Is there a need for a Christian Autism/Asperger's forum?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Dec 2010, 10:41 am

alex wrote:
There are tons of religions. If we added a board for one specific religion, we'd need to add boards for each religion. If you're getting personally mocked by people, you should report it to the moderators.

I wasn't suggesting another board here, but a forum at some other location. I don't think it would be possible to have a Christian board here as it would be dominated by atheists and Christians couldn't have have conversations with one another about anything because of all the 'noise'.

I'm not saying the Wrong Planet forums are a bad idea or anything. Just that there might be room for another one out there for those who don't fit in here.

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26 Dec 2010, 11:07 am

And the atheists and/or anti-theists wouldn't come find this new place and bring the same problems?


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26 Dec 2010, 1:00 pm

There are, one is reliably informed, ways to bar the door against the intruders.


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26 Dec 2010, 11:17 pm

Quartz11 wrote:
And the atheists and/or anti-theists wouldn't come find this new place and bring the same problems?

No - if theists wanted to intellectually isolate themselves off from critical scrutiny (which they frequently do) there are ways to have forums where only "certain people" are allowed. This, however, requires heavy moderation to kick off those who don't meet the said criteria. I've been to message boards where they divided religion up into a general discussion area (for people of any persuasion), a Christian only area, an Abrahamic only area, and an "Alternative" area - the said board also had different forums for liberals/conservatives.

If the prickly defensiveness of the religious results in the Balkanization of this board, their are ways to do it.


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26 Dec 2010, 11:27 pm

Philologos wrote:
Already GOT one for atheists!

Wrong. Theists post here and repeatedly rehash tired old arguments. They don't have a lot of endurance, though, as being debunked by atheists rather than having their beliefs reinforced (as they're used to in Church or Bible Study sessions) burns 'em out.



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26 Dec 2010, 11:29 pm

Why only suggest a Christian forum? why not a buddyst forum? An atheist forum? A Satanist forum?

Speaking of being mocked for being different, it is a little impressive that Christians would feel that way considering how easy they got it around the world in comparison to other religious choices.



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27 Dec 2010, 9:07 am

If the Theists/Christians were to form their own forum, then I suspect that they would be mocking each other over issues like transubstanciation versus consubstanciation and what-not. Then, would you have to exclude liberal Christians, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Catholics, all of whom Conservative Christians regard as being worse than Atheists?


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28 Dec 2010, 7:20 pm

Douchebaggery behavior is common in ALL Asperger forums but will be the most common in any forum discussing Religion or Politics. Even if you were to create a Christian forum I doubt you would be able to escape from the behavior you'll often find on here. I find it best to just ignore it. Some people on here are going to be jerks who only contribute to topics they dont agree with to one-up themselves while others will participate open-mindedly with courtesy in mind. Everyone is gonna have an opinion though and some are more fearless to share it with you than others.


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28 Dec 2010, 7:33 pm

nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
I've noticed that whenever I've mentioned that I'm a Christian here on wrong planet I'm assaulted by mocking atheists. It reminds me of when I was a kid being bullied for being different.

I'm wondering if there are folks with autism/Asperger's out there who really need to be able to connect with others but who are being driven off wrong planet by this. I mean, I'm a lot tougher now than I was as a kid but even I don't see much point in posting anything here in wrong planet's politics philosophy and religion section.

I do have a very new forum of my own (link is in signature)which is a sort of online writers group, and it has a section specifically for the writer with Asperger's/autism, and sections for Christian writers. But I'm wondering if I should add a few new sections for Christians with autism spectrum disorders, so that they can have a forum where they can be openly Christian without being attacked.

I'd love to hear the opinion of other Christians (if any are still here) on this. Rude atheist opinions, not so much.

yuh. way to further the division as if atheist automatically equates to rude.


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31 Dec 2010, 5:23 am

Yes. But then I was bullied by NT Christians because I was "weird". I'm bullied by them because I have more PETA esque beliefs and most Christians seem to use their religon as an excuse to justify animal abuse. I'm aware that some use it as an excuse for child abuse but it seems that almost every Christian I have ever met uses their religon as an excuse to murder, abuse or even tourtue helpless animals. I'm bullied because officaly I am a Catholic but there is so much hatin' on the Catholic Church these days. Maybe I am a Luthern but I believe in the saints. Most people are schocked when I announce that I believe God created people to take care of the animals and the earth. This one preacher said that is basically okay to trash the earth because this isn't going to be our home forever. That's like saying it's okay to trash a rental home. I've had so many bad expirences with Christians, the kind that are only Christians on Sunday, I want to run away screaming when someone says they are a Christian. I can understand why so many autistics are athiests though because so many so called "Christians" are horrible people.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.

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01 Oct 2011, 12:28 pm

There is a forum specifically for Christian Aspies

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01 Oct 2011, 6:21 pm

nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
alex wrote:
There are tons of religions. If we added a board for one specific religion, we'd need to add boards for each religion. If you're getting personally mocked by people, you should report it to the moderators.

I wasn't suggesting another board here, but a forum at some other location. I don't think it would be possible to have a Christian board here as it would be dominated by atheists and Christians couldn't have have conversations with one another about anything because of all the 'noise'.

I'm not saying the Wrong Planet forums are a bad idea or anything. Just that there might be room for another one out there for those who don't fit in here.
I am an atheist but as you are being decent and respectful of others I see no need to be rude to you. While I am critical of other people who agree with me in any area when they act stupid, I see no need for needless and childlike name-calling.

That said, I do see some critical flaws in your reasoning: I can certainly understand the desire to get rid of obnoxious people from any community, including online communities; however, if people are respectful and thoughtful yet disagree with my beliefs, I am pleased to have a debate with them. However, stating that atheists are inherently "noise" is not the same as saying rude people, who happen to be atheists, are annoying: It indicates a desire to stop people from questioning your beliefs, even if they do it respectfully, something which I find both understandable on a certain level yet also unrealistic, for though an message board is easily controlled, the real world needs thoughtful and constructive criticism; thus, by wanting to isolate yourself from the debate by those who disagree with you as well as their arguments, evidence and reasoning, you are closing yourself off from knowledge and the real world. Furthermore, while I may not want to hear from people with silly arguments or who are annoying, I do not desire to shut down rational debate, so long as we all behave in a decent and dignified manner towards each other.

And, as fotojunkie pointed out, their is already a forum for Christian Aspergians.


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01 Oct 2011, 6:29 pm

raisedbyignorance wrote:
Douchebaggery behavior is common in ALL Asperger forums but will be the most common in any forum discussing Religion or Politics. Even if you were to create a Christian forum I doubt you would be able to escape from the behavior you'll often find on here. I find it best to just ignore it. Some people on here are going to be jerks who only contribute to topics they dont agree with to one-up themselves while others will participate open-mindedly with courtesy in mind. Everyone is gonna have an opinion though and some are more fearless to share it with you than others.

I know what you are saying but I find it almost Impossible to live out.

they hijack the thread and then 3 pages later, you might find a post with a slight resemblance to the original, usually because of someone new to the discussion putting in his two cents to the OP.

It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.


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01 Oct 2011, 6:33 pm

nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
Is there a need for a Christian Autism/Asperger's forum?


There are plenty of other venues, such as your own, for people to argue about their favorite interpretation of the Gospel, whether the KJV is as accurate as the NIV, whether or not the Apocrypha is a valid part of the bible, and whether or not Jesus' death makes Old-Testament law irrelevant.

We have had more than enough self-righteous, self-anointed prophets log on and try to frighten us into believing as they do; we have had more than enough semi-literate fanatics post random Bible verses in their vain attempts confuse us into believing as they do; and we have certainly had more than enough well-meaning, sincere Christians post their particular confessions in good faith, only to have those confessions soundly ripped apart in a frenzied volley of demands for empirical evidence to support those confessions.

nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
I'd love to hear the opinion of other Christians (if any are still here) on this.

Restricting responses to only those people that already share your views is one of the many reasons why I resigned as an Elder in the middle of my elected term; and here you are, perpetuating the myth of need for those very same narrow-minded affirmations that only fellow Christians can provide.

nissa_amas_katoj wrote:
Rude atheist opinions, not so much.

Equating rudeness with Atheists, and dissenting opinions in general, is one of the other reasons I resigned as Elder. You can not expect non-believers to come to Christ if you see them as rude.

I suggest that you read my blog on "120 Things That Every Christian Must Believe (... or they are not real Christians...)". I hope that it will open your eyes to the ways that Our Savior's teachings have been perverted and used as justification for some of the most heinous atrocities ever perpetrated in the name of God.

We do not need another battlefield, certainly not one dedicated to one of the most hate-filled religions ever to be invented by Man.

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01 Oct 2011, 6:33 pm

alex wrote:
There are tons of religions. If we added a board for one specific religion, we'd need to add boards for each religion. If you're getting personally mocked by people, you should report it to the moderators.

Thank you Alex I agree that would be fair and Im also a christian I havent been mocked because I only talk about it with other christians :wink:


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02 Oct 2011, 7:01 am

There is also an autism/aspie subforum on Christian forums


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