What is the Christian viewpoint on equality? All humans are equals, born into sin, born with a soul, born deserving of everlasting punishment, born needing Jesus' saving love. God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. These conditions are considered applicable to any human ever to have lived. Regarding those living in foreign lands where Christianity is unknown, it is the job of human workers whom God has called to preach the saving message of Jesus to them. All humans shall have to account for their sin when Jesus returns to judge us. The innocent will inherit eternal life in perfection while the guilty will be eternally tormented.
Various types of Christians with any awareness at all of history and human conditions will RATIONALIZE the inherent contradiction of this supposed equality. The best they can do is minimize the possible horrors of this "equality" by minimizing the importance of the afterlife and judgment. In so doing this, their religion simply becomes one of many paths people can potentially take to cope with uncertainty and pain on this earth, thus, they can no longer credibly claim it to be an essential message. One of the worst things some Christians (including my fellow ones of origin) do is ignore this contradiction. How can they? Because might makes right and seems right when operating under the guise of a perfect loving Creator, a perfect loving Savior who must have humbled himself and suffered immensely for all mankind. What a way to cover up the tyrannical, unjust, immoral god beneath this facade!
We have enough literate people at this point in time in our predominantly Christian communities. It is time for more people of good moral character to read and become educated to the outright lie of egalitarianism in Christianity and reject it!