ForgottenDarkness wrote:
There could have been very well extra terrestrial visits in the bible, the authors will not define them as a UFO or a space ship because they would not know what they were. Instead they would use the language of appearance.
What if Da Vinci say a Boeing 747 fly across the sky how would he describe it?
Take a look at some of the prophetic visions of the old testament, or revelation, could any of that be interperated as an ET vessel?
Have you never read the amusing Erich von Daniken? Here's the Wiki on him:
However, I prefer the catastrophism of Igor Velikovsky:
The more so because some of what he predicted about other planets (in 1950!) has turned out to be true.
Back to the OP: One thing about such fundamentalists as you describe, they believe that God made the Earth for human beings,
who were made in God's image. That makes Earth the special place for God's most special creation. Any creatures not mentioned as being created in Genesis are therefore 'unholy'.
Those kind of follks are the same kind which opposed heliocentrism (I think that's what it's called) - where the sun is the center of the solar system, not the Earth. Those guys punished the great Galileo, and it took over 350 years for the Roman church for forgive him. Don't think today's fundamentalists are going to change anytime soon.