many lifetimes ago i found myself with a broken neck. long story. when i was leaving the hospital, i was a mess. had metal plates holding things together along with a cable running through some various pieces. had a hard plastic brace keeping me from moving my head. lots of other injuries also. when i would try to walk the hospital, i pulled to the left, just like a car with alignment issues. holy crap.
i rented a room at my sisters house instead of going to a nursing home. big mistake. i have always been and always will be an agnostic. only logical choice. my sister is a bible-thumper. big time.
"jesus caused you to get hurt. satan caused you to get hurt." make up your mind. she was going to use my being trapped here to convert me. i would wake up and a bible would be next to me. scary stuff.
she invited her present minister to come talk to me. these people are so arrogant that his wife would not come inside because a non-believer was inside. i knew this was it, i couldn't stand it anymore.
he introduced himself and i said to him......"great to meet you, i've been wanting to talk to you. i'm thinking about converting to islam and wanted to ask you if you could tell me the difference between god and allah".
he looked like he was going to be sick. he said something to my sister and quickly walked out the door. my sister was not amused. i went home. really hard to do things, like walk, but way better than before.
so, i would say that some aspergians may talk about converting to islam, but really don't follow through.
not a knock on islam, i have contempt for all religions.