okay, answer me this, why not? Just because I enjoy comitting sodomy with a hot guy, does it make me a bad person?
as for the reproduction argument, I suggest you recheck your facts, due to science, using stem cells, one can creat sperm and eggs from it, making a gay couple biological parents, one uses their natural egg/sperm, the other supplies stem cells that are turned into egg/sperm and a child can be concieved. Second Marraige is a goverment, not religious right as long as the goverment grants rights to married couples, like joint filing, power of attorney, child custody, health insurance, death benefits, survivor benefits etc.
I should point out, every argument against Gay rights is pretty much verbatim the arguments used by the KKK to try and prevent minorites from marrying and having equal rights.
I am a freak, want to hold my leash?