snake321 wrote:
ScratchMonkey wrote:
Note that atheism is an absence of belief, not a belief in no god. Agnosticism is the absence of an assertion that the existence of a god is knowable. Agnosticism is not an assertion (or lack thereof) of belief, but of provability (both positive and negative).
That may be true, but in a way atheism is a belief now too. As a group they do all still operate like a cult, there are some atheists who follow Darwin like Christians follow Jesus. And they can be just as extremist as any other religion.
Do you have examples?
There are certainly follower types, like those who think Linux is perfect and embarrass those of us with more legitimate reasons to reject the more popular brand.
But Darwin is not a prophet, and I don't see anyone acting like he is one. When you see a Darwin fish on the back of a car, it's not to idolize Darwin but to spoof the Christian fish.
Darwin got some things about evolution wrong. It's the nature of science to try to prove other scientists wrong. Atheists (AKA skeptics, AKA scientists) are "extreme" about not accepting anything as gospel. Everything is subject to question. Even questioning itself. With religion, certain things (perhaps most things in the magic book of that religion) are beyond question. Perhaps what you perceive as extremism is the denial of faith as a valid
epistemological system.