Two Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door...
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I think that is way more intriguing than JW vs Darwin.
As intriguing as that sounds I won't go there either. Like I said too many of you are locked in your beliefs. I would be wasting not only your time but my time trying to reason from the bible ... a book, I might add, that many in this forum either have no respect for or outright reject as a "nice piece of fable".
A Proud Witness of Jehovah God (
Revelation 21:4 "And [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes,
and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.
The former things have passed away."
I'm a Christian, and I mean, I'm kind of half and half on the camp of evolution. In one way, I see in the beginning of Genesis with "And now the Earth was without form and void." I think it implies prior creation before Adam, or Pre-Adamic races. Also, "Never again will I destroy the Earth with a flood." That seems to imply to me, that the Earth prior was destroyed with a flood, and Adam and Eve came after the first flood. One thing, with me, and evolution, scientifically, that I fail to see, is the transition period. It seems the timeline goes from apemen, cavemen, etc, and then suddenly there's civilization that's exponentially advanced everywhere around 10,000-8000 years ago? There's no middle period before civilization, it's just a blank area with seemingly no records at all. So, yeah, I can accept the age of the Earth being a few billion years old, but I still think "man" as we know him didn't evolve from apes, carbon dating can be inaccurate, and it seems likely that man as we know him, came to Earth 8-10K years ago.
As far as evolution and Creationism, I like debating it and whatever, but really, it's something at the end of the day, that doesn't really matter to me as a Christian, believing the right thing about the creation of the Earth will not lead to people's salvation. So, academically, fun to debate a little, but in the end, sorta fruitless. Regardless of how we came about on the Earth, God created man, and God sent Jesus Christ as a way for man to be fixed from his own sinfulness and to be at union with God, as God intended for mankind. Unfortunately, Jehovah Witnesses are basically heretics, deny the divinity of Christ, and have several failed doomsday prophecies, etc.
Don't be so arrogant as to assume I am like that. I am and always have been deeply interested in the spiritual life. I'd say I've spent most of my waking life (fifty-one years so far) in prayer and study of these matters.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008
You sure are cherry-picking what you like or don't like. Why accept the evidence for the age of the earth, but not that we have found fossils of anatomically modern Homo sapiens that are 200,000 years old? There is also a clear sequence of fossils of archaic Homo sapiens of more primitive species (Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo antecessor) dating from 250,000 to 400,000 years ago, and a dozen or so fossil species dating back to five million years ago or so showing a clear transition from more ape-like to more human-like features over time. Now some, maybe even most, possibly even all of those more ancient species from a few million years ago may not be our direct ancestors, but they are definitely family: aunts, uncles or cousins to our ancestors.
The genetic evidence showing the family relationships of different species of modern living animals is even more convincing than the fossil record in showing evolution happens. For example, human chromosome 2 shows many clear signs of being two ape chromosomes fused together end to end, and the corresponding chromosomes in chimps and other apes have been identified as well as the exact locations in the chromosomes where the fusion took place. Endogenous retroviruses and pseudogenes also show the "nested hierarchy" pattern of common descent. Many people don't realize that even if we did not have ANY fossils at all, not even one, there is still more than sufficient evidence of many other different types that clearly show evolution happens way more than beyond any reasonable doubt.
Carbon dating is accurate within certain limits, and has been calibrated using other sources (such as tree ring data and historical artifacts of known date) to be more accurate now within certain regions than it used to be. There is more than one type of radioactive dating, and the different types measure different scales of time. Some of these dating time scales overlap and can corroborate and correct each other. As for 8-10K years ago, that was the beginnings of agriculture and settled societies that increased population and accelerated cultural development. Before that humans were hunter-gatherers who had no need to develop civilization as we know it today. Of course there are no records! They had not yet developed writing, and they had no records to keep and no reason to keep them. Writing was developed so ruling classes could keep tabs on who owned what (grain inventories, herds of animals, etc.) in order to collect taxes and tribute. There ARE records of a sort: fossils, artifacts and cave paintings.
Obviously many people differ, but I'm with you on this one as are most Christians. Most Christian churches have no trouble accepting the facts of evolution or the age of the earth. They do insist though that whatever the means, they were created by their God and didn't "just happen" out of nothing for no reason, and I have no problem with that. It could well be though that the meaning of the universe is no meaning, its purpose is no purpose, and its sense is non-sense (something Alan Watts once said).
Oh one more thing: there is no scientific evidence of a global flood. We do not find the type of geological and other evidence one would expect to find if such a flood occurred, but we DO find the type of evidence one would expect to find if such a flood did NOT happen. Go figure. It was probably a local flood that to the storytellers was their whole world, or was exaggerated later for dramatic effect. Again, it is something that if the Bible is true, is obviously meant to teach us that there is a God, He loves us, and has a plan for us. As long as we get that message from the story, the details of the story shouldn't matter and could distract us from receiving that message if people argue about whether or not it is meant to be taken literally.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008
I think that is way more intriguing than JW vs Darwin.
As intriguing as that sounds I won't go there either. Like I said too many of you are locked in your beliefs. I would be wasting not only your time but my time trying to reason from the bible ... a book, I might add, that many in this forum either have no respect for or outright reject as a "nice piece of fable".
I would be interested in your input in the biblical genealogy thread and my Cain one.
I have always found the views of witnesses interesting and not any sillier than the views
of any other religious group.
as a skeptic that is about the greatest praise I can give.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
I find it quite amusing how many people on this thread, choose not to see the truth that is staring them so blindly in the face.
I STUDY the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and I say this with the BIGGEST SMILE ON MY FACE. I am too an aspie! JEHOVAH GOD has blessed me with such great wisdom, from his Word, that I am able to learn, comprehend and uncover many truths that are in the bible.
First thing's first - The theory of evolution, is a theory, because it hasn't been yet proven. Continue reading, please.
The law of gravity, is a law. The law of physics, is a also law - the name kinda gives it away lol.
Genesis 1:20 - And God went on to say: "Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens. 21 - And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good. 22 - With that God blessed them, saying "Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth. 23 - And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day. 24 - And God went on to say: "Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind". And it came to be so. 25 - And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good. 26 - And God went on to say: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.
The "so-called" DNA that scientists are using to support the evolution theory is none other than DNA from a different animal altogether, as it quite clearly states in the scriptures above that JEHOVAH GOD had created: flying creatures, sea creatures and land creatures of every kind. So if JEHOVAH GOD had created EVERY form of animal to begin with - possibly to prepare and cultivate the land before the first humans existed, then why on earth would they need to evolve? That would be an insult to the ALMIGHTY GOD as he is the CREATOR of all things in existence - so he would have created them as they would have needed to be, not one thing first and then have it change into something completely different. Now let's examine even closely those scriptures even further. Notice, how there is no mention of time, apart from "the fifth day" - which refers to the seven days it had taken to make the Earth.
Now JEHOVAH GOD has no beginning or end - this will be quite hard to comprehend, as we imperfect humans know that we DO have a beginining and an end. The mention of the days are to help us understand the order in which these events occurred. We know a day as being 24 hours, but in biblical times the Ancient Jews measured their days from dawn till dusk - having their days split into just 3 hour intervals. Now, the concept of time, is a limitation placed onto humans, as we now grow old and die (thanks to Adam & Eve), but for the ALMIGHTY GOD, HE would not need to follow a concept of time, as HE has no limits. A day to JEHOVAH GOD could be 1,000 years, or it could be a billion years to us. This would answer many scientist's speculations as to how old the fossils that they're finding actually are, if its the latter!
Now in regards to mankind, When JEHOVAH GOD had created the first human pair - he had given them two special gifts. The first one being - FREE WILL (The ability to make our own choices and decisions) and the second being - EVERLASTING LIFE (The ability to not only live forever, but to also have perfect wisdom, perfect health, and to exercise perfect love and justice). Having said this, before Eve was created from Adam's rib, JEHOVAH GOD had set Adam many satisfying tasks to do. One of them being to give names to all of the animals in which JEHOVAH GOD had created.
Genesis 2:19 - Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name. 20 - So the man was calling the names of all the domestic animals and of all the flying creatures of the heavens and of every wild beast of the field, but for man there was no helper as a compliment of him.
The same kind of thing, when people recieve pets and they give the animal a name - Adam had named all of the animals, including the ones that we now have today.
Lastly, referring back to the aspect of everlasting life - if Adam & Eve hadn't of disobeyed God, then we'd all be having tea with them now, as mankind would have been able to live forever - Genesis 1:26 - "And God went on to say: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness"... This doesn't mean in a resemblence in appearance, but in the sense, that Adam & Eve had inherited many of JEHOVAH GOD's wonderful qualities including the prospect of Everlasting Life - "Likeness".
Now after, disobeying God, Adam & Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden and had forfeited their everlasting life; which, now meant that they were going to: age, get sick and die. Now the following scriptures, give us an indication as to how old Adam and his mentioned sons were when they had died - Let's compare their age expectancy to ours now, shall we?
Adam - Genesis 5:5 - So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to nine hundred and thirty years and he died.
Seth - Genesis 5:8 - So all the days of Seth amounted to nine hundred and twelve years and he died.
E'nosh - Genesis 5:11 - So all the days of E'nosh amounted to nine hundred and five years and he died.
Ke'nan - Genesis 5:14 - So all the days of Ke'nan amounted to nine hundred and ten years and he died.
Ma-hal'a-lel - Genesis 5:17 - So all the days of Ma-hal'a-lel amounted to eight hundred and ninety-five years and he died.
Ja'red - Genesis 5:20 - So all the days of Ja'red amounted to nine hundred and sixty-two years and he died.
E'noch - Genesis 5:23 - So all the days of E'noch amounted to three hundred and sixty-five years.
Me-thu'se-lah - Genesis 5:27 - So all the days of Me-thu'se-lah amounted to nine hundred and sixty-nine years and he died.
So you see, the theory of evolution and will forever remain just a theory as its clearly FALSE. The animal's purpose is stated in Genesis. Additionally, from seeing how long humans were living for, even after not having everlasting life anymore at that point in time, you can see that the timeline of human history spans a lot further than most even realise today.
Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Age: 46
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I STUDY the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and I say this with the BIGGEST SMILE ON MY FACE. I am too an aspie! JEHOVAH GOD has blessed me with such great wisdom, from his Word, that I am able to learn, comprehend and uncover many truths that are in the bible.
First thing's first - The theory of evolution, is a theory, because it hasn't been yet proven. Continue reading, please.
The law of gravity, is a law. The law of physics, is a also law - the name kinda gives it away lol.
Genesis 1:20 - And God went on to say: "Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens. 21 - And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good. 22 - With that God blessed them, saying "Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth. 23 - And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day. 24 - And God went on to say: "Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind". And it came to be so. 25 - And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good. 26 - And God went on to say: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.
The "so-called" DNA that scientists are using to support the evolution theory is none other than DNA from a different animal altogether, as it quite clearly states in the scriptures above that JEHOVAH GOD had created: flying creatures, sea creatures and land creatures of every kind. So if JEHOVAH GOD had created EVERY form of animal to begin with - possibly to prepare and cultivate the land before the first humans existed, then why on earth would they need to evolve? That would be an insult to the ALMIGHTY GOD as he is the CREATOR of all things in existence - so he would have created them as they would have needed to be, not one thing first and then have it change into something completely different. Now let's examine even closely those scriptures even further. Notice, how there is no mention of time, apart from "the fifth day" - which refers to the seven days it had taken to make the Earth.
Now JEHOVAH GOD has no beginning or end - this will be quite hard to comprehend, as we imperfect humans know that we DO have a beginining and an end. The mention of the days are to help us understand the order in which these events occurred. We know a day as being 24 hours, but in biblical times the Ancient Jews measured their days from dawn till dusk - having their days split into just 3 hour intervals. Now, the concept of time, is a limitation placed onto humans, as we now grow old and die (thanks to Adam & Eve), but for the ALMIGHTY GOD, HE would not need to follow a concept of time, as HE has no limits. A day to JEHOVAH GOD could be 1,000 years, or it could be a billion years to us. This would answer many scientist's speculations as to how old the fossils that they're finding actually are, if its the latter!
Now in regards to mankind, When JEHOVAH GOD had created the first human pair - he had given them two special gifts. The first one being - FREE WILL (The ability to make our own choices and decisions) and the second being - EVERLASTING LIFE (The ability to not only live forever, but to also have perfect wisdom, perfect health, and to exercise perfect love and justice). Having said this, before Eve was created from Adam's rib, JEHOVAH GOD had set Adam many satisfying tasks to do. One of them being to give names to all of the animals in which JEHOVAH GOD had created.
Genesis 2:19 - Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name. 20 - So the man was calling the names of all the domestic animals and of all the flying creatures of the heavens and of every wild beast of the field, but for man there was no helper as a compliment of him.
The same kind of thing, when people recieve pets and they give the animal a name - Adam had named all of the animals, including the ones that we now have today.
Lastly, referring back to the aspect of everlasting life - if Adam & Eve hadn't of disobeyed God, then we'd all be having tea with them now, as mankind would have been able to live forever - Genesis 1:26 - "And God went on to say: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness"... This doesn't mean in a resemblence in appearance, but in the sense, that Adam & Eve had inherited many of JEHOVAH GOD's wonderful qualities including the prospect of Everlasting Life - "Likeness".
Now after, disobeying God, Adam & Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden and had forfeited their everlasting life; which, now meant that they were going to: age, get sick and die. Now the following scriptures, give us an indication as to how old Adam and his mentioned sons were when they had died - Let's compare their age expectancy to ours now, shall we?
Adam - Genesis 5:5 - So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to nine hundred and thirty years and he died.
Seth - Genesis 5:8 - So all the days of Seth amounted to nine hundred and twelve years and he died.
E'nosh - Genesis 5:11 - So all the days of E'nosh amounted to nine hundred and five years and he died.
Ke'nan - Genesis 5:14 - So all the days of Ke'nan amounted to nine hundred and ten years and he died.
Ma-hal'a-lel - Genesis 5:17 - So all the days of Ma-hal'a-lel amounted to eight hundred and ninety-five years and he died.
Ja'red - Genesis 5:20 - So all the days of Ja'red amounted to nine hundred and sixty-two years and he died.
E'noch - Genesis 5:23 - So all the days of E'noch amounted to three hundred and sixty-five years.
Me-thu'se-lah - Genesis 5:27 - So all the days of Me-thu'se-lah amounted to nine hundred and sixty-nine years and he died.
So you see, the theory of evolution and will forever remain just a theory as its clearly FALSE. The animal's purpose is stated in Genesis. Additionally, from seeing how long humans were living for, even after not having everlasting life anymore at that point in time, you can see that the timeline of human history spans a lot further than most even realise today.
I don't agree that evolution is as significant a theory as some make it out to be. I don't buy into that whole man-from-monkeys kind of evolution. As for it not being proven, though, you need to be more careful. You can't, for example, go back in a time machine, speed things along, and actually witness evolution for yourself to prove that it happened. It takes too much time, supposedly, and therefore evolution in that sense is unfalsifiable by any human being now living. Scientifically speaking, it's science fiction. What baffles me about the whole discussion of evolution is that it seems to be some sacred cow, and I wonder why that is. I can accept that it COULD be if we document enough species NOW and continue to do so over time that macro-evolution might eventually be falsifiable, but as it is this just isn't so. With all due respect to TBG, our resident macro-evolution apologist, but this is the truth and anything else are all LIES. Some cute little fossils and wacky museum exhibits are simply not enough to convince some of us.
Having said that...
While SOME aspects of evolution remain unproven, it IS a proven fact that evolution occurs. Why is it PROVEN? Because it has been directly observed. Fruit flies. Mosquitoes developing resistance to pesticides. The development of new antibiotics to combat new bacterial strains. Flu vaccines to prevent the latest strains of influenza every year. The common cold. And every now and then we actually see new species appear, and that HAS been documented. Understanding what evolution is does not insult God nor deny Genesis. The most egregious error of the whole evolution vs. Bible debate is that it distracts from the most important teachings of the Bible, which are concerned with much more than the discipline of observing the world from a wholly human perspective.
I don't think you're less a Biblical literalist if you read Genesis with a degree of cautious flexibility. If you've really studied the Bible, and I mean HONESTLY studied the Bible, you should be aware of the gaps in chapter 1 and in other places throughout Genesis. "Gap theory" is just that--a theory. The gaps in Genesis are not a big deal theologically because Genesis doesn't try to give a second-by-second account of every aspect of everyone's life. So when time passes that nothing the Bible is concerned about happened, a "gap" is created, the events of which we can only speculate. One can reasonably conclude from a literal reading of Genesis that the earth had gone through a previous cycle of creation and destruction, and the rest of the Bible gives us clues as to why that is and what may have happened in that time. IF the universe and the earth really are, as Carl Sagan would say, "beel-yunz" of years old, and IF evolution happened on a grand scale like some would have us believe, these gaps in time do allow for those things. The "days" in Genesis 1 are merely described as periods of darkness and light. NOWHERE is there any indication that the days are consecutive 24-hour periods (though Yahweh is powerful enough to make this happen if that's how He chose to do it).
So that's the thing with evolution...
The other minor critique I have is a matter of reasoning. You said, "The law of physics, is a also law - the name kinda give it away..." "Law" is singular. I don't know much about physics, but I know there are more than one law! Scientific laws tend to be very broad and general, so saying "gravity is law" isn't really saying anything profound. "Gravitation," on the other hand, is only a theory. In scientific reasoning, though, theories explain what we observe MOST of the time, and in science it is assumed that every rule CAN have an exception. In a sense, music theory (my area) is not entirely unlike scientific theory in that it can trace the development of something (harmony and harmonic practice) over time and make general statements about it. Scientific theories are useful because of their explanatory power. You can't "prove" that electrons exist, for example, but do you have a better way to explain something like electrical current traveling along a copper wire? Understanding how it works "in theory" enables you to do things like safely replace light bulbs or solder together electric guitar components in a workable configuration. Or build computers. Laws say things like "in general, what goes up must come down" (gravity). But they cannot explain gravitational force. Also, we seemingly break the law of gravity all the time when we fly in airplanes or engage in primitive space travel.
What disturbs me most here, though, is saying things like "the law of gravity is a law..." This borders, if not outright, on begging the question. You're assuming what you're trying to prove. "It's a law, because, um, it's a law..." This is not law of identity here, because you really haven't sufficiently established exactly what a law IS. You've hinted that there is a reason for something being a law, but you failed to establish that reason and instead essentially said merely that "it's a law because it says it's a law..." By that logic I could make up anything and establish the truth of it by merely saying "because I said so."
And by the same logic, you could say "The Bible is true because the Bible says it's true." Um, NO. One of my favorite Michael Crichton books indicates that the events actually happened when in fact that book is a work of fiction. So why should I believe the Bible is anything but fairy-tale fiction?
I happen to believe the Bible, btw. But "I said so" and "it says so" are not enough for me to believe the Bible--or really anything. Even a lot of "lay" arguments in favor of evolution just end up being appeals to authority. You can't say "the law of physics is a law because it says it in the name." You have to say that the law of physics is a law because it meets the qualifications of what a law is.
Lastly, just a minor point on Adam and Eve. You said they had "The ability to not only live forever, but to also have perfect wisdom, perfect health, and to exercise perfect love and justice." I'd almost agree with you, but perfect wisdom is reserved only for God, for that includes knowledge of good/evil, right/wrong. God only gave them the knowledge and wisdom they NEEDED. They did not receive all of God's wisdom. That doesn't mean the wisdom they had wasn't perfect, but part of that perfection was it's incomplete nature. They had to decide for themselves whether this was something they wanted to attain to by works of their own hands or whether they would attain this through complete trust in God. I disagree that "perfect...justice" is included. Justice can only be given if wrongdoing or evil has been committed. Adam and Eve clearly did NOT have a sense of justice aside from understanding what would happen if they worked to attain (specific) knowledge for themselves. The Bible tells us that even if we are unaware of having done something wrong, we are still sinners accountable for God for those actions--even if the actions are unintentional or accidental. Free will means Adam and Eve had the capacity to do evil, but it also means they had the capacity to do good. God's creation is perfect. As image bearers, Adam and Eve were not created with an inherently sinful nature. Thus prior to the fall they were incapable of evil--not because God doesn't hold us accountable for acts done in ignorance, since we know He DOES hold us accountable even in our ignorance, but rather because of their perfectly good nature they were incapable of doing anything other than good.
The truly sad thing about Adam and Eve is not so much that there was only one evil thing they were aware of and that's all it took for their disobedience. It's that they were tempted by something that would supposedly increase their knowledge and make them equal or greater than God. If they were, with one exception, capable of only good, does that not mean that they were already on God's level? It's sad to me that Adam and Eve were tempted by what they already had and somehow didn't figure that out until it was too late.
Someone's intention doesn't allow them to say things that are scientifically false.
Lying openly about not caring is better than informing people of why they are wrong? That's disgusting.
It seems that you don't understand what a theory is. A Theory is a scientific explanation for why something happens.
Gravity is a theory. Evolution is a theory. The big bang is a theory. The fact is that strong evidence supports all three. Jehovah's Witnesses are not proposing a theory. They are trying to make out what what they say is absolutely correct when it isn't. Bicycling guitarist simply responded by saying how they are wrong from his point of view.
You are wrong. Congratulations?
He never said such a thing. He didn't say anything about science being destroyed. Only a fool would believe that anyway.
No he isn't He gave you links of why what he said was right and now you go straight in to an ad hominem comment about him believing science is flawless.
And so you give up any right to say whether he is right or wrong because you don't actually want to find out for yourself.
Speculation fallacy built on dubious evidence and contrary to BicyclingGuitarist's explicit words.
Wow, someone really has gone a bit crazy with self-indulgent and pointless bullying here.
This is supposing that we hate jehovah's witnesses. This is absurd. You are ignoring the fact that you said that you would lie and tell them to go, which is worse than being truthful. You make another speculative fallacy about what he intended to do without any actual proof.
Speculation fallacy.
Hysterical allusions that I don't want to even touch.
More speculation fallacy contrary to evidence. You say Bicycling looked down because... you said so. Thus also ipsum dixit.
Precocious sarcasm.
So you're just a guy rambling on speculatively who wants to attack bicycling because you can't take the fact that you were wrong in calling bicycling a jerk by not lying to someone. Classic.
Last edited by Gedrene on 02 Nov 2011, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Why are you afraid f being outnumbered? We say that people are misinformed because of such and such a reason and apparently we're characterized as being the other side of a battlefield. Most of us here don't care about harping on anyone. What we care about is fact.
Why is telling someone why they are wrong mean you are instantly seen as being on the offensive just because you use reason?
I do and I am a Christian or a follower of Christ. 2 Timothy 3:16,17 makes it abundantly clear that "All Scripture is inspired of God" not just the NT; all of it. "and [it's] beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." Paul writes, "For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope." (Romans 15:4)
Think of the OT and the NT as a single story that is told over the course of 66 books. Like any book there's a theme that runs through the story. What's the theme of the Bible? Very simply it is:
1. The vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty, and the sanctification of his good name. (Matthew 6:9,10)
2. God's Kingdom is the instrument by which this will be accomplished. (Daniel 2:44)
3. Jesus is the chief agent and King of God's Kingdom. (John 3:16; John 1:29; Revelation 5:13)
It's so simple a five year old can understand this.
And? HerrGrimm wasn't actually saying that. Selective quotation.
He was saying that someone else thought that.
Not HerrGrimm.
Having said that...
While SOME aspects of evolution remain unproven, it IS a proven fact that evolution occurs. Why is it PROVEN? Because it has been directly observed. Fruit flies. Mosquitoes developing resistance to pesticides. The development of new antibiotics to combat new bacterial strains. Flu vaccines to prevent the latest strains of influenza every year. The common cold. And every now and then we actually see new species appear, and that HAS been documented. Understanding what evolution is does not insult God nor deny Genesis. The most egregious error of the whole evolution vs. Bible debate is that it distracts from the most important teachings of the Bible, which are concerned with much more than the discipline of observing the world from a wholly human perspective.
I don't think you're less a Biblical literalist if you read Genesis with a degree of cautious flexibility. If you've really studied the Bible, and I mean HONESTLY studied the Bible, you should be aware of the gaps in chapter 1 and in other places throughout Genesis. "Gap theory" is just that--a theory. The gaps in Genesis are not a big deal theologically because Genesis doesn't try to give a second-by-second account of every aspect of everyone's life. So when time passes that nothing the Bible is concerned about happened, a "gap" is created, the events of which we can only speculate. One can reasonably conclude from a literal reading of Genesis that the earth had gone through a previous cycle of creation and destruction, and the rest of the Bible gives us clues as to why that is and what may have happened in that time. IF the universe and the earth really are, as Carl Sagan would say, "beel-yunz" of years old, and IF evolution happened on a grand scale like some would have us believe, these gaps in time do allow for those things. The "days" in Genesis 1 are merely described as periods of darkness and light. NOWHERE is there any indication that the days are consecutive 24-hour periods (though Yahweh is powerful enough to make this happen if that's how He chose to do it).
So that's the thing with evolution...
The other minor critique I have is a matter of reasoning. You said, "The law of physics, is a also law - the name kinda give it away..." "Law" is singular. I don't know much about physics, but I know there are more than one law! Scientific laws tend to be very broad and general, so saying "gravity is law" isn't really saying anything profound. "Gravitation," on the other hand, is only a theory. In scientific reasoning, though, theories explain what we observe MOST of the time, and in science it is assumed that every rule CAN have an exception. In a sense, music theory (my area) is not entirely unlike scientific theory in that it can trace the development of something (harmony and harmonic practice) over time and make general statements about it. Scientific theories are useful because of their explanatory power. You can't "prove" that electrons exist, for example, but do you have a better way to explain something like electrical current traveling along a copper wire? Understanding how it works "in theory" enables you to do things like safely replace light bulbs or solder together electric guitar components in a workable configuration. Or build computers. Laws say things like "in general, what goes up must come down" (gravity). But they cannot explain gravitational force. Also, we seemingly break the law of gravity all the time when we fly in airplanes or engage in primitive space travel.
What disturbs me most here, though, is saying things like "the law of gravity is a law..." This borders, if not outright, on begging the question. You're assuming what you're trying to prove. "It's a law, because, um, it's a law..." This is not law of identity here, because you really haven't sufficiently established exactly what a law IS. You've hinted that there is a reason for something being a law, but you failed to establish that reason and instead essentially said merely that "it's a law because it says it's a law..." By that logic I could make up anything and establish the truth of it by merely saying "because I said so."
And by the same logic, you could say "The Bible is true because the Bible says it's true." Um, NO. One of my favorite Michael Crichton books indicates that the events actually happened when in fact that book is a work of fiction. So why should I believe the Bible is anything but fairy-tale fiction?
I happen to believe the Bible, btw. But "I said so" and "it says so" are not enough for me to believe the Bible--or really anything. Even a lot of "lay" arguments in favor of evolution just end up being appeals to authority. You can't say "the law of physics is a law because it says it in the name." You have to say that the law of physics is a law because it meets the qualifications of what a law is.
Lastly, just a minor point on Adam and Eve. You said they had "The ability to not only live forever, but to also have perfect wisdom, perfect health, and to exercise perfect love and justice." I'd almost agree with you, but perfect wisdom is reserved only for God, for that includes knowledge of good/evil, right/wrong. God only gave them the knowledge and wisdom they NEEDED. They did not receive all of God's wisdom. That doesn't mean the wisdom they had wasn't perfect, but part of that perfection was it's incomplete nature. They had to decide for themselves whether this was something they wanted to attain to by works of their own hands or whether they would attain this through complete trust in God. I disagree that "perfect...justice" is included. Justice can only be given if wrongdoing or evil has been committed. Adam and Eve clearly did NOT have a sense of justice aside from understanding what would happen if they worked to attain (specific) knowledge for themselves. The Bible tells us that even if we are unaware of having done something wrong, we are still sinners accountable for God for those actions--even if the actions are unintentional or accidental. Free will means Adam and Eve had the capacity to do evil, but it also means they had the capacity to do good. God's creation is perfect. As image bearers, Adam and Eve were not created with an inherently sinful nature. Thus prior to the fall they were incapable of evil--not because God doesn't hold us accountable for acts done in ignorance, since we know He DOES hold us accountable even in our ignorance, but rather because of their perfectly good nature they were incapable of doing anything other than good.
The truly sad thing about Adam and Eve is not so much that there was only one evil thing they were aware of and that's all it took for their disobedience. It's that they were tempted by something that would supposedly increase their knowledge and make them equal or greater than God. If they were, with one exception, capable of only good, does that not mean that they were already on God's level? It's sad to me that Adam and Eve were tempted by what they already had and somehow didn't figure that out until it was too late.
Wow, I pretty much thought that the whole law of physics thing, was pretty much self-explanatory. A law pretty much is a system of rules a society sets to maintain order. These laws have not been deemed laws by JEHOVAH GOD, but by imperfect man - hence the many flaws and unresolved points that still exist in these systems. I respect the fact that you have so much faith in science. Although I disagree with some your beliefs, I do respect the level of faith that you have.
In reply to the point made about fruit flies and mosquitoes evolving, etc - what you have mentioned there is adaptation, not evolution. These creatures have had to adapt to the change of environment around them, so that they and their species survive. Evolution, mainly refers to the fact that these creatures would have drastically changed their appearance or their genetic make-up to become another creature altogether. But who is say, that JEHOVAH GOD didn't intervene with safeguarding these creatures from the many pesticides and pestilences that have been conjured up by imperfect man?
In terms of saying, that there are gaps in the Bible - that is incorrect. You need to have a good understanding of the entire bible, as the purpose of the bible is to reveal: GOD's purpose for mankind, the charges made against GOD by Satan and the purpose of the Messiah and his preaching work of God's Kingdom that will replace all of these human governments.
So, rather than forming a direct conclusion, that there are gaps - try and consider why it hasn't been yet mentioned. Compare, how far mankind has strayed from our CREATOR's original purpose and you'll notice that mankind still cannot comprehend everything that is written in the bible - so why would JEHOVAH GOD need to put any more information in there, if our stunted intellect cannot grasp, what has been given to us now? JEHOVAH GOD has revealed to us, all in which we need to know - for now. Once we are ready, the answers that we all are seeking will be given to us, once mankind regains EVERLASTING LIFE through complete faith in GOD and his only begotten son. Don't forget that the bible, was written over a 1,600 year period and Moses was the person who had written the first 5 books of the bible - many centuries after the death of Noah. So the whole of mankind spans a lot further than just two millenia.
I do agree, with the last points in which you raised with Adam and Eve.
Adam is refered in the bible as a "Son of God", as his perfection allowed him to speak directly to Our FATHER. JEHOVAH had created myriads and myriads of angelic spirit creatures who are all PERFECT also. As I mentioned in my first post - the only thing, that prevents us from being equal to God is the fact that JEHOVAH GOD has no limitations; whereas, all of his creations, have limitations of some shape or form. So no one can even come close to JEHOVAH GOD in any way shape or form - nor would anyone want to become equal to or greater than GOD , except for Satan and many people who are under his influence. JEHOVAH GOD is so loving and generous that he has blessed us with such wonderful gifts, because he loves us. He chose to do this out of the goodness of his heart - using his free will positively. The being, we know as Satan, was once a faithful and loyal angel to JEHOVAH who was created perfect too! JEHOVAH had given both humans and angels the gift of free will - whereas animals were created with built in instinct. Free will meaning, we have the choice of doing what is right and what is wrong. Satan had excercised his gift of free will to disobey GOD and then tempt Adam and Eve to then disobey JEHOVAH also, leading to the deterioration of Mankind. Up until that point, Adam & Eve only knew what was good. Why on earth would, they would they need to know what was bad, if they were living in complete bliss on the Earth? How has knowing what is bad, helped mankind in this day and age?
I understand, that this may be a little hard to truly comprehend the disconnection we now have with our CREATOR physcially, so I will use this illustration.
In these times, we have governments, with presidents and kings and queens, etc all over the world. Now as an "average joe" - we would not be able to even stand within 10 feet of these people, without being arrested and cast away. This is similar to how disconnected mankind are, from our Creator, as we have lost our perfection, due to Adam & Eve's disobedience. Although, Our CREATOR is always watching over us and helping us, in our everyday lives, we can only approach JEHOVAH GOD in prayer as Jehovah has allowed us to use this method of communication -But still, WE are NOT worthy to stand in his presence. As a perfect man - Adam would have been able to communicate with our CREATOR physically, as we do with one another on a daily basis, through two-way conversation.
Now, in response to your point as to why you should believe the bible - its not for me to tell you, that you should. the choice is entirely up to you. But, to be able to form a relationship with our CREATOR, you need to get to know him. you need to STUDY (not read) the bible, meditate on the scriptures, pray inncessantly, throw all of your anxieties upon him and rely on him to make your path narrow and bright. Through consistent bible study, you will uncover the many prophecies the bible mentions and be able to apply the many teachings into your everyday life, to achieve contentment. No human being can ever feel complete, or truly happy, unless they have the friendship, support and the love from our FATHER. With the use of prophets, JEHOVAH GOD had always played an active part in, making sure that his teachings were spread across all of the Earth. 2Timothy 3:16 - "All Scripture is inspired of God". The word inspire, orginates from the term - Breathe into. The bible is the ONLY direct link we have to JEHOVAH GOD, that reveals his qualities, his feelings and his promise for all of mankind. Whilst there is a lot of symbolism, this is to serve as a method of discernment, to see who are the ones that will whole-heartedly, strive to seek him. Matthew 7:7 - "Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking and it will be opened to YOU".
It is significant as it describes a mechanism by which simple natural laws explain the complexity in nature. The complexity in nature used to be the ground for the watchmaker argument. The n-th variation of the god of the gaps. Now that we have natural laws that explain complexity, that argument is no longer enough. In other words, a creator god is no longer necessary to explain the world.
There's no such thing. Evolution explains the mechanism by which species adapts. A theory that is based on evolution is not that men evolve from monkeys, but that men and the other apes have a common ancestor.
This is false. Evolution is a falsifiable theory that makes a series of predictions. Most of which have confirmed it.
Not at all. Scientifically speaking it is a theory that has had enough evidence for and basically nothing against, thus it is scientific fact.
Unfortunately (for those who do not like it) All the evidence points towards it. So, saying right now that it is not true is being anti-scientific. If the people wanting to debunk evolution brought actual scientific arguments and evidence we would take them seriously, but as of now, denying evolution is a sure sign that you are at best a pseudo-scientist and at worst a religious fanatic. (29+ Evidences for Macroevolution)
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It is significant as it describes a mechanism by which simple natural laws explain the complexity in nature. The complexity in nature used to be the ground for the watchmaker argument. The n-th variation of the god of the gaps. Now that we have natural laws that explain complexity, that argument is no longer enough. In other words, a creator god is no longer necessary to explain the world.
There's no such thing. Evolution explains the mechanism by which species adapts. A theory that is based on evolution is not that men evolve from monkeys, but that men and the other apes have a common ancestor.
This is false. Evolution is a falsifiable theory that makes a series of predictions. Most of which have confirmed it.
Not at all. Scientifically speaking it is a theory that has had enough evidence for and basically nothing against, thus it is scientific fact.
Unfortunately (for those who do not like it) All the evidence points towards it. So, saying right now that it is not true is being anti-scientific. If the people wanting to debunk evolution brought actual scientific arguments and evidence we would take them seriously, but as of now, denying evolution is a sure sign that you are at best a pseudo-scientist and at worst a religious fanatic. (29+ Evidences for Macroevolution)
Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Age: 46
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There ARE apparent gaps in the Bible. If you STUDY the Bible you'll pick up on that.
That's not a strike against the Bible... The Bible was compiled for a purpose. It is the inspired, inerrant scripture that informs our faith. It is not always concerned with the passage of time.
Verse 1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Verse 2: NOW the earth was formless and void...
The question is "NOW, when???" What happened before "Now"? The Bible isn't always very clear on time--it just leaves its characters at a certain place and time and eventually returns to them without indicating how much time has passed. One minute David is a young, red-faced shepherd. A paragraph later, "NOW David was old and full of days..." Sure, I'm exaggerating a little... But there is no indication of David ever becoming an old man, just his many successes and failures along with his enduring faith. Turn the page, and he's on his deathbed. No kidding. So, there's a gap.
And there are gaps in the Genesis timeline. What happens in between is not considered that important. Elsewhere scripture describes what might be fall of Satan and the angels who followed him, and it has been suggested that perhaps this earlier corruption of the earth was the cause for its destruction between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
It helps if you STUDY the Bible, not just read it.