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15 Jun 2011, 8:10 pm

BurntOutMom wrote:

Apparently, what you and I call revenge differs greatly.

How is you taking pleasure in his death not a vengeful way of thinking? It's not an act of revenge no, but I can tell that you condone acts of revenge based on what you have said. I mean, actually I don't even think death is all that sad, because I believe it's an illusion, but I think people celebrating death is incredibly sad.


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15 Jun 2011, 8:25 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
BurntOutMom wrote:

Apparently, what you and I call revenge differs greatly.

How is you taking pleasure in his death not a vengeful way of thinking? It's not an act of revenge no, but I can tell that you condone acts of revenge based on what you have said. I mean, actually I don't even think death is all that sad, because I believe it's an illusion, but I think people celebrating death is incredibly sad.

Why do you assume "taking pleasure in him dying" has anything to do with anger, or revenge, or hate? The guy is now off the streets and wont offend anymore (cause hes dead). If thats not a reason to be happy than what is a reason to be happy?

Warehousing him in jail would accomplish the same thing ( you dont have to use the death penalty), but he saved the taxpayer time and money by croaking on his own. Works just as well.


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15 Jun 2011, 8:48 pm

^It's hateful because it's not a somber, sober sense of necessary evil and relief, it's a joyous rush of revenge and hate for a loathsome person's demise.


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15 Jun 2011, 8:56 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
BurntOutMom wrote:

Apparently, what you and I call revenge differs greatly.

How is you taking pleasure in his death not a vengeful way of thinking? It's not an act of revenge no, but I can tell that you condone acts of revenge based on what you have said. I mean, actually I don't even think death is all that sad, because I believe it's an illusion, but I think people celebrating death is incredibly sad.

How am I taking pleasure? I'm not celebrating anything. I simply don't mourn it.

Kicking him in the head would have been victim empowerment. Revenge would be checking for a pulse, performing CPR, then cutting off his offending member and cramming it down his throat. I didn't advise or wish that, did I?

I believe in fighting back. Obviously, you have never been a victim. At 17, I put myself in a bad situation and trusted the wrong people, and I take responsibility for that. I learned my lesson. I didn't fight back... I was too drunk to. I didn't tell.. I dealt with it and moved on with my life. This is a totally different situation. This was an elderly woman in her own home who was attacked by a repeat sex offender. Her home and her body were violated. If you were her, how long would it take for you to get your sense of safety back?

Don't presume to know me. I don't condone acts of revenge, but I understand them a lot more than I understand someone victimizing a random elderly stranger minding her own business.


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15 Jun 2011, 8:57 pm

BurntOutMom wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
Revenge would be checking for a pulse, performing CPR, then cutting off his offending member and cramming it down his throat. I didn't advise or wish that, did I?

well, would you condone that? haha. and btw i have been a victim before. my stepdad beat me up a lot, and i haven't been raped, but have had a very creepy close call. and no i would not seek revenge if he actually did anything physical.

when are people going to get over this idea that the only way to honor a victim is through the blood of their offender? never?


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16 Jun 2011, 12:22 am

donnie_darko wrote:
BurntOutMom wrote:
Revenge would be checking for a pulse, performing CPR, then cutting off his offending member and cramming it down his throat. I didn't advise or wish that, did I?

well, would you condone that? haha. and btw i have been a victim before. my stepdad beat me up a lot, and i haven't been raped, but have had a very creepy close call. and no i would not seek revenge if he actually did anything physical.

when are people going to get over this idea that the only way to honor a victim is through the blood of their offender? never?

I'm trying to figure out if you are purposely being obtuse. You keep inferring that I've said things that I have most certainly not said. So I ignore your ridiculous rhetorical question that does not apply to me and counter with one of my own: when will simplistic bleeding heart liberals quit criminalizing those who don't hold their pansy-assed, naive, love-will-cure-the-world views?


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16 Jun 2011, 1:19 am

Most people are more vengeful.



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16 Jun 2011, 1:21 am

its not vengeful. Its just F'ing funny!


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16 Jun 2011, 3:03 am

BurntOutMom wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
BurntOutMom wrote:
Revenge would be checking for a pulse, performing CPR, then cutting off his offending member and cramming it down his throat. I didn't advise or wish that, did I?

well, would you condone that? haha. and btw i have been a victim before. my stepdad beat me up a lot, and i haven't been raped, but have had a very creepy close call. and no i would not seek revenge if he actually did anything physical.

when are people going to get over this idea that the only way to honor a victim is through the blood of their offender? never?

I'm trying to figure out if you are purposely being obtuse. You keep inferring that I've said things that I have most certainly not said. So I ignore your ridiculous rhetorical question that does not apply to me and counter with one of my own: when will simplistic bleeding heart liberals quit criminalizing those who don't hold their pansy-assed, naive, love-will-cure-the-world views?

Exactly. It's just a matter of being sensible. When a murder or rape takes place, instead of analyzing why this character did what he did and trying to turn him back into a civilized human being the cheapest and easiest thing to do is to kill him. No more problems, and the tax payer saves a lot of money. As a matter of fact, anybody showing potentials for violence or if a neighbor suspects that violence may result, a hell of a lot of trouble and expense could be avoided by killing the suspects before any violence occurs. There are lots of hit squads lolling around in police back rooms doing nothing that could save scads of money by sending them out to whack anybody that seems off base.Think of the court time, lawyers expense, all sorts of things made simpler and cheaper. An inexpensive bullet well placed is an economic miracle. OK, a few innocent people may be killed but think of the money saved. People fall off ladders all the time.


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16 Jun 2011, 9:04 am

donnie_darko wrote:
tomboy4good wrote:
He was clearly a repeat offender. What he did to that woman will shadow her for the rest of her life. Apparently you don't seem to be able to see the victim's side in all this. He hurt people. T


so because i don't think revenge is the answer i dont' care about the victims? that is what you are saying?

In my oppinion, if you tell an assault victim to their face that their worst nightmare doesn't diserve to be punished at all, then yes. "I don't care" kind of is what you're saying.

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17 Jun 2011, 1:06 am

MarketAndChurch wrote:
The majority of rapes are not about power unless the power you are speaking about is the power to get sex. It's not about intimidation though it does play a role to get sex.

I think you have that backwards. It is completely about taking something which would not have been given to you willingly. Could be a car, a purse, sex, though, is the thing taken in this case. If it were truly only about the sex, as someone else mentioned, one could get a $20 street walker. Many men do. Also, the myriad websites dedicated to rape fantasies disproves your theory - it is, in fact, the domination/control/intimidation/force that distinguishes it from mainstream porn. Rape is NOT ABOUT THE SEX.

Disclaimer: before anyone puts words into my mouth, statutory rape does not apply above.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are not a rape survivor, MarketAndChurch. Your comments do not represent me or any rape survivor I have ever known.

BurntOutMom wrote:
I just don't hold human life so sacred. I think it's silliness. We're just another species in the animal kingdom... and rabid dogs should be put down because they're dangerous to keep around.

I have to agree on this one. An illogical amount of money is spent keeping people alive who have no reason to be alive. Unfortunately, the death penalty, complete with all its legal hoops to jump through, has become a more expensive option than a life sentence... but it doesn't have to be that way. And IMO repeat-offender rapists cannot be rehabilitated. Re-releasing them out into the public is negligent and a public safety hazard.

donnie_darko wrote:
well, would you condone that? haha. and btw i have been a victim before. my stepdad beat me up a lot, and i haven't been raped, but have had a very creepy close call. and no i would not seek revenge if he actually did anything physical.

Physical abuse and sexual abuse are so not the same thing. Not even in the same effing ballpark. Furthermore, many people don't seek revenge, or even justice, after a sexual assault. Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps that knowledge drives the public reaction to this rapist's untimely end?

donnie_darko wrote:
when are people going to get over this idea that the only way to honor a victim is through the blood of their offender? never?

It's not. It's one way, but it's not the only way. And in many cases, it's either not about the victim, or not solely about the victim - it's about ensuring there will never be another victim.

And DonnieDarko, WTF is with the rape posts? It wasn't long ago I was responding to one you did on rape vs. murder, and you diminished the impact of rape there, as well. I'm starting to wonder about you, honestly truly.

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17 Jun 2011, 3:22 am

mox wrote:
MarketAndChurch wrote:
The majority of rapes are not about power unless the power you are speaking about is the power to get sex. It's not about intimidation though it does play a role to get sex.

I think you have that backwards. It is completely about taking something which would not have been given to you willingly. Could be a car, a purse, sex, though, is the thing taken in this case. If it were truly only about the sex, as someone else mentioned, one could get a $20 street walker. Many men do. Also, the myriad websites dedicated to rape fantasies disproves your theory - it is, in fact, the domination/control/intimidation/force that distinguishes it from mainstream porn. Rape is NOT ABOUT THE SEX.

Disclaimer: before anyone puts words into my mouth, statutory rape does not apply above.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are not a rape survivor, MarketAndChurch. Your comments do not represent me or any rape survivor I have ever known.

For most women everywhere in the world throughout the ages, rape has been largely driven by male sexual nature desiring/wanting/needing sex. Taking something that would not have been given willingly is part of the process of rape, but not the motivation.

Also, one cannot liken it to wanting to take a purse, or car. The male brain and body is sexually excited at the slightest possibility of getting sex, and most men will tell you, the excitement and rush before and during the act is not similar to the rush or excitement from taking something that does not belong to you. The same is true even going somewhere where there is women like the beach on a sunny day or to a crowded venue/theater/club/bar on a friday or saturday night as the presence of females excites the subconscious as the possibility of mating has increased. The prefer'd method of mating has also increased as there is variety, which plays a large role in male sexual nature.

Sometimes, there is in fact, no rush at all with material pursuits other then fear or anxiety not get caught, but if Apple is your thing, and a revolutionary ipen is launching, one could get worked up, but still, the excitement that their brain registers is different from that of a male anticipating sex.

Does the person you describe exist? Absolutely. But they are the exception, not the rule. Do note that serial rapists, or men who make websites where they discuss at length their fantasy rape do not constitute the majority of rapes that happen out there... not even a large minority, but a tiny minority.

The 20 dollar hooker is using a modern context which still fails as male sexual nature desiring sex is still the driving motivation behind consensual sex, rape, porn, and prostitution. It is sex, not some power grab. To discount that is to be seriously ignorant of men and their sexual nature. You should know the power of sex for a man, as we've created a billion dollar industry out of it, constitute virtually every rape, built red-light districts wherein men hundreds of miles away will travel to just for the act, etc. Women know this and have embraced this in both attitude and dress to leverage some power out of this desire. And just as there is the good, the moral, and the legal, this is the ugly, the evil, the immoral, and the illegal side of the act.

It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.

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17 Jun 2011, 9:35 am

MarketAndChurch wrote:
mox wrote:
For most women everywhere in the world throughout the ages, rape has been largely driven by male sexual nature desiring/wanting/needing sex. Taking something that would not have been given willingly is part of the process of rape, but not the motivation.

Also, one cannot liken it to wanting to take a purse, or car. The male brain and body is sexually excited at the slightest possibility of getting sex, and most men will tell you, the excitement and rush before and during the act is not similar to the rush or excitement from taking something that does not belong to you. The same is true even going somewhere where there is women like the beach on a sunny day or to a crowded venue/theater/club/bar on a friday or saturday night as the presence of females excites the subconscious as the possibility of mating has increased. The prefer'd method of mating has also increased as there is variety, which plays a large role in male sexual nature.

Sometimes, there is in fact, no rush at all with material pursuits other then fear or anxiety not get caught, but if Apple is your thing, and a revolutionary ipen is launching, one could get worked up, but still, the excitement that their brain registers is different from that of a male anticipating sex.

Does the person you describe exist? Absolutely. But they are the exception, not the rule. Do note that serial rapists, or men who make websites where they discuss at length their fantasy rape do not constitute the majority of rapes that happen out there... not even a large minority, but a tiny minority.

The 20 dollar hooker is using a modern context which still fails as male sexual nature desiring sex is still the driving motivation behind consensual sex, rape, porn, and prostitution. It is sex, not some power grab. To discount that is to be seriously ignorant of men and their sexual nature. You should know the power of sex for a man, as we've created a billion dollar industry out of it, constitute virtually every rape, built red-light districts wherein men hundreds of miles away will travel to just for the act, etc. Women know this and have embraced this in both attitude and dress to leverage some power out of this desire. And just as there is the good, the moral, and the legal, this is the ugly, the evil, the immoral, and the illegal side of the act.

It would be really nice if you could site some specific examples/sources of this "For most women everywhere in the world throughout the ages" and "not even a large minority, but a tiny minority" that you speak of.

"Taking something that would not have been given willingly is part of the process of rape, but not the motivation" is exactly the point of rape - otherwise it is just consensual sex. Paying for hookers, including the red-light district you speak of, is still consensual sex. Of course men are sexual creatures - and most are able to fulfill their sexual needs/drives without assaulting females. The assault does not go hand-in-hand with the sex. (Well, I don't know your personal situation, but assault is not a normal part of sex for me or the people I know.) I don't know why you don't get that. I guess we must just agree to disagree.

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17 Jun 2011, 9:58 am

MarketAndChurch wrote:
mox wrote:
MarketAndChurch wrote:
The majority of rapes are not about power unless the power you are speaking about is the power to get sex. It's not about intimidation though it does play a role to get sex.

I think you have that backwards. It is completely about taking something which would not have been given to you willingly. Could be a car, a purse, sex, though, is the thing taken in this case. If it were truly only about the sex, as someone else mentioned, one could get a $20 street walker. Many men do. Also, the myriad websites dedicated to rape fantasies disproves your theory - it is, in fact, the domination/control/intimidation/force that distinguishes it from mainstream porn. Rape is NOT ABOUT THE SEX.

Disclaimer: before anyone puts words into my mouth, statutory rape does not apply above.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are not a rape survivor, MarketAndChurch. Your comments do not represent me or any rape survivor I have ever known.

For most women everywhere in the world throughout the ages, rape has been largely driven by male sexual nature desiring/wanting/needing sex. Taking something that would not have been given willingly is part of the process of rape, but not the motivation.

Also, one cannot liken it to wanting to take a purse, or car. The male brain and body is sexually excited at the slightest possibility of getting sex, and most men will tell you, the excitement and rush before and during the act is not similar to the rush or excitement from taking something that does not belong to you. The same is true even going somewhere where there is women like the beach on a sunny day or to a crowded venue/theater/club/bar on a friday or saturday night as the presence of females excites the subconscious as the possibility of mating has increased. The prefer'd method of mating has also increased as there is variety, which plays a large role in male sexual nature.

Sometimes, there is in fact, no rush at all with material pursuits other then fear or anxiety not get caught, but if Apple is your thing, and a revolutionary ipen is launching, one could get worked up, but still, the excitement that their brain registers is different from that of a male anticipating sex.

Does the person you describe exist? Absolutely. But they are the exception, not the rule. Do note that serial rapists, or men who make websites where they discuss at length their fantasy rape do not constitute the majority of rapes that happen out there... not even a large minority, but a tiny minority.

The 20 dollar hooker is using a modern context which still fails as male sexual nature desiring sex is still the driving motivation behind consensual sex, rape, porn, and prostitution. It is sex, not some power grab. To discount that is to be seriously ignorant of men and their sexual nature. You should know the power of sex for a man, as we've created a billion dollar industry out of it, constitute virtually every rape, built red-light districts wherein men hundreds of miles away will travel to just for the act, etc. Women know this and have embraced this in both attitude and dress to leverage some power out of this desire. And just as there is the good, the moral, and the legal, this is the ugly, the evil, the immoral, and the illegal side of the act.

@MarketAndChurch: You just plain don't get it do you? Spoken like a 24 year old male who has never been raped. In fact, you're quite naive! You don't speak for me either being that I've experienced what you clearly have not! I'm female, & have lived long enough to have been sexually abused as a child by a man who was old enough to be my grandfather. Why would he do that? One, our society says it's taboo for a grown man to want to have sexual relations with a child. Two, obviously he was a predator, & preyed on those who were powerless against, it WAS most definitely a POWER TRIP! It made him feel special, maybe even godlike. I'm sure he thought he was doing me a favor....instead he's left me with a lifetime of feeling used & dirty. It was also terrifying! Also my ex had no desire to have normal relations with me. He'd rather watch porn. It was only exciting to him when he caused me intense physical discomfort. That's what rape is...taking something that you have no right to against another person's will.

I think you are either downplaying rape as a physical violation due to the fact you have little real life experience or that you really haven't got a clue what it's like to be a victim of rape. Or thirdly, maybe you think it's ok for men to rape women. If that's the case, I hope you grow up emotionally before you hurt someone. Do you even know a woman who has experienced it? Don't try to say it's just about sex. It's not. Men have plenty of outlets for sexual frustration, 2 of them are right at the end of a man's arms. There's also plenty of porn or hookers available any time of day or night. It's all about forcefully taking something away from someone else without their permission or approval. It's all about the fear, intimidation, & causing psychological distress & terror, & physical pain. Some men get a sexual charge out of forcing themselves on a woman. There are men out there who cannot have sex unless he's involved in rape. He's just not turned on by normal intimacy. Ultimately rape results in sex, but there's nothing pleasureable in it for the victim. She is merely a vehicle used for the man to get off...period. The rapist doesn't even care what a woman looks like, just that he gets off emotionally & physically. Plenty of women in the wrong place at the wrong time have discovered this fact. If you haven't been on the receiving end, you wouldn't have a clue.

I hope as you get older you'll get a clearer understanding that rape is about much more than just sex. It's why some sex offenders become murderers. Simply taking from a woman after a while loses its thrill. That's why they turn to's even more taboo than rape.


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17 Jun 2011, 10:03 am

Well said, Tomboy.

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17 Jun 2011, 10:22 am

mox wrote:
Well said, Tomboy.

Thanks Mox. Had I been given a choice, I sure wouldn't have the horrible memories I've been left with for decades.

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wrong, no one forgets.

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