emp wrote:
Barracuda wrote:
I find your hate speech toward christians disturbing.
Hi, you are demonstrating the manipulative technique of accusing people of your own bad behavior. i.e. the hate speech is in the christian bible (it says that homosexuals are an abomination and should be killed, see Lev 18:22, 20:13), and you are christian, and you are accusing me of hate speech. Therefore you are accusing me of your own bad behavior.
Actually you have no evidence of Barracuda's hatespeech (you specifically say "your own bad behaviour"). As the Christian Old Testament is also the Hebrew Tanakh (Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim, or law, prophets and writings) you could as easily make assumptions about both Jews and Christians. For that matter isolated passages in the Qur'an could be used to slander all Muslims.
Admittedly you might be able to raise a legitimate question for evangelical Christians, fundamentalist Muslims and some orthodox Jews as to why if the Scriptures are the Word of God some of this matter is included. Equally liberals of the three faiths might be queried as to why, if some passages are rejected, do they have a basis for accepting others. I am a Christian myself, so probably playing Devil's advocate here. I just think there may be the seeds of a valid argument here. But you commenced your initial post talking about religious people (there are no atheist xenophobes or homophobes?) and zoomed straight in on Christians. This does not actually provide an argument for why the hatespeech regulations should be directed solely at those holding religious belief, let alone solely those of Christian belief (if indeed that is the case as was previously alleged, which I am not certain is the case).
Also, this is politics, philosophy and religion. Plenty of potential grounds for hatespeech in all three (well philosophy might be a little harder, but it can be done). Basically the regulations seem sound if courteous rational discourse still allowing dissent is encouraged.
No hard feelings I hope.