Time began when you began thinking about it. Just as it will end when you find more important things to do.
This is wisdom.
Time is an illusion. It does not really exist. The only way to determine time is by our perception of it. Every human has their own perception therefore there are how many billions of parallel universes exsisting side by side all at once? My world is not your world and his world is not your world and so on.
Reality can only be found in the now and that only happens when we don't drag the past into the present moment and when we do not project the future onto it. In the present moment - which is the only real moment - time does not exist. Its simple really.
Life's destiny is best described
by the bass, the cricket
and how they met
on the same hook.
R.T. Sedgwick 2005
Last edited by Wonderling on 21 Oct 2006, 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.