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13 Mar 2012, 6:03 am

cthulhureqiuem wrote:
puddingmouse wrote:
Urgh. I actually have tried looking on the Internet for modern rad fems (after saying I agree with the central theories of radical feminism, which I do). It turns out that a lot in the movement are critical of trans people and PIV sex. Ew. I'm all for collective action, but why do they have to purge all the people who support trans rights and like PIV sex? I guess I have to go off and make 'puddingmouse feminism', now. :lol:

yea i was wondering how you reconciled being rad fem with being as trans supportive as i have found you to be elsewhere on WP

I think rad fems have a misunderstanding of what transsexualism is and an inability to actually see it as a medical condition. They think that transsexualism is a product of society-conditioned gender roles and argue that it's more conducive to fight those roles than it is to encourage people to take hormones and get major surgery. What they don't understand is that it's on a more physical level than that. I used to think the same way about the issue, tbh, actually knowing some trans people changed my mind. Plus, like any marginalised group, they want another marginalised group to pick on. People (even feminists) are stupid like that.

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13 Mar 2012, 7:31 am

hyperlexian wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
why don't you try googling it instead of looking for anecdotal evidence? ... 11jk9Ws_xc

There are thousands and thousands of occupiers and only a few cases of rape (a few too many, that is, but still). Sexual assault can happen anywhere, it's not like an epidemic in the camps or anything. The media will highlight anything that makes the movement look bad, the corporations own the media.

rape is not that likely to happen at any random moment in public. for example, a woman can go camping in mixed company for weeks or months and can reasonably expect that no sexual assault will happen.

you do not know if it is an epidemic unless you can find some sort of statistic that shows it is equally likely for sexual assault to happen in other social situations. right now, you're just making stuff up.

If women or anyone is camping in an American inner city, yes, they can expect bad things to be more likely to happen to them. It's not like they Occupied the KOA.

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13 Mar 2012, 9:04 am

that wasn't hard was it?

i am 100% for equal rights WITH EXCEPTIONS. by exceptions i mean little things like you shouldn't have a male bathroom attendant in a women's bathroom or vice versa.

if feminism is so equal rights then why do we never hear of them sticking up for men's rights?
why do they consistently push lies such as the gender pay gap (which doesn't exist)?
why do they consistently expand the definition of abuse?
why do they waffle about violence against women when it is a drop in the ocean compared to violence against men?

ok... where to start...

#1 if feminism is so equal rights then why do we never hear of them sticking up for mens rights?

many feminists DO stand up for male rights... feminism is for females in name only (leftovers from a bygone era) the feminism movement is about gender equality... not about granting one biological sex or the other(s) [32 at last count] an unfair advantage.

#2 why do they consistently push lies such as the gender pay gap (which doesn't exist)?

ill have to ask where exactly you live that this is not the case... in the USA the genders experience a statistically significant discrepancy in wages and earning... (links for evidence provided below) also, we are not even discussing the small expenses that males do not have to worry about (hygiene products and makeup ect) that women must purchase, or the fact that clothing costs more for women... not only do we earn less... we have to spend more of it.

#3 why do they consistently expand the definition of abuse?

because making people aware of abuse is a process... after all you cant get an individual to admit that slapping someone is abuse without first having them admit that punching someone is abuse (analogy but valid in this case)

#4 why do they waffle about violence against women when it is a drop in the ocean compared to violence against men?

your going to have to clarify this for me... i think your asking why women seem less concerned with violence committed against males?
personally... its about safety... statistically who do you think is more at risk walking home at night? you or i? when was the last time you had a panic attack on the way to the bus stop across the dark parking lot because one of your co-workers was recently raped? im not dismissing the occurrences of female on male violence... but you have to be aware that women are at a much higher risk for injury (or other harms) from violence from males then males are from violence from females.


pay gap ... ted_States ... al/people/ ... gaps_N.htm (this ones awesome... illustrates that the gap is in fact shrinking)

violence ... vsxtab.cfm ... ntID=32369

so there you go... 4 sites in each category for your reading pleasure...

Last edited by cthulhureqiuem on 13 Mar 2012, 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Mar 2012, 9:13 am

SanityTheorist wrote:
I agree with feminists about the equal pay right, but I think they are wrong that women are disadvantaged. Women can use sex apeal to sway men to give them higher standing than men. They just shouldn't let themselves become victims of their own worrying mentality and go on with their life, seeking fairness where it does not exist.

But that's a bad thing!

You see... I watched the speech Meryl Streep gave on Hillary Clinton a couple of days ago and she...

Well, you know, she basically said we shouldn't judge Hillary Clinton on things other than her work. Because that's what people do. If you think you are expected to charm men, so you can get into higher positions... That's what you do. If you think men expect you to be a good mother, etc, that's what you present to them. Because you are expected to do that.

hyperlexian wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
why don't you try googling it instead of looking for anecdotal evidence? ... 11jk9Ws_xc

There are thousands and thousands of occupiers and only a few cases of rape (a few too many, that is, but still). Sexual assault can happen anywhere, it's not like an epidemic in the camps or anything. The media will highlight anything that makes the movement look bad, the corporations own the media.

rape is not that likely to happen at any random moment in public. for example, a woman can go camping in mixed company for weeks or months and can reasonably expect that no sexual assault will happen.

you do not know if it is an epidemic unless you can find some sort of statistic that shows it is equally likely for sexual assault to happen in other social situations. right now, you're just making stuff up.

Something struck me. If you think about it, if you're in alone public as a woman, it is seen as a bad thing. Because women who walk around on their own could theoretically be raped. They are expected, especially at night, to be with at least another person. And this expectation is exactly what makes rape possible. If you're walking around town on your own, it may seem that then it is "allowed" to move onto you. It's just... It's a weird double standard.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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13 Mar 2012, 9:28 am

TheDarkMage wrote:
Lord_Gareth wrote:


I would like it noted that I am personally annoyed by the fact that me and my Y chromosome are up in here doing this.

Feminism, at its core, is the fight for equal rights for women, and represents (by implication) equal rights for all genders, or rather a lack of discrimination because of gender. It started as a fight for women to gain the right to vote, and retains its name from that day and age. The idea that no one should face discrimination because of the way they were born is the core of feminism.

Those people you're talking about? They're the 'feminist' equivalents of trailer park husbands that beat their wives and say women shouldn't have left the kitchen. They belong in the distinct group known as, 'Arguing Our Points, Yet Totally Not On Our Side'. Y'know, people that, if you were giving a speech, you would backhand and yell at them to stop trying to help.

That is all.

that wasnt hard was it?

i am 100% for equal rights WITH EXCEPTIONS. by exceptions i mean little things like you shouldnt have a male bathroom attendant in a womens bathroom or vice versa.

if feminism is so equal rights then why do we never hear of them sticking up for mens rights?

why do they consisitently push lies such as the gender pay gap (which doesnt exist)?
why do they consistently expand the definiation of abuse?
why do they waffle about violence against women when it is a drop in the ocean compared to violence against men?

it happens all the time. you are just not listening (bolded). the other things you're talking about are daft.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:

Last edited by hyperlexian on 13 Mar 2012, 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Mar 2012, 9:28 am

TheDarkMage wrote:
Lord_Gareth wrote:


I would like it noted that I am personally annoyed by the fact that me and my Y chromosome are up in here doing this.

Feminism, at its core, is the fight for equal rights for women, and represents (by implication) equal rights for all genders, or rather a lack of discrimination because of gender. It started as a fight for women to gain the right to vote, and retains its name from that day and age. The idea that no one should face discrimination because of the way they were born is the core of feminism.

Those people you're talking about? They're the 'feminist' equivalents of trailer park husbands that beat their wives and say women shouldn't have left the kitchen. They belong in the distinct group known as, 'Arguing Our Points, Yet Totally Not On Our Side'. Y'know, people that, if you were giving a speech, you would backhand and yell at them to stop trying to help.

That is all.

that wasnt hard was it?

i am 100% for equal rights WITH EXCEPTIONS. by exceptions i mean little things like you shouldnt have a male bathroom attendant in a womens bathroom or vice versa.

if feminism is so equal rights then why do we never hear of them sticking up for mens rights?
why do they consisitently push lies such as the gender pay gap (which doesnt exist)?
why do they consistently expand the definiation of abuse?
why do they waffle about violence against women when it is a drop in the ocean compared to violence against men?

I can immediately answer your first question.

Why do they "never" stick up for men's rights? Well, firstly, we still live in a male-dominated society where men make most decisions. And, excuse me, why should women stick up for men's rights if only a few men stick up for women's rights?
It's rare that men don't do "slut-shaming". It's even rarer to find men who actually speak up for women's rights. It's quite easy to blame women for not speaking up for men's rights to make "feminism" seem less attractive.

I'm not sure about the gender pay gap, even though it does exist, as far as I know... There's still only few women in leading positions. And those who are are ridiculed beyond reason. "Haha, look at her, a successful woman, how cute".

Well, abuse in general can be soft-spoken. There is a case in Germany at the moment on a children's brothel that was shut down in the 90s. The girls who were forced into prostitution back then now try to fight their case. A couple of public officials (former judges, etc) are involved in this and they keep saying that they never had anything to do with it. Some even called the women "prostitutes". What am I trying to say? Well, expanding the definition of abuse has a good reason. If a woman is raped, it is still blamed on HER. That it was her fault that she was sexually abused. Or, as in here, she is abused by being forced to prostitute herself...

What exactly are you referring to when you say "violence against men"? You mean... men in situations of war? Or men in pub fights?

It's not a drop in the ocean. And it's not about, "Women have to fight more in life than men", even though I generally agree with that. Violence is a general problem. And no matter who has to fight more against violence, it shouldn't continue to exist because it is not as "bad" as other kind of violence.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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13 Mar 2012, 9:53 am

TheHouseholdCat wrote:
I can immediately answer your first question.

Why do they "never" stick up for men's rights? Well, firstly, we still live in a male-dominated society where men make most decisions. And, excuse me, why should women stick up for men's rights if only a few men stick up for women's rights?

thank you for a sensible reply.

regarding your first point id like to point out that we may live in a male dominated society but it is still males as well as females who are dominated by the few in "power" whether that be government or workers.

if feminism is a cause which supports EQUAL rights for all then surely they would put some emphasis on male issues as well. i have yet to see this is ANY for whatsoever. why should women stick up for mens rights? because it should work both ways.

take a look at this report on the BBC. The BBC is well known for its man hating / feminist ways:

now tell me whats wrong with that article. this is just one example of an unlimited amount of stories that shows that feminism is only for one thing - women. if it wasnt then why is it still called feminism?

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13 Mar 2012, 9:59 am

Well, I like to think of equal rights as rights for all. I understand what you mean about feminism, but to me it seems like a necessary step on the way to equal rights. We have to understand why women do not enjoy equal rights before we can change anything about it.

I'm not a man-hater myself because, as you also said, I think it is ridiculous. But I can't blame them, really, because women still are oppressed.

As for those in "power"... Capitalism is a system that encourages inequality. (By definition.) And yes, this also concerns men.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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13 Mar 2012, 10:00 am

hyperlexian wrote:
TheDarkMage wrote:
Lord_Gareth wrote:


I would like it noted that I am personally annoyed by the fact that me and my Y chromosome are up in here doing this.

Feminism, at its core, is the fight for equal rights for women, and represents (by implication) equal rights for all genders, or rather a lack of discrimination because of gender. It started as a fight for women to gain the right to vote, and retains its name from that day and age. The idea that no one should face discrimination because of the way they were born is the core of feminism.

Those people you're talking about? They're the 'feminist' equivalents of trailer park husbands that beat their wives and say women shouldn't have left the kitchen. They belong in the distinct group known as, 'Arguing Our Points, Yet Totally Not On Our Side'. Y'know, people that, if you were giving a speech, you would backhand and yell at them to stop trying to help.

That is all.

that wasnt hard was it?

i am 100% for equal rights WITH EXCEPTIONS. by exceptions i mean little things like you shouldnt have a male bathroom attendant in a womens bathroom or vice versa.

if feminism is so equal rights then why do we never hear of them sticking up for mens rights?

why do they consisitently push lies such as the gender pay gap (which doesnt exist)?
why do they consistently expand the definiation of abuse?
why do they waffle about violence against women when it is a drop in the ocean compared to violence against men?

it happens all the time. you are just not listening (bolded). the other things you're talking about are daft.

Obviously not. I already said I was for men's rights about 3 times and if I recall their were others as well. Oh well no sense in beating a dead horse.

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13 Mar 2012, 10:03 am

again this a ridiculous answer all filled with attitude instead of paying attention.

on my first post i explained that i hadnt read the thread as it was too long - therefore i havent seen any of your previous posts.

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13 Mar 2012, 10:06 am

TheDarkMage wrote:
again this a ridiculous answer all filled with attitude instead of paying attention.

on my first post i explained that i hadnt read the thread as it was too long - therefore i havent seen any of your previous posts.

So, if I payed attention, I would see that most feminism is useless. Or what are you implying here?


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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13 Mar 2012, 12:07 pm

TheHouseholdCat wrote:
TheDarkMage wrote:
again this a ridiculous answer all filled with attitude instead of paying attention.

on my first post i explained that i hadnt read the thread as it was too long - therefore i havent seen any of your previous posts.

So, if I payed attention, I would see that most feminism is useless. Or what are you implying here?

sorry that wasnt aimed at you householdcat. so far you are the only one to discuss this without an issue.

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13 Mar 2012, 12:54 pm

TheDarkMage wrote:
again this a ridiculous answer all filled with attitude instead of paying attention.

on my first post i explained that i hadnt read the thread as it was too long - therefore i havent seen any of your previous posts.

well, read the thread before you start telling us what we are supposedly saying.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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13 Mar 2012, 12:55 pm


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13 Mar 2012, 1:42 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
TheDarkMage wrote:
again this a ridiculous answer all filled with attitude instead of paying attention.

on my first post i explained that i hadnt read the thread as it was too long - therefore i havent seen any of your previous posts.

well, read the thread before you start telling us what we are supposedly saying.

THIS! ^^^^

@ TheDarkMage : you cant just jump into a thread and demand that your view have equal footing in the conversation without reading what had been said before you... hell most of your questions would have been answered already if you had taken the time to do so... and it doesn't take that long... only 10-15 minutes.

to do otherwise is incredibly rude to others because it shows that you are not really interested in discussion and instead are more interested in airing your grievances and perceived victim-hood for all to see.


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13 Mar 2012, 1:54 pm

well, the thread title asked me if i agreed with feminism - i dont need to read 20 pages of posts to give an answer. Now if i had started another thread about my own greivences then peole would have complained that it has already been done - no win situation. how many people have time to read that much?

again, so far i have only had one person (thehouseholdcat) respond to anything i have said without an attitude. if i get attitude then i will return it.

to be honest with you, i am always willing to listen to others opinions but the attitude shown so far has only gone to prove all the mens rights activists to be telling the truth - that femisists mock or react badly when you question feminism.

its a forum, i have every right to wade into things at any time i choose.

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