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04 May 2006, 5:04 pm

The post didn't convince me.

There's also something that I find suspicious, and is the fact that many texts that can be referred to as "biblical" are not recognized by the Catholic church (or any christian church) such as the Maria magdalena gospel or the Saint Judas gospel, just because it would mean to reevaluate the concepts that the Church has tried to mantain. I shall say I believe in God.


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04 May 2006, 5:49 pm

Okay, the part I don't get is how Jesus died for our sins. What is that all about? How would it redeem mankind for one individual to die a horrible death? I really don't get that part, and I also don't get how we are told Jesus died for our sins but no one ever explains how it works and no one ever questions how it works. What's up with that?


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05 May 2006, 10:53 pm

anandamide wrote:
Okay, the part I don't get is how Jesus died for our sins. What is that all about? How would it redeem mankind for one individual to die a horrible death? I really don't get that part, and I also don't get how we are told Jesus died for our sins but no one ever explains how it works and no one ever questions how it works. What's up with that?

it's pagen ritual. the sacrificial lamb....the scape goat. you sacrifice one and cast the sins of all onto that one.

it's pretty stupid and is not original to christianity...which is why it worked back then. today people don't even realize why jesus is refered to as the sacrificial lamb and what not.

but it's all fiction anyways so what's it matter?


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08 May 2006, 3:16 pm

skafather84 wrote:
anandamide wrote:
Okay, the part I don't get is how Jesus died for our sins. What is that all about? How would it redeem mankind for one individual to die a horrible death? I really don't get that part, and I also don't get how we are told Jesus died for our sins but no one ever explains how it works and no one ever questions how it works. What's up with that?

it's pagen ritual. the sacrificial lamb....the scape goat. you sacrifice one and cast the sins of all onto that one.

it's pretty stupid and is not original to christianity...which is why it worked back then. today people don't even realize why jesus is refered to as the sacrificial lamb and what not.

but it's all fiction anyways so what's it matter?

It's also based in "Good Cop" "Bad Cop" psycology. That is to say, it's a brain washing techique. (That's how they get false confessions out of innocent people)

All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !

Tufted Titmouse
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08 May 2006, 3:45 pm

My God was not a Christian, but I am. I have a hard time with religious people, but love everyone else. I have experienced God many times, therefore I believe, but it is better to believe without seeing. I have heard God's voice, but not every day - so I guess that makes me crazy or a bad Christian.

But I would say to those of you who proclaim to be non believers - your a lot like me! Out of all the places you could be on the net - you are here - talking about theology. We all know there is something & can't get away from it!

Peace & Love To All of You!

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08 May 2006, 4:08 pm

My understanding is limited - but - No greater love has a man than one who would lay down his life for another. I find this to be true in Christianity & as a parent. Before Jesus came, the religious people thought blood was the only thing that could erase sin. Moses gave us the 10 commandments - but before that "sin" was subjective. I think the "Law" was given to us to show us 1. We don't thing like God, 2. We can not be perfect if we try, 3. now back to the real question. People took the "law" and ran in at least 3 different directions in response - 1. We can be anything we want to be if we try hard enough (the religious law abiders), 2. We can't be perfect no matter how hard we try so we will keep doing our own thing (the quitters), 3. I am smarter than everyone else and know everything therefore who cares if there is a God (the know it alls). Jesus came because we are all idiots! God never wanted blood in the first place - but it seems to be the only thing we recognize as good enough to cover our sins. He did it for our understanding. When we sin - I am finally realizing - we just hurt ourself. God loves us like I love my kids. No matter what they do - I love them. And I definately don't want them thinking they have to shed blood when they sin for me to love them - I think that is the message of Jesus. He love us no matter what - even though we are stupid at times and don't get it.

Ok - I'm not a theologian (I bet I even spelled it wrong) just my view of my relationship with God.


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08 May 2006, 5:54 pm

MMM wrote:
Ok - I'm not a theologian (I bet I even spelled it wrong) just my view of my relationship with God.

No, that was truly beautiful. Thank you.


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09 May 2006, 12:32 am

Scrapheap wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
anandamide wrote:
Okay, the part I don't get is how Jesus died for our sins. What is that all about? How would it redeem mankind for one individual to die a horrible death? I really don't get that part, and I also don't get how we are told Jesus died for our sins but no one ever explains how it works and no one ever questions how it works. What's up with that?

it's pagen ritual. the sacrificial lamb....the scape goat. you sacrifice one and cast the sins of all onto that one.

it's pretty stupid and is not original to christianity...which is why it worked back then. today people don't even realize why jesus is refered to as the sacrificial lamb and what not.

but it's all fiction anyways so what's it matter?

It's also based in "Good Cop" "Bad Cop" psycology. That is to say, it's a brain washing techique. (That's how they get false confessions out of innocent people)

i don't think i follow you on how jesus being killed is a good cop bad cop thing? is god the jesus supposed to be the good cop and god the other god is the bad cop?

what's funny is that i know that there will be a few people who will completely throw out my explanation for the sacrifice and simply put their own poetic meaning or interpretive meaning that has been programmed into them. despite history and fact and the actual context used.

but hey, everyone gets something different out of a story. it's when people start using the story as a factual basis that things start getting messy.


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09 May 2006, 2:59 pm

skafather84 wrote:
Scrapheap wrote:
It's also based in "Good Cop" "Bad Cop" psycology. That is to say, it's a brain washing techique. (That's how they get false confessions out of innocent people)

i don't think i follow you on how jesus being killed is a good cop bad cop thing? is god the jesus supposed to be the good cop and god the other god is the bad cop?

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. God, the "bad cop", want's to send you to hell for your "original sin" (Blaming you for something you did'nt do). So to avoid this punisment, you make a deal with the "good cop". Accept jesus, devote your life to him and you avoid a trial and the death penalty.

The parallels are uncanny!! !

All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !


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09 May 2006, 11:42 pm

Scrapheap wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
Scrapheap wrote:
It's also based in "Good Cop" "Bad Cop" psycology. That is to say, it's a brain washing techique. (That's how they get false confessions out of innocent people)

i don't think i follow you on how jesus being killed is a good cop bad cop thing? is god the jesus supposed to be the good cop and god the other god is the bad cop?

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. God, the "bad cop", want's to send you to hell for your "original sin" (Blaming you for something you did'nt do). So to avoid this punisment, you make a deal with the "good cop". Accept jesus, devote your life to him and you avoid a trial and the death penalty.

The parallels are uncanny!! !

very true. i never looked at it like that...but then again, i've always been one to look more for the emperical. but you are very right. god was all about killing people and jesus is his hippie democrat son.


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13 May 2006, 12:56 am

What was this God's wisdom in creating children with genetic disabilitiies like Angelman's Syndrome etc etc?
That IMHO is that is an extremely bizarre way of demonstrating his "love".
And besides, how can you expect anyone with Angelman's Sydrome to read or understand the bible? Or even know he/she is a Christian?

Why did he give me the "gift" of autism where I was mute and I went into fits of rage banging my head against walls and biting anybody that came near me in my pre-school years?



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13 May 2006, 6:55 pm

Well, I usually don't have a prolem with religous people.
I tend to take a very 'Believe whatever you want, I won;t hold it against you but keep it to yourself please'
In case, anyone finds it interesting, according to some research Issac Newton could have had aspergers.
Anyone watch Fawlty towers? (or 'watery fowls' as was one of the sign praks) Basil? Again,according to research, possibly written to have aspergers.


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13 May 2006, 6:55 pm



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13 May 2006, 7:06 pm

paulsinnerchild wrote:
What was this God's wisdom in creating children with genetic disabilitiies like Angelman's Syndrome etc etc?
That IMHO is that is an extremely bizarre way of demonstrating his "love".
And besides, how can you expect anyone with Angelman's Sydrome to read or understand the bible? Or even know he/she is a Christian?

Why did he give me the "gift" of autism where I was mute and I went into fits of rage banging my head against walls and biting anybody that came near me in my pre-school years?

Jehova/Yawhey/ god of Abraham is a sadistic, cynical, capricious as$hole. If there is a god, he/she/it doesn't even realise we exist.

All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !

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15 May 2006, 4:46 am

I have no problem whatsoever with Christians who walk the walk: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked. This is humanity at its best.

I have an insurmountable problem with Christianity as a belief system.

1. To me, "Original Sin" is a despicable lie. We are not born evil, and evil is not an inheritable trait. Period. Live with it.

2. I consider the Bible to be a badly-translated anthology of the writings of a handful of men who governed a now-extinct Canaanite kingdom. Not the "word of God." Much of it, like the Flood myth, is rewarmed Mesopotamian mythology translated through at least two languages. (Google "Atrahasis" for one of many regional versions of the myth)

3. Even if it actually happened as written (which I doubt very, very much, particularly the coming-back-to-life part), the so-called "sacrifice" of Jesus does not touch my heart. A god killing itself for a couple of days to make atonement to itself?? I am completely unimpressed.

4. People acting in the name of Christianity displaced my ancestors from their lands, took their stuff, and forced them to convert at swordpoint. Ditto for my partner's family. (Compensation would be a nice gesture, but the 1,006 years of interest would bankrupt even the Vatican.)


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30 Oct 2006, 12:21 pm

Some of these posts about wether or not you should accept/reject Christianity come from one side of the fence or the other-Christians who want to convert you, or nons who want to keep their intellectual moral/freedom. Niether side's argument holds much water for me. I got "saved" because there is no logical arguement against Christianity-it's a matter of faith and emotional need. I gave it up because it didn't work anymore.

But, as for intellectual arguments, I got somma those too:

1.) The idea that God, who supposedly loves all Creation, would torture people in Hell for ALL ETERNITY for doing something they couldn't help doing (because of Original Sin) is gross.

2.) To say that we have "free will" with such a cosmic gun to our heads is laughable.

3.) There is no clear plan of salvation marked out in the Bible...believe and confess? Believe and be baptized ? Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling? Depend on grace? faith ? It's all in there. You can chase your own tail for years.

I got into the Bible because learning the ins and outs of it was a great oulet for my AS.