Multiculturalism Does Work: A Better World Is Possible

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20 Mar 2012, 11:47 am

hyperlexian wrote:
TheDarkMage wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
TheDarkMage wrote:
first of all this is my stance on MC.

the country's primary culture should always take precedence over any other - the british culture in our case. (obviously not possible in some countries)
other cultures should have a presence in places - chinatown for example.
other cultures shouls never take over from the primary culture.

britain has a LONG history. britain has a specific culture.

MC was an experiment forced upon the people of britain by the last government. they allowed (and still do) uncontrolled immigration which has all but destroyed the country. yet we are not allowed to say this as we will be prosecuted under some idiot nazi style law.

people in britain never had a say. people in britain did not want mass immigration. the immigrants who have come here, especially muslims, have no respect for our culture. they expect to bring their own laws and try to enforce them upon us through the back door.

hahaha do you really think that the UK is a culture unto itself? apparently you need a history lesson because the modern "culture" of the UK was created by waves of immigration over thousands of years.

seriously give me a break. we know that and that is why britain has its own culture and history. please dont try and tell me that britain is some sort of american wannabe.

i will not budge on this issue - THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE IN BRITAIN!

it doesnt matter about all the theoretical nonsense that you can throw at the subject - that is the bottom line. there is no room for anybody else. we are even running out of water it is so bad.

please spare me from any more utopian babble.
:lol: you're killing me here!! !! SEND BACK THE SAXONS!! !! AND THE NORMANS!! !! AND THE ROMANS!! !! AND THE VIKINGS!! !!

You know...
I always wondered, if instead of the Angles giving us our name, the Saxons had, would we people of British descent be referred to as "Saxophones"?

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20 Mar 2012, 12:49 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
:lol: you're killing me here!! !! SEND BACK THE SAXONS!! !! AND THE NORMANS!! !! AND THE ROMANS!! !! AND THE VIKINGS!! !!

is this how you deal with everything you dont agree with? By mocking? it certainly seems so. every thread i see you on all you do is mock.

what you are saying is irrelevent to the current issues.

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Last edited by TheDarkMage on 20 Mar 2012, 1:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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20 Mar 2012, 12:54 pm

TheDarkMage wrote:
what you are saying is irrelevent to the current issues.

Well, apart from the endless Muslim mass immigration seeming like an invasion to many people here.


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20 Mar 2012, 1:01 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
hahaha do you really think that the UK is a culture unto itself? apparently you need a history lesson because the modern "culture" of the UK was created by waves of immigration over thousands of years.

Suggestion, take the immigration numbers in total from about year 1800 - 1950, then divide those by the immigration numbers from 1980 - 2012 and you notice a huge increase in the sheer volume of immigration in the last 30 years or so. The volume of immigration in comparison with the existing population has drastically increased and the demographics of the immigrants have largely changed as well.

There is good immigration, where you get hard-workers, with relevant experience or educations from a country which has a similar culture, values and laws.

Then you have bad immigration where you get non-hard workers, with no relevant experience or education from countries that have widely different cultures, values and laws.


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20 Mar 2012, 1:02 pm

tequila wrote:

Well, apart from the endless Muslim mass immigration seeming like an invasion to many people here.


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20 Mar 2012, 1:02 pm

TM wrote:
Then you have bad immigration where you get non-hard workers, with no relevant experience or education from countries that have widely different cultures, values and laws.

And then you've got the situation with the EU where millions of Poles and other Eastern Europeans have flooded into the UK to work, compounding our own unemployment problem.


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20 Mar 2012, 1:05 pm

Tequila wrote:
TM wrote:
Then you have bad immigration where you get non-hard workers, with no relevant experience or education from countries that have widely different cultures, values and laws.

And then you've got the situation with the EU where millions of Poles and other Eastern Europeans have flooded into the UK to work, compounding our own unemployment problem.

agreed again.

all true and spoken from someone who actually sees it for himself.

That is the voice of the man on the ground not somebody who is talking theoretical rubbish and has no idea what is happening in britain.

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20 Mar 2012, 1:10 pm

TheDarkMage wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
:lol: you're killing me here!! !! SEND BACK THE SAXONS!! !! AND THE NORMANS!! !! AND THE ROMANS!! !! AND THE VIKINGS!! !!

is this how you deal with everything you dont agree with? By mocking? it certainly seems so. every thread i see you on all you do is mock.

what you are saying is irrelevent to the current issues.

Well, at what point does a migration become legitimated?

The Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans are not native to the British Isles, and their migration displaced the indigenous peoples to the fringes. Is the passage of time the only criterion for legitimation?



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20 Mar 2012, 1:16 pm

visagrunt wrote:
TheDarkMage wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
:lol: you're killing me here!! !! SEND BACK THE SAXONS!! !! AND THE NORMANS!! !! AND THE ROMANS!! !! AND THE VIKINGS!! !!

is this how you deal with everything you dont agree with? By mocking? it certainly seems so. every thread i see you on all you do is mock.

what you are saying is irrelevent to the current issues.

Well, at what point does a migration become legitimated?

The Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans are not native to the British Isles, and their migration displaced the indigenous peoples to the fringes. Is the passage of time the only criterion for legitimation?

I'd say its a question of what said migration adds to the country. If your country benefits economically from the migration as the British Isles did from the Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans (Who are kind of Vikings as well) as Scandinavia did from the immigration of Germans and so on then its a positive. If you culture also benefits through the advancement of laws and positive cultural influence then its also positive.

However, if your country does not benefit economically nor culturally from the immigration of certain groups then said groups should be told "sorry, you offer us no upside and a ton of downside".


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20 Mar 2012, 1:17 pm

visagrunt wrote:

The Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans are not native to the British Isles, and their migration displaced the indigenous peoples to the fringes. Is the passage of time the only criterion for legitimation?


the country wasn't overcrowded then nor did it have anything remotely like the issues we have now. this is irrelevent to what is happening now.

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20 Mar 2012, 1:20 pm

as per visagrunt. thanks for translating my joke, visagrunt. along those same lines, many of the things that are seen as uniquely British cultural aspects are either imported from colonies or integrated from immigrants. also, i can't be the only person seeing irony in British people opposing immigration, considering the mass emigration (in the form of colonisation, primarily) they have historically been responsible for

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20 Mar 2012, 1:22 pm

I'm amused how our British comrades here consider the muslim immigration as an "invasion". Whereby it means, according to the Online Etymology Dictionnary :

" mid-15c., from O[ld].Fr[ench]. invasion "invasion, attack, assaut" (12c.), from L.L. invasionem (nom. invasio) "an attack, invasion," noun of action from pp. stem of L. invadere "go into, fall upon, attack, invade," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + vadere "go, walk" (see vamoose)."

Now, if we follow that definition, are you being attacked?

"c.1600, from Fr. attaquer (16c.), from Florentine Italian attaccare (battaglia) "join (battle)," thus the word is a doublet of attach, which was used 15c.-17c. also in the sense now reserved to attack. Related: Attacked; attacking. The noun is 1660s, from the verb; cf. M.E. attach "a seizure or attack" (of fever), late 14c."

Are you having a seizure over people moving over into your lands? =/ Really?

disclaimer: has recently had a beer.

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20 Mar 2012, 1:22 pm

TM wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
hahaha do you really think that the UK is a culture unto itself? apparently you need a history lesson because the modern "culture" of the UK was created by waves of immigration over thousands of years.

Suggestion, take the immigration numbers in total from about year 1800 - 1950, then divide those by the immigration numbers from 1980 - 2012 and you notice a huge increase in the sheer volume of immigration in the last 30 years or so. The volume of immigration in comparison with the existing population has drastically increased and the demographics of the immigrants have largely changed as well.

There is good immigration, where you get hard-workers, with relevant experience or educations from a country which has a similar culture, values and laws.

Then you have bad immigration where you get non-hard workers, with no relevant experience or education from countries that have widely different cultures, values and laws.

hmmmmm bad immigration.... like when the British people came to Canada.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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20 Mar 2012, 1:24 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
as above. thanks for translating my joke, visagrunt. along those same lines, many of the things that are seen as uniquely British cultural aspects are either imported from colonies or integrated from immigrants. also, i can't be the only person seeing irony in British people opposing immigration, considering the mass emigration (in the form of colonisation, primarily) they have historically been responsible for

How does this relate to the situation now?

That's the old saw that goes like a British person can't have an opinion on the internal politics of a former colony because atrocities were committed by other people from that Britons' country a hundred or two hundred years ago. It's bollocks.

Should we invite the Somali warlords to take up residence? Perhaps you'd like them next door to you? I'm sure they can educate you in their culture if you'd like. You're not a racist, are you? Opposing immigration from tinpot despotic countries that offer us little but extra hassle, a further cost to the taxpayer and all the social problems isn't a reasonable position, it's insanity. I'd expect that from you, though.


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20 Mar 2012, 1:25 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
hmmmmm bad immigration.... like when the British people came to Canada.

I've had this same argument with Irish republicans before (i.e. them dragging up the distant past in order to try to engender guilt for my modern-day politics). Doesn't hold water for me and those who think like me.

Last edited by Tequila on 20 Mar 2012, 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Mar 2012, 1:25 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
as per visagrunt. thanks for translating my joke, visagrunt. along those same lines, many of the things that are seen as uniquely British cultural aspects are either imported from colonies or integrated from immigrants. also, i can't be the only person seeing irony in British people opposing immigration, considering the mass emigration (in the form of colonisation, primarily) they have historically been responsible for

well i can see the irony but to be honest most countries are probably based upon similar trends in their history. what i am saying is that the history of immigration is irrelevent to the total destruction it is causing to britain in the present time. it cannot work now.

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