Ayame wrote:
Sex became a sin because
1) Early christianity had to compete with religions where a main form of worship was having sex with a temple prostitute.
Who wouldn't want to be part of that church? Only people that were convinced that sex is a defilement, and fit only for its function of reproduction.
Today the church seems to be confused about the original reason why sex was such a problem. Overpopulation was the problem then, and its the problem now. Therefore, christians shouldn't regard casual sex as a danger, just so long as people are concientiously using birth control. Instead they should look to the starvation found in the world today and think up a new solution to this very old problem.
It turns out that in modern times, its mostly the protestant fundamentalists who have this vitriolic hatred of sex which is due to their puritan heritage. Catholicism is far more tolerant of sex, in fact they encourage it as long as its not homosexuality, bestiality, fornication(though they are VERY forgiving of this), or rape.
There WAS a group of protestants in the 19th century called the
Shakers who believed that sex was sinfunl and guess what? THEY DIED OUT!