Eric_crooks wrote:
Hello all, I used to be a non-denomintional christian until last year. In church, many so-called "Christians" would make fun of me and bully, and especially make fun of my aspergers-induced quirks and idiosyncracies. I found this to be the case at EVERY church I went to. I blelieve this is because Christianity does not tolerate any kind of deviance from the norm. I mean when you look at the bible and read all of its silly morals and laws, its basically anti-aspergers, anti-nonconformist, pro-neurotypical, pro-conformist propaganda. It didn't matter if I was in a catholic church, a othodox synagogue or whatever... every Xtian place of worship was full of serious people who did not appreciate it my dark sense of humur and penchant for satire...
But then I started reading about Islam and it seemed like a much more accepting relgioun. I started going to Masjid ("mosque", to you heathens) and it was so much more welcoming than any chrurch i have ever been too... I felt like all us Muslims there were one big family, and actually, in Allahs eyes, we are. Nobody made a big deal about me being an aspie, or being a satirist... i went to at least 3 mosques in my area, and my experienc was the same at each one. I also found other muslim aspies who have reported the same opinions, they're all happier as Muslims! i think have found the best religion not just for myself but for all Apsergians and all mankind. What do you think? Do you all think that Islam is the best faith for Aspies? Do you think that maybe it was just the Christians in my area that were stuck up and stupid, or is xtianity in general just a dum and close-minded religion?
I would have to say that any minority group would tend to more open and friendly?
1. few people around so good to make new friends
2. power in numbers
3. in small groups every one knows everyone, so knowing you first is a plus for them as they can talk about the new guy
4, bordom. people may want to expand their circle of friends in a small group.
5 ect