Eamonn, there was a song that came out in the 70's, and some of it goes like this "We'll the Catholics and the Protestants are having themselves a war, and the World looks on and it asks, "Whats it for?" Oh the CHURCH needs Jesus." when Christians fail....thats on us. We will stand before God and give account for our actions. and as a church, we've not always done what we should do to bring glory to God. Unfortunately, we as a church have brought him alot of shame. So what do I do, I do my best, when issues are revealed to me in the Church I belong to, I try to help correct it, not just sit back and complain or backslide. But I try to help with a solution. Something to remember to, religion screws us up, but a relationship with our creator is what God wants from you. I heard a baptist Pastor say, "You can be a Baptist and go straight to hell. You need to be a Christian, you need to have a personal relationship with God, then you go to heaven." Baptist as he was saying is just our denomonation, it won't save you. You can get very religious, and not know God. He wants to know you, he can care less about your religion. If the Pharisees weren't so religious they wouldn't have given Jesus so much grief, and yet they were the religious leaders. You keep seeking, keep praying, God knows where you should be, and where he wants you. You're probably going to be a mover and a shaker. I recommend you read Josh Mc Dowells book, "Evidence that demands a verdic". Take care