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07 Dec 2006, 2:43 pm

By the way, i'm only saying this too the people on the other page.
And if you want, you can go on and tell me all this rubbish that you have said on the other pages. But to be quite honest, I know longer care.


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07 Dec 2006, 3:19 pm

I am nonreligious I became this way being brought up in a very Catholic family and forced to attend church and Sunday school. None of it never made much sense to me and still does not. I do not dislike religious people it's just not for me

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07 Dec 2006, 3:40 pm

a wrote:
As a Christian, I feel like I am being targeted at, when I hear this.

I'm sorry that you feel personally attacked.

In the 'States we have the principle of freedom of belief.

This principle is reflected on this site.

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09 Dec 2006, 3:46 am

I wasn't raised in A Christian home although I do find it interesting that we said at dinner, "God is great God is good let us thank him for our food Amen". Went to church on and off when i was younger 'cause we had a church down the street. I remember getting baptised and really enjoying life as a Christian, but for some odd reason left the faith, never admitted that though but my lifestyle would say I did. I rededicated my life as a young teen at the tail end of the Jesus movement, and boy did I catch alot of grief from my family, expecally two of my sisters. What I found hard was that when I was bad I was trusted...cause I was a great liar. But when I rededicated my life to Jesus, all of a sudden I wasn't trusted. Drove me nuts. I remember one time I took these friends of mine to Church on Friday night, I went there every Firday night,then after that went to a pizza restaraunt called "His Place" to watch live Christian Rock bands and get some food. My parents were called several times by these parents because they didn't believe I actually took their kids to church, my gosh I had them home by 10:00 like they wanted, and I was intregated, my mom was upset, she told these parents to just call the church. These people didn't even know me in my wild days so I just didn't get them. they didn't believe me when I told them where we were and told them to call both places, their kids were actually grounded and I never did figure out why. I view my walk as a relationship with the God who created heaven and earth, and for him to actually want,love and accept me when others didn't, I consider that an honour. But sometimes the hassles, geesh, my parents became harder on me than on my sisters, I guess cause they figured I wouldn't rebell. My sisters stayed wild, I stopped. But man was it frustrating. I should have moved out when I was of age, but I didn't. I'm 45 now married two kids and still loving my God everyday, so it's all good.


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09 Dec 2006, 8:20 pm

a wrote:
Your all sick. Satanist and all that s**t.
Do you even have any idea, this is not right, normal. That means you support evil, and any type of evil. Your just a bunch of sick, deluded fools.
I never, ever expected this from somebody with aspergers syndrome.
As a Christian, I feel like I am being targeted at, when I hear this.

It's not up to you to tell us that we are wrong and evil. Everyone has their own opinion,and wants to be respcted for it. If you want people to respect your religion,I'd suggest that you try respecting other people,PERIOD.

Also,why the hell are you cursing if you're a Christian? And I thought that Christians were supposed to be loving,or what-the-hell-ever.

But,then again,are you referring to where people have converted to thier now religion from Christianity? If so,then please remember that is has nothing to do with you. It's THEIR decision.


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09 Dec 2006, 8:34 pm

I never got on with religion - Protestant, Catholic or (perish the thought!) Islam or whatever. So now I'm an atheist but with my own basic moral code which is pretty much "treat people decent and true unless they do you wrong, then you can never forgive them if you don't want to". I like holding grudges, me - something I inherited from my mother. And a bit of hate towards those who would harm or have harmed you is good for the soul. :D


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09 Dec 2006, 9:07 pm

a wrote:
Your all sick. Satanist and all that s**t.
Do you even have any idea, this is not right, normal. That means you support evil, and any type of evil. Your just a bunch of sick, deluded fools.
I never, ever expected this from somebody with aspergers syndrome.
As a Christian, I feel like I am being targeted at, when I hear this.

Hey genius, there's difference between Satanism and Devil-Worship.

LeVey Satanism is atheist left-hand religion. Based on egoism and logic, Satan is metaphor for our beliefs. If we worship anyone it's ourselves a way phrase the way LeVey Satanist believes is "I am my own God"

Devil-Worship is exactly what you call it, worship of the Christian villain, it's just Christianity in reverse.

Please reserach the difference next time.

How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!

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09 Dec 2006, 10:00 pm

Until about second grade, I was raised Lutheran. We had to move to Nebraska when the railroad company my dad worked for got bought, and the Lutheran church we found was too fire-and-brimstone for our tastes, so we went Methodist. Our youth group was loaded with punks and bullies, which dissallusioned me against Christianity in general. When I got to me sophomore year of highschool, I found out what atheism was and realised it not only made sense, but was a way out of the church. After the methodist church got fire-and-brimstone, the family went to a unitarian church in the hopes to compramise me back into religious life. At this point, though, I'm sticking with what I know is real.

I'm home.


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10 Dec 2006, 6:13 am

Flagg wrote:
a wrote:
Your all sick. Satanist and all that s**t.
Do you even have any idea, this is not right, normal. That means you support evil, and any type of evil. Your just a bunch of sick, deluded fools.
I never, ever expected this from somebody with aspergers syndrome.
As a Christian, I feel like I am being targeted at, when I hear this.

Hey genius, there's difference between Satanism and Devil-Worship.

LeVey Satanism is atheist left-hand religion. Based on egoism and logic, Satan is metaphor for our beliefs. If we worship anyone it's ourselves a way phrase the way LeVey Satanist believes is "I am my own God"

Devil-Worship is exactly what you call it, worship of the Christian villain, it's just Christianity in reverse.

Please reserach the difference next time.

I think he/she put his/her fingers in his/her ears a while ago.

"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat." - Terry Bisson


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10 Dec 2006, 7:19 am

I have met the master grotto of the church of satan in australia....pretty cool guy

the churchofsatan corresponds eerily to dionysian practices in general... <--basically the left hand side here


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12 Dec 2006, 2:38 pm

a wrote:
Your all sick. Satanist and all that s**t.
Do you even have any idea, this is not right, normal. That means you support evil, and any type of evil. Your just a bunch of sick, deluded fools.
I never, ever expected this from somebody with aspergers syndrome.
As a Christian, I feel like I am being targeted at, when I hear this.

Not a problem: as a christian, you'll forgive them.

I've always been atheistic. I'm not actually capable of forming beliefs. I can suspect, suppose, assume, and have hunches; but I can't talk myself into developing a certainty in a hypothetical, undefined thing to the extent that I'd die for it.

I know a number of satanists [I know a couple devilworshippers, too; but they're irksome], and, while they're not all hugs&puppies, I don't see them putting much effort into hurting anyone. They'll be the first to heckle someone for saying and doing stupid things; but that's just the harmless side of sticks and stones. I actually agree with a lot of their principles. In fact, about the only thing I lack is the word satanist. And that begs the question: if I'm just like a satanist without the title, then how is the title helpful?

I'll just stick to being without theism in a more unassociated sense.

Yeah; like I'd be capable of sarcasm....


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16 Dec 2006, 12:41 am

Right now I'm Agnostic/Atheist. I used to be into Buddhism, but I don't practice that much anymore.


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16 Dec 2006, 12:54 am

McJeff wrote:
So that's when I quit worrying about it. I try to live a good life, be kind to people and animals, and generally leave things better when I leave then they were when I got there. If it all turns out to be true, I've got no worries about the whole ordeal, because according to one of the good Christians, after you die, you get another chance to accept Christ - which if it's true, I will. And if it's not, then I'll be too dead to care.

My mild Deist leanings are because I don't know where the World came from or what started it. However, I think what happened may well be beyond mortal comprehension, and it's nothing I need to concern myself with.

That pretty much describes my situation.

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16 Dec 2006, 10:53 am

I was a Christian for most of my life but I started having doubts around 10th grade. There were so many little inconsistencies and many of the Christians I knew were very very hypocritical. I read Descartes' Discourse on Method in my junior year of high school. Essentially his project was to critically evaluate everything he held to be true to see whether it could hold up to reason. While I disagree with his conclusions, I think his method is very powerful.

I am now in the 5th year of using his method. Essentially I am a philosophical agnostic and a stoic. From what I know of science, I think that it is very reasonable that there is some kind of divine being or force. I think it is very unlikely that all of the elegance in the natural world just happened by chance. Right now I have little reason to believe that the divine is personal (i.e. old man with a beard, etc.). The conception I think is must likely is that of the Stoic Logos which is essentially a creative and ordering principle. You could almost think of it as the opposite of entropy. But the more I learn, the more I realize that I am barely scratching the surface of knowledge. Right now I am writing a sizable paper on Agnostic Ethics for my Philosophy of Religion class. I'll post it on WP when it is finished. I have also started looking at how Aspies go about forming ethical systems in comparison with N.T.s.

My avatar is actually a painting by Ivan Albright called "The Philosopher." There is such sadness and insecurity in the subject's eyes. I look at it a lot to remind myself that philosophy can be a cruel mistress, and what my failure would leave me as.
Here is a larger version of the painting.


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17 Dec 2006, 8:46 pm

Lots and lots of reading...

Buddhism does have it's appeal, but I prefer Stoic philosophy. Stoicism is more... "Western" and familiar and I have to cut away less BS to get to the good stuff. By BS I mean the supernatural elements.


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18 Dec 2006, 11:32 pm

I followed nothing, merely took pieces of ideologies that I agreed with from here and there. It has taken me over 12 yrs to gain the knowledge I have, scientifically, sociologically, politically, ... I believe in einstein's theory of everything. But, I did not follow a label to get there, it just so happened that einstein was thinking the same thing I was.