 2008, 7:22 am

Sling wrote:
Hate doesn't come from Christianity, or any other religion for that matter, but from the individual. Christians who hate or claim that "God hates" things are in fact going against everything Jesus stood for.


Quoted For Extreme Truth

Sea Gull
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19 Sep 2008, 7:42 am

Transcention wrote:
Of course, no single human being, can write a religion, nor develop a religion that encompasses all the possibilities inherent in Existence. Of course, if you took the time to fully research Universalism as a religion you would know that there are billions of years to work out everything there is to learn about Existence. Should human beings survive their own Existence that is.

I'll give you a simple, basic example anyone enlightened can understand: scientology. Scientology is a religion, some guy just sat around and wrote it and made it and sold it to the public and did it successfully. L.Ron.Hubbard is one example of someone who created religion whether you like it or not and succeeded. He won't be the last to do so and while he may have been completely inept at creating religion he still did a successful job. What happens when a true genius of pure evil comes along who decides to makes a religion for their own amusement. The results of such a tragedy may last millions of years and the affect on causality might well be beyond your comprehension. But through the philosophy and religion of Universalism the results are not beyond my own comprehension.

Choose your words carefully communicating to me your "this or that" comment just makes you look stupid. Especially if your quoting such eloquently written philosophy, of such a high level of reason and rationality.

I found your post a little bit hostile, rather than constructive, but that is your choice to make.

It seems many people often find what they seek. I am not communicating to you, I am communicating "with" you. Also, I will choose what I choose, not what you choose. And in regards to the post above. In your last sentence you state, "I hate." I am just being analytical and observational, in the persuit of a greater good. I apologize if you hold ill will.


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19 Sep 2008, 7:47 am

Psimulus wrote:
Universalism could also be considered a spiritual practice or attitude. It does not have to be a religion. I comment on this because I also decided at one time to begin a "new" religion utilizing the same term you have chosen. I have found spiritual practices to be more enlightening. So perhaps we can all agree that we are all Universal?

No. I am Christian. I have no interest in this cult you are busily and ill-advisedly creating.

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19 Sep 2008, 8:05 am

slowmutant wrote:
Psimulus wrote:
Universalism could also be considered a spiritual practice or attitude. It does not have to be a religion. I comment on this because I also decided at one time to begin a "new" religion utilizing the same term you have chosen. I have found spiritual practices to be more enlightening. So perhaps we can all agree that we are all Universal?

No. I am Christian. I have no interest in this cult you are busily and ill-advisedly creating.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course. I am simply responding to other posts. As I stated above, I find spirituality to be more enlightening than religion, for me. Every one will choose their own path. Just as a side note of basic logic though, if you were not a part of the Universe you would not exist, at least it seems this way. I say this in relation to the only question I posed. It is your choice to agree,disagree, or not hold a position what so ever.


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19 Sep 2008, 8:45 am

It's very difficult to understand someone who professes to be Catholic and a supporter of LGBT rights; the bible is very specific about god's judgement of practising Homosexuals.

Real life is a more complicated than a few lines of Scripture might have you believe. Believe me, I'm a Catholic who has endured much doubt and personal turmoil on account of this. The Bible also lays a fatwa on anyone wearing two different kinds of cloth and other even more cryptic offenses.

There was a time when I thought it really was as cut-and-dry as Leviticus pronounced it to be.
But is it possible to follow scripture too closely? Is it possible to be too devout, too obedient? I definitely think so. I definitely think it's possible to do evil in the name of good, both knowingly and out of ignorance.

If Jesus were alive and ministering today, what aspects of society might He publicly endeavour to change? What crazy ideas might he have? How might the Pharisees of our day be induced into apoplexy by Jesus' contempt for their mighty laws?

And if Jesus were to meet face-to-face with George W. Bush, what might they say to each other?


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19 Sep 2008, 3:15 pm

oscuria wrote:
This is perhaps the first time I have ever heard anyone denounce God because of Spiderman.

And your little avatar icon is the first instance I have seen of someone denouncing Obama because of Hulk.


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19 Sep 2008, 3:58 pm

monty wrote:
oscuria wrote:
This is perhaps the first time I have ever heard anyone denounce God because of Spiderman.

And your little avatar icon is the first instance I have seen of someone denouncing Obama because of Hulk.

Excellent comeback. :D


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19 Sep 2008, 5:46 pm

Yes, I believe there is a god.

.?´¸.?*¨) ¸.?*¨)
(¸.?´ (¸.?´ .?´ ¸¸.?¨¯`?.


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19 Sep 2008, 5:59 pm

oscuria wrote:
This is perhaps the first time I have ever heard anyone denounce God because of Spiderman.

No Atheist denies or denounces God. Do you deny or denounce unicorns? No, you just don't believe they exist, it's the same with God.


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19 Sep 2008, 6:02 pm

Spotty wrote:
oscuria wrote:
I firmly believe that the best irrefutable evidence for God is based on experience. The skeptic will think these are mere tricks of the mind and I would consider him foolish for doing so.

This is a very naive opinion; personal experience has long been known to be unreliable, if not, we'd all believe the Earth is flat and the Sun goes around it. The truth is quite often contrary to personal experience.

Quite right.

?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?


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19 Sep 2008, 6:57 pm

z0rp wrote:
oscuria wrote:
This is perhaps the first time I have ever heard anyone denounce God because of Spiderman.

No Atheist denies or denounces God. Do you deny or denounce unicorns? No, you just don't believe they exist, it's the same with God.

Then why do you give Him so much free advertising? If you mention God as often as you do, it's actually a form of devotion.


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19 Sep 2008, 7:11 pm

For God's sake!
Free advertising? Jesus!
A form of devotion? Good lord!

?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?

Emu Egg
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19 Sep 2008, 8:20 pm

Religion isn't a very efficient meme now that we are so used to investigating things and generating countless alternate models (to the religious ones) with *useful* consequences. There will be less and less people who believe it (proportionally) simply because those that stick to it will be increasingly limited in an exponentially advancing technological age. The religion may adapt, but if it keeps adapting it's kind of a paradox to itself. If it doesn't adapt then higher and higher proportions of people will just go looking for something that can actually lead to improvements. Religion in general was useful for humans all the way until approx. Newton, but it's been an obstacle to human progress ever since then to be honest.

Scientific method homes in on the truth very slowly (assuming there is one truth) in a whole universe of possible truths, whereas a religion is just picking one and sticking with it. Religion has an infinitely vast chance of being wrong (with no chance to improve on that guess) vs Science which has a 100% chance of eventually getting it right. So even if you don't believe in god but only what scientific method suggests, then there's no need to worry about not going to heaven (for example), because if heaven does exist, it still turns out you're were believing in it after all.


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19 Sep 2008, 8:53 pm

Nerevar wrote:
Religion isn't a very efficient meme now that we are so used to investigating things and generating countless alternate models (to the religious ones) with *useful* consequences. There will be less and less people who believe it (proportionally) simply because those that stick to it will be increasingly limited in an exponentially advancing technological age. The religion may adapt, but if it keeps adapting it's kind of a paradox to itself. If it doesn't adapt then higher and higher proportions of people will just go looking for something that can actually lead to improvements. Religion in general was useful for humans all the way until approx. Newton, but it's been an obstacle to human progress ever since then to be honest.

Scientific method homes in on the truth very slowly (assuming there is one truth) in a whole universe of possible truths, whereas a religion is just picking one and sticking with it. Religion has an infinitely vast chance of being wrong (with no chance to improve on that guess) vs Science which has a 100% chance of eventually getting it right. So even if you don't believe in god but only what scientific method suggests, then there's no need to worry about not going to heaven (for example), because if heaven does exist, it still turns out you're were believing in it after all.



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19 Sep 2008, 8:57 pm

Born again christan under the nazarene denomenation.

Diagnosed as Aspergers, Savant Syndrom and Proud of it.


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19 Sep 2008, 9:00 pm

gamefreak wrote:
Born again christan under the nazarene denomenation.

Diagnosed as Aspergers, Savant Syndrom and Proud of it.

Baptised Catholic, diagnosed ASD and Bipolar Disorder. God delivers me from evil.