You know you're a sniveling liberal when...

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04 Sep 2011, 12:24 am

marshall wrote:
Oh come off it. Please point out a thread where conservatives do not take their own beliefs seriously. Your pretension of being an ultra-rational and unbiased debater playing "devils advocate" is getting old.

Why is it a pretension? Compared to many, I AM pretty rational, and I've never claimed to be unbiased, just that I don't fall into the "my side right or wrong" trap of partisanship. Why turn yet another thread into a discussion of me personally rather than the thread topic? It seems to happen an awful lot when I enter a thread, and usually from the same handful of people.
I take it as a compliment, I'm not easily brushed off like a known partisan ideologue is, so it seems easier long term to try and go after me personally rather than try and actually engage my arguments rationally. I know I'm respected by the people who's respect I'd want in the first place, so the rest is just dirt to brush off my shoulders. You might be happy with the "me too!" responses of people who agree with you anyway, I'm more interested in the "I don't agree with you but respect your opinion" responses of people with very disparate ideals and opinions.

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04 Sep 2011, 2:31 am

marshall wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
I don't really care what the "scientists" are saying since there is evidence they fudged their numbers.

Conservatives need to stop with the lies and slander.

funny how the Liberals and the left have quite a long history doing just that. along with extortion, voter fraud( can we say ACORN? I didn't know the dead can vote), failed economic policies( the USSR failed , the stimulus failed, welfare isn't long for this world..need I go on?), embezzlement, revisionism( yes they seem to forget the US civil war had causes other than slavery and yet seem to forget the very large problem of states rights and how NOT to ruin another regions economy: mind your money and others will mind theirs!) and lets not forget the wishful thinking liberals exhibit when they try to talk about renewable energy. there's a reason wind farms aren't popular: they just don't deliver. sure go ahead and put them out at sea. lets damage the oceans ecosystem further by pounding the sea water with the racket the wind turbines make! geothermal would work well but funny how I don't see very ay plants being built . don't get me started on liberalism and cows...
seems every time liberalism get involved the whole thing dies a slow and agonizing death.


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04 Sep 2011, 6:44 am

Telefunkenfan wrote:
seems every time liberalism get involved the whole thing dies a slow and agonizing death.

Yea verily. It turneth brown and sticky and it reeketh to High Heaven.

Whatever the Liberals touch, darkens and dies.



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04 Sep 2011, 9:59 am

I know this thread isn't supposed to be completely serious, but I think there are some major misconstruals of the liberal position.

Raptor wrote:
If you believe that happiness and wellbeing can only come from the government running your life, you might be a liberal.

I would say this is in direct opposition to the actual liberal position. Liberals do not want the government to regulate matters of personal choice where no harm is brought onto others. Liberals want some regulation of business so that corporations do not run our lives; it's about checks and balances.
Raptor wrote:
If you believe that welfare should not just be a safety net but a hammock for life, you might be a liberal.

No, I want welfare to be for those who are elderly or disabled and thus unable to work or those who are temporarily between jobs and actively seeking gainful employment.
Raptor wrote:
If you believe that healthcare is a right and not a service, you might be a liberal.

Yes, I actually do believe that, in a country as wealthy as the United States, a universal minimum standard of health coverage is a right; it's not exactly humane to kick people out on the street if they develop a serious condition like cancer or to let the homeless die on the street for want of healthcare. The free-market model of rational actors weighing choices fails when you're unconscious and rapidly losing blood.
Raptor wrote:
If you believe that gun control is the answer to crime, you might be a liberal.

Crime is a complex problem without a simplistic solution, but having more guns in circulation is not the answer.
Raptor wrote:
If you believe the death penalty is murder but abortion is simply a common everyday woman’s choice, you just might be a liberal.

I don't think anyone believes women should just randomly go out and have unprotected sex so that they can get an abortion a few weeks later—as if it's a choice as frivolous as scrambled vs. hard-boiled eggs.


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04 Sep 2011, 10:51 am

Dox47 wrote:
marshall wrote:
Oh come off it. Please point out a thread where conservatives do not take their own beliefs seriously. Your pretension of being an ultra-rational and unbiased debater playing "devils advocate" is getting old.

Why is it a pretension? Compared to many, I AM pretty rational

I'd beg to differ. You've made plenty of arguments that don't hold water from a strictly logical perspective.
, and I've never claimed to be unbiased, just that I don't fall into the "my side right or wrong" trap of partisanship.

Could you clarify what you mean by "my side right or wrong"? You know most people didn't just willy-nilly choose a "side" like choosing to join a high-school clique.

Why turn yet another thread into a discussion of me personally rather than the thread topic? It seems to happen an awful lot when I enter a thread, and usually from the same handful of people.
I take it as a compliment, I'm not easily brushed off like a known partisan ideologue is, so it seems easier long term to try and go after me personally rather than try and actually engage my arguments rationally.

I have engaged your arguments rationally, though you don't always notice or address my points. This particular thread topic is for taking pot-shots at "liberals" and you decided to participate. Why do you expect people to "rationally engage" you in a thread for taking pot-shots at "sniveling liberals".


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04 Sep 2011, 3:09 pm

When you believe a black man can be president.

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04 Sep 2011, 4:33 pm

Marshall wrote:

This particular thread topic is for taking pot-shots at "liberals" and you decided to participate. Why do you expect people to "rationally engage" you in a thread for taking pot-shots at "sniveling liberals.

There is ths other thread started before this one by a liberal titled;
“You KNOW that you're a Right Wing Nut Job when...”

This thread is a parody of that but I’m guessing you don’t have an issue with that thread, do you….


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04 Sep 2011, 5:00 pm

Raptor wrote:
Marshall wrote:
This particular thread topic is for taking pot-shots at "liberals" and you decided to participate. Why do you expect people to "rationally engage" you in a thread for taking pot-shots at "sniveling liberals.

There is ths other thread started before this one by a liberal titled;
“You KNOW that you're a Right Wing Nut Job when...”

This thread is a parody of that but I’m guessing you don’t have an issue with that thread, do you….

I don't object to either thread. I simply don't expect anyone to "rationally engage" in such a thread.

I also don't equate refuting inane off-base statements by conservatives with lacking a sense of humor.


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04 Sep 2011, 5:13 pm

You think a Che Guevara tea shirt should be considered less insulting than a Crucifix.

You actually think Cuba is a nice place to live.

You think having Zimbabwe on the human rights committe is a sign of progress.

You mistake opening dialogue for making progress.

You are in favor of humanitarian intervention everywhere except where it is taking place.

You think having a smaller military and larger peacekeeping commitments are not mutually contradictory policies.

You think you do not need to underwrite good intentions with force.

You would celebrate the freedom struggle of the Vietcong before acknowledging Oskar Romero as a hero.

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04 Sep 2011, 6:23 pm

When you honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, for his stances against war and poverty as well as his stance against American apartheid.


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04 Sep 2011, 7:56 pm

When you enjoy international travel.

When you take the time to learn foreign languages.

When you try to understand issues more deeply that what Faux News presents.

When you think that 2 weeks of annual leave per year is for the dogs.

When you think that the work week should be reduced to 40 hours.

When you try to eat right and exercise regularly.

When you listen to classical music stations.


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04 Sep 2011, 8:26 pm

pandabear wrote:
When you enjoy international travel.

When you take the time to learn foreign languages.

When you try to understand issues more deeply that what Faux News presents.

When you think that 2 weeks of annual leave per year is for the dogs.

When you think that the work week should be reduced to 40 hours.

When you try to eat right and exercise regularly.

When you listen to classical music stations.

I don't see what's so liberal about any of those.....

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04 Sep 2011, 8:27 pm

pandabear wrote:
When you enjoy international travel.

When you take the time to learn foreign languages.

When you try to understand issues more deeply that what Faux News presents.

When you think that 2 weeks of annual leave per year is for the dogs.

When you think that the work week should be reduced to 40 hours.

When you try to eat right and exercise regularly.

When you listen to classical music stations.

The above aren't strictly liberal actions. I am a Constitutionalist and an economic Conservative.
I speak 3 languages, listen to classical music daily ( Baroque era works are my favorite), over worked and try bitterly to keep in good health( I say try for a reason...) . as for news I tend to use international as well as domestic sources( BBC, Pravda, Reuters, New York times, etc etc)
but my rights are not up for negotiation. My property is MINE to do with as I please;not my neighbors, not the HOA president not anyone else. My privacy isn't optional and yours isn't either! If ever I saw a failure in logical thinking it would have to be John Maynard Keynes and anyone who honestly thinks that more government/regulation?taxation will do anything but hinder growth. A mixture of nationalism( buy American before you buy Chinese) and laissez-faire would work far far better than this bailout garbage.this does not mean we should shut out the world. we do best when we are the manufacturer of goods rather than the consumer of them.


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04 Sep 2011, 8:54 pm

. . . when the new challenging program at the symphony does not bother you one bit.

?We must not look at goblin men,
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04 Sep 2011, 9:54 pm

JakobVirgil wrote:
. . . when the new challenging program at the symphony does not bother you one bit.

Are you presuming that politically conservative folk cannot appreciated good music? If so, that is a rather snide and bigoted attitude. I am sure William F. Buckley Junyah appreciated good symphonic music.



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04 Sep 2011, 9:59 pm

ruveyn wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
. . . when the new challenging program at the symphony does not bother you one bit.

Are you presuming that politically conservative folk cannot appreciated good music? If so, that is a rather snide and bigoted attitude. I am sure William F. Buckley Junyah appreciated good symphonic music.


Oh you get me wrong I am assuming that "challenging" new program is mostly unlistenable.
:lol: this is where we make fun of liberals right?

?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??