Awesomelyglorious wrote:
What are the beliefs of Wicca, and what are the metaphysical ideas within Wicca? (Metaphysical as in beings or entities or concepts or powers that impact the physical world or explain it.)
We as Wiccans believe that all nature is sacred. I'm not talking like super-tree hugger Na'vi type sacred. Not that extreme, but we believe that everything that exists in nature has some sort of purpose. Think of it as a revived version of pre-Christian beliefs that originated in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. We believe there is a single power defined as the One or All, which is composed of everything it has ever created. This supreme energy force does not rule over the Universe, it IS the Universe. Since most find it difficult to talk to or call upon a faceless mass of Divine energy, this supreme power is personified into male and female aspects as the Goddess and God.
As for the metaphysical ideas, we believe that all living things have an energy field, or simply an Aura. Think of it as a halo of our soul. Sometimes, these can affect those who are able to sense other's aura due to a high perception. We do believe in spirits and such. I am one of those unfortunate few who are able to sense the presence of the dead. Not saying like some physic who claims she can communicate with them, but just their presence. A good example was when I went to St. Augustine with a few friends. We we passing by the cemetery and I wasn't even hearing anything odd. I got the sense that I was suddenly freezing, when it was about 88 degrees outside. Spoke to my mentor, Silent Moon about the experience and she was shocked. She informed me it was my ability to sense loose spirits.
Power wise, I assume you must mean Magick. When a wiccan performs a ritual, it's not the magic you think of a cheap stage performer doing. Our Magick affects our Aura, our being. You can use it on others, but you will suffer the Rules of Three due to breaking the Rede. We draw our power from Nature herself. Though really we borrow it as once we have done what was needed, it is returned back to Mother Earth.
astaut wrote:
This doesn't have anything to do with beliefs I guess, you know many males that practice Wicca? It just sort of popped into my mind that I've only known females that are Wiccan
Yes, there are. I'm a male who practices. A good rule of thumb. Never call any Wiccan a Warlock. We actually find it insulting and it literally means "Oath Breaker". But yeah, there are males who do worship the Goddess although a majority of Wiccans are female.
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