cubedemon6073 wrote:
This is my point of view. I thought Obama was calm, cool and collected. He seemed logical in the things he said. Romney seemed like he was a raging bulldog. Romney seemed like he was very aggressive in his approach. Romney seemed like he did not give any substance to his answers or if he did I did not grasp it and he seemed evasive. Even Obama asked for specifics. From my perspective, Obama won the debates but most people seem to think that Romeny did.
From my point of view, Obama seemed to feel disbelief at what Romeny was saying. To me, Obama was in Shell Shock. Here is another thing. Romney kept interupting the moderator. To me, Obama was trying to follow the rules of the debate laid forth by the moderator named Jim Lehrer. From my perspective, it seemed like Romeny had no regard for the rules of debate whatsoever. Yet the American people see Romeny as presidental and Obama who tried to follow the rules but could not as non-presidental. Why do the American people see Romeny as presidental when he came across to me as an aggressive school yard bully and seemed evasive and deceptive as well? I do not grasp this logic whatsoever. It seemed like he was forceful with his points. Yelling, being a bully, being arrogant and being a bulldog does not make your logic sound and what you say are facts and truth.
Why do Americans see this as being presidental and the hallmark of an excellent statesman? I don't get this. If Romeny has disregard for the rules of the system of debate what other rules does Romney have disregard for? Would this man disregard the constitution? Isn't one of the hallmarks of anti-social personality disorder a gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations. Aren't the rules of debate part of our rules, obligations, and social norms? Yet, this man is seen as presidental. How, I ask? How is this man presidental?
Americans think being a belligerent bully makes you a strong leader. I say screw it. Fight fire with fire. Let Alan Grayson sit in for Obama in the debates. He knows how to be an as*hole but unlike Romney or Ryan he can do it while telling the truth and sticking to a position.