zer0netgain wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
They call it "leveling the playing field" in America.
Affirmative action is racist, preferential admission based on race to schools is racist. Whatever happened to that "content of character" idea? Who was that preacher guy that talked about that again?
Preferential hiring or advanced based on anything other than competence is unjust.
The merit system should prevail.
Agreed. I know I come across as racist with some of my views, but let's be real. Even if your family was oppressed, to oppress in this generation as some "compensation" is no better.
As I like to say (all true), my family never owned slaves. We didn't even come to America when slavery was practiced. I did nothing to anybody's grandfather, neither did my dad or his father. So, that I have my skin color used against me because I'm seen as a member of the "majority" is to wrong me as some payback for what some other white person did to someone else generations ago.
Maybe we could justify "minority preference" a couple generations ago because there was no way for the disadvantaged to "catch up," but today, no person can claim to be disadvantaged as compared to anyone else OF EQUAL ECONOMIC STRATA. Poor white or poor black, you're both in the same position in today's world. Minority preference only ensures that the poor black man has an advantage in anything he chooses to pursue even if the poor white person worked longer and harder for the same opportunities.
Or do you live in fairyland?
We have already had one American (potential?) 'business owner' imply that he would not hire blacks.
How many people think like that but are not so open?
Clearly some believe that society is still racist enough for some measures to be required.
Hiring is never based on competence alone.
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.
"How can it not know what it is?"