TallyMan wrote:
1. Levels of belief vary enormously across the world and also to a certain extent within countries. I've heard a number of Americans say anonymously that they are atheist but do not dare "come out" to their friends, family or work colleagues for fear of discrimination and exclusion. In the UK the reverse is more likely to be true nowadays with people openly admitting they are religious likely to be excluded or though of as weird.
Peer pressure tends to be a factor that I usually discount, since it doesn't seem to affect me very much (I've never had qualms about disagreeing with people) but yes, I can definitely say that this is true in parts of the US. In the Midwest, you mark yourself as a target for harassment if you claim to be an atheist.
2. If the Churches base their counts on the number of people baptised or married therein, the figures will be heavily inaccurate. Typically in the UK people get married in churches because of tradition rather than religious beliefs. It is more of a "party" to have the "big white wedding" in church rather than simply a few words exchanged in a registry office.
Independent polls and census counts should be more accurate than church baptism rolls, but still perhaps not very accurate. At this point, though, we wander into the question of "what is a real Christian?"
3. Many people who claim to be of a religious belief only claim to be such based on the predominant religion of their country. Take my elderly father for example. He claims to be a Christian but never goes to church, doesn't have a bible, never prays, never watches any religious programs on the TV, never mentions or talks about anything to do with religion - but he is a Christian.
The RINOs (religious in name only) are probably a sizable portion of declared Christians.
4. Mixing up religion with morality. I've heard people exclaim "I'm a Christian!" but in a context where they simply mean they hold certain moral values. Just because someone doesn't go around murdering and robbing doesn't make them a Christian.
This I haven't observed.
Any more?
MussoliniBismarck already brought up the issue of age demographics on the Internet- younger people are less likely to be religious.