ApsieGuy wrote:
Why the hell would god create such a disease?
Why do some people get stuck with it?
I guess the positive to this is it's like taking a beat up truck and making it shine brand new which is something to be proud of.
Could be worst, you could have been born blind then you could have something really bad to blame God for.
I guess you belive in God, so why not get to know him?, then you would find out he didnt make paople blind, create diseases, or give people Aspergers.
Heres an analogy to help you on the way.
If you bought a new car, it had nothing wrong with it and ran perfectly.
You where to bring it back for its 500 mile service and get it serviced regularily, change the oil etc.
But you decide, sod that, Iam not getting it serviced, ever, and you run it year after year and it gradually falls apart from neglect.
Now, do you consider that to be the fault of the manufacturer?
Or is it the fault of the mechanic who never even got to see your car?
This is what happened with mankind, God made us perfect, we decided we could do better rejecting him and making our own decisions, the further we get away from that original perfect being, the more we are falling apart, bith physically and spiritually.
What God is willing to do though, and for free, is for you to take that neglected car back, and he will rebuild it like new.