Does President Bush Deserve a Shoe in the Face?

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Does President Bush Deserve a Shoe in the Face?
Yes 79%  79%  [ 42 ]
No 21%  21%  [ 11 ]
Total votes : 53


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18 Dec 2008, 1:45 pm

Orwell wrote:
The economy. Bush tried to save the bloody economy, It was the Dems who F'd it up. The economy problems started with Clinton and his making housing affordable. Also, Fanny and Freddy going down? Yeah Bush tried to investigate them. 9 times. (argue with me on the other issues, but don't try to argue with me on this one. I know it inside and out by now.)

Um... yeah, we were doing pretty well under the Clinton administration. After 8 years, you can't say our problems are still all caused by something that evil Clinton did. Bush has adopted really crappy economic policies and we're seeing the results. The Dems f'd it up? How exactly did they do that when the Republicans have been in charge? Look, the economy seems generally to do better under Democrats than Republicans, and this is largely because the Republicans pander to fringe idiots like Laffer.

Supporting Bush on the basis of his economic record truly is a new one to me... I never knew people so misinformed really existed.

It's all because Clinton was the only president since 1980 to not follow Reaganomics, and the only president to generate budget surplus in the process. Maybe he generated a bit more than I would have liked to see (possibly could have issued *some* of it back to the taxpayers as rebates), but overall I like the idea of having a little extra money in the bank as a "strategic reserve", as it were. Call me a Keynesian as if it were an insult, I don't really care anymore...

Reaganomics is possibly the greatest failure of the 20th century. On paper, the idea could theoretically work. You give money to the rich people, those that create jobs for other people, and the money "trickles down" to the lower class in that fashion. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way in practice. If you give a lot of money to rich people, they're just going to build lavish mansions for themselves and ignore the lower classes entirely. The workers, without enough money to buy consumer goods, don't start the economy as would be predicted under this plan. If the rich people weren't so god***n greedy, it could work, but like I said, it doesn't work in practice...


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18 Dec 2008, 3:33 pm

Throwing shoes at President Bush? Too funny.

I would lock him in a cage with monkeys throwing feces at him!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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18 Dec 2008, 3:40 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Throwing shoes at President Bush? Too funny.

I would lock him in a cage with monkeys throwing feces at him!

But when you went to take him back out you'd never be able to figure out which is him.

Just kidding (or am I?).

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18 Dec 2008, 11:05 pm

greenblue wrote:
^ Kinda odd that it looked like he already knew what was comming to avoid it, and he was smiling while it was happening.

skafather84 wrote:
Anubis wrote:
No. Some idiots are so disrespectful. Bad man or not, he is the president of the US.

so you respect a title over what a person has done?

that's just insanity.

I agree, however he just made himself look really really bad doing that to the president of the US.

On the contrary, the entire Middle East sees him as a hero. I bet those shoes would bring a huge price on E-bay.


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18 Dec 2008, 11:18 pm

31 to 7; well, I guess if I ever get mired down in debates that make no sense to me all I have to do is look at this. The forum obviously leans ridiculously far left and the lack of any kind of reverence even for the office and what it stands for (regardless of whether you like the guy) astounds me.

My thought - the guy's damn lucky he didn't get shot, many people think he should have and I can't deny what they're saying; if there'd been bombs in the soles, razor blades in the toes, there's a lot of ways that could have been much more of a threat and its amazing that the secret service hung back long enough to actually let him get the other one off of his foot. What would have happened if he did that to Sadam Hussein? Assad of Syria? The president of Egypt? He probably would have had his foot slowly carved of by Saddam's people, anyone else would have just shot him.

You know that when you have grown men throwing shoes at the leader of the free world and people cheering, on one side it makes sense - he insulted the leader of the House of War. On the other side, code pink and all the non-muslim radicals, I can't even speak for how childish they are - words just can't take me there accurately.


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19 Dec 2008, 12:24 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
The forum obviously leans ridiculously far left

actually it's that you lean ridiculously far right.

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19 Dec 2008, 7:41 am

skafather84 wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
The forum obviously leans ridiculously far left

actually it's that you lean ridiculously far right.

Compared on one or two people's social bubbles? You can't sell me on the idea that most people in the world support this kind of action. If you took a poll of everyone who had television and was informed to any degree on this it would be 70/30 in favor of No - even if I think GWB's a bastard I would not permit it. I'm tying it back in because 80% of the people here agreeing that he should have been hit in the face with a shoe? It's a very particular kind of perspective and yes, I'd maintain that its almost in the realm of leftism rather than liberalism.


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19 Dec 2008, 10:15 am

The real problem is that if he was hit in the face with a shoe why wasn't there a foot in it with a strong leg to back it up? A country that would elect this boob twice would, of course, feel insulted even if they had placed one of the three stooges in the presidency because it reflected their judgment of what kind of person represented the country. Anyway, the guy who threw the shoes is now a great hero in the Middle East.


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19 Dec 2008, 12:53 pm

Sand wrote:
Anyway, the guy who threw the shoes is now a great hero in the Middle East.

better him than osama bin laden.

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19 Dec 2008, 1:40 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
31 to 7; well, I guess if I ever get mired down in debates that make no sense to me all I have to do is look at this. The forum obviously leans ridiculously far left and the lack of any kind of reverence even for the office and what it stands for (regardless of whether you like the guy) astounds me.

So I shouldn't have said anything? Yeah, I thought so.

I'm probably leaving this discussion after this but I'd thought I'd post what Bush should have done. But you know what? I think He loved the country a little too much to let Pelosi send it to hell.

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19 Dec 2008, 2:44 pm

Barracuda wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
31 to 7; well, I guess if I ever get mired down in debates that make no sense to me all I have to do is look at this. The forum obviously leans ridiculously far left and the lack of any kind of reverence even for the office and what it stands for (regardless of whether you like the guy) astounds me.

So I shouldn't have said anything? Yeah, I thought so.

I'm probably leaving this discussion after this but I'd thought I'd post what Bush should have done. But you know what? I think He loved the country a little too much to let Pelosi send it to hell.

"If I were trading blood for oil, I would've already seized Iraq's oil fields and let the rest of the country go to hell."

uh....he didn't?

pat boone is a moron and a tool. i will never forgive that scum for what he did musically by white-ing the popular music by black musicians in the 1950s and profiting from their creative efforts and natural born skill (something boone lacks). This was a man sanitizing music and preaching the evils of rock and roll throughout his history. he's worthless and so are his ideas.

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19 Dec 2008, 3:08 pm

The Shoe Incident is amusing, certainly, but not exactly called for. How does throwing a shoe punish him for all that he has done? Only God can punish George W. Bush. He's been that bad.

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19 Dec 2008, 3:22 pm

MissPickwickian wrote:
Only God can punish George W. Bush.

then we're all screwed.

Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823

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20 Dec 2008, 12:58 am

skafather84 wrote:
MissPickwickian wrote:
Only God can punish George W. Bush.

then we're all screwed.


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20 Dec 2008, 4:08 am

No, I don't like to see anyone humiliated, doesn't matter if they deserve it, still don't like to see it.


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20 Dec 2008, 6:17 am

Barracuda wrote:
So I shouldn't have said anything? Yeah, I thought so.

I'm probably leaving this discussion after this but I'd thought I'd post what Bush should have done. But you know what? I think He loved the country a little too much to let Pelosi send it to hell.

50 or 100 years from now when all the vitriol and sore election losing dies down people will look back, see how events unfolded, and have absolutely no clue whatsoever on how this guy was so hated during his administration. If anything they'll likely be horrified that public rationale and common sense of any sort of reality, in our country, peeled from the wall so badly that people were leading with their hate and clinging to any bit of smut that they could that smeared the guy and gave them some relief. Then again I suppose I'd liken the scenario to soldiers coming back from Vietnam and being spit on by a bunch of hippies calling them baby killers (the thought of that now even makes me gag).

I would like to think that we'll figure out, in due time, what the 'left' is. Otherwise, we may have history books burning in the streets in favor of something rewritten to a worldview that's more doctrine oriented to communism, fascism, or whichever direction it is that they want to go in.