nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
Is there a need for a Christian Autism/Asperger's forum?
There are plenty of other venues, such as your own, for people to argue about their favorite interpretation of the Gospel, whether the KJV is as accurate as the NIV, whether or not the Apocrypha is a valid part of the bible, and whether or not Jesus' death makes Old-Testament law irrelevant.
We have had more than enough self-righteous, self-anointed prophets log on and try to frighten us into believing as they do; we have had more than enough semi-literate fanatics post random Bible verses in their vain attempts confuse us into believing as they do; and we have certainly had more than enough well-meaning, sincere Christians post their particular confessions in good faith, only to have those confessions soundly ripped apart in a frenzied volley of demands for empirical evidence to support those confessions.
nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
I'd love to hear the opinion of other Christians (if any are still here) on this.
Restricting responses to only those people that
already share your views is one of the many reasons why I resigned as an Elder in the middle of my elected term; and here you are, perpetuating the myth of need for those very same narrow-minded affirmations that only fellow Christians can provide.
nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
Rude atheist opinions, not so much.
Equating rudeness with Atheists, and dissenting opinions in general, is one of the other reasons I resigned as Elder. You can not expect non-believers to come to Christ if you see them as rude.
I suggest that you read my blog on "
120 Things That Every Christian Must Believe (... or they are not real Christians...)". I hope that it will open your eyes to the ways that Our Savior's teachings have been perverted and used as justification for some of the most heinous atrocities ever perpetrated in the name of God.
We do not need another battlefield, certainly not one dedicated to one of the most hate-filled religions ever to be invented by Man.
Last edited by Fnord on 01 Oct 2011, 6:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.