What he gets, is my soul/loyalty and service. Satan's main goal is to assist his own in reaching godhead. He wishes for all of humanity to advance spiritually, however as stated before it is against his nature to force himself on others. He never asks to commit evil deeds, usually I am suggested something that will help me in some way. Satan has been going by many, many names over the ages. Lucifer the light bearer (in ancient Roman times) happens to be one of them.
For me, dealing with non-Goetic entities requires caution. This is because not all are Goetic so not all can be trusted.
Yes, I perform a formal ritual to evoke demons, especially if I am unfamiliar with them. Whether or not you can see or hear them depends on how developed your third eye and soul is. For most people, they can only receive telepathic messages and physically feel the demon's presence. All others agree completely about what each demon looks, acts and sounds like.
I am not amoral, for I do have my own set of ethics.
I'm not poking around in the dark, I know what I'm doing. If you meant that in a different way, I am not "messing around with darkness". In fact, darkness is out there to explore or make use of if you wish, however this does not mean that I am dealing with "dark forces". Actually it's the opposite.
The only people I know of who consider themselves to be "actual Satanists" in a supremacist way are LaVeyans simply because they are incredibly arrogant just like Anton himself. I think I know what you meant when you said that though, and I agree
Last edited by goetia on 23 Jan 2011, 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.