NeantHumain wrote:
For a libertarian, freedom means the ability to possess and dispose of chattels in any way desired; a person's rights over private property are considered inviolable, and this includes their earnings such that they see taxes as theft. A libertarian believes it is better that someone die than a helping hand be lent.
The last statement isn't exactly true. There have been some major libertarian intellectuals who have supported minor amounts of government welfare such as with Milton Friedman's proposed negative income tax, Friedrich Hayek's support of things such as government support for feeding the poor, and even in the modern age we have Will Wilkinson who has openly stated a support for minor welfare taking up the mantle of Friedman and Hayek.
Not only that, but the only libertarians that oppose charitable giving are Objectivists, so even then it seems hard to say that all non-Objectivist libertarians, regardless of whether they support the governmental welfare programs, oppose private charity to help people out and honestly I think that most of them would regard efforts to help the poor as morally right and tend to be cynical of government efforts and authority to do so.
I dunno, I mean really NeantHumain, would you enjoy it if a poster occasionally posted things like "A liberal believes freedom is the right to a more productive person's paycheck" or some other thing like that?