Inuyasha wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I was raised to be both racist and sexist - a Methodist. Since leaving my parents' home, I've made my own way in and out of Christian institutions - seminary, Catholic churches, Spiritualist churches, Fundie Evangelical churches, and the Presbyterian church (where I was elected Elder). From all of this, I've learned that religion itself is a meaningless burden inflicted upon those seeking a Higher Meaning to their lives. I've also learned that church is a great place to socialize and meet potential life-partners. Were it not for church and work, I'd have no social life at all.
Well I am also a Methodist, and I wasn't raised to be racist and sexist (despite what some people here have tried to claim).
Absolutely not; Methodists are a mainline denomination, and so if anything, I'm a bit puzzled that you'd be so conservative
. There are always exceptions to the rule - as Fnord points out, the Methodists he grew up among could have been better people. Just the same, with some members - and even whole congregations - of my own Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, dipshittery can raise it's ugly head. Maybe especially among some of us Missouri Synod guys!
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer